might also look at the Weber local descriptor (Chen
et al., 2010) (WLD). It is based on the Weber-Fechner
law (Winkler, 2005), which states that humans per-
ceive patterns according not only to changes in the
intensity of a stimuli, but also the initial intensity of
a stimuli. Additional descriptors worthy of study in-
clude those based on image histograms, ones that cap-
ture local shape information. Another powerful de-
scriptor is presented in (Cheng et al., 2008). It is
robust to non-rigid, affine and other synthetic defor-
mations. With different descriptors having their own
unique advantages, it might also be useful to com-
bine multiple descriptors, with each encoding differ-
ent characteristics of a face image. Lastly, the task
of identifying multiple faces in an image could be
tackled using the Hough forests method described in
(Barinova et al., 2012). Another means of handling
multiple faces is to employ a face detection algorithm
as part of a preprocessing stage. Later, only those
faces actually detected would be considered by the
modified GHT.
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