Strategy Tree Construction and Optimization with Genetic Programming
Chi Xu
, Jianxiong Qiao
and Na Jia
Department of Computer Science, North China University of Technology, 5 Jinyuanzhuang Street, Beijing, China
Institute of Science, North China University of Technology, 5 Jinyuanzhuang Street, Beijing, China
Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Algorithm, Machine Learning, Regressive Decision Rule.
We applied genetic programming (GP) to search for a strategy in a technical analysis (TA) indicator candidate
pool for stock market trading and optimized it through historical data. The method provides decision rule
optimization scheme to deal with problems in the real trading in financial market, and it optimizes strategies
in relatively complicated contents. GP is used to construct the condition in decision rule with different logical
operations. The method has been applied to the optimization of investment strategies with good return results
in simulation experiments.
1.1 Background
A reasonable strategy for trading in financial markets
is one of the most important topics for researchers to
work with, but it is always difficult to implement the
essential characteristics or complicated contents in a
strategy. In the research area of machine learning, de-
cision tree is used to take in the condition input and
feed to the system for decision making. The complex-
ity of any regressor depends on the number of inputs.
Although a decision rule has the advantages, like:
being simple to understand and interpret,
requiring little data preparation,
handling both numerical and categorical data,
explaining well problems through boolean logic,
and also
being robust to validate models using statistical
tests while handling large data with little time con-
it still has limitations on problems for optimization
which has to be NP-complete under several aspect of
optimality and even for simple concepts (Hyafil and
Rivest, 1976; Murthy, 1998). Hence, the optimization
of a strategy in a practical problem is not extremely
easy to achieve. The complexity of any regressor de-
pends on the number of inputs, and it determines both
the time and space complexity and the necessary num-
ber of training examples to train such a regressor (Al-
paydin, 2010).
In this paper, we applied genetic programming
to optimize the regressive decision rule like strate-
gies to deal with real trading problems. In the
proposed method, each ”individual” of an evolv-
ing population encodes a candidate strategy to the
given problem, and the individual is evaluated by
a problem/application-oriented fitness function based
on natural selection of survival and reproduction of
the fittest individuals. GP forms a tree structure of
the strategy with boolean logic operators on the inner
1.2 Decision Rule Optimization
The optimization of decision rules are difficult, since
over-complex trees may not generalize the data prop-
erly, which is called overfitting. In addition, a de-
cision rule cannot express well some conceptual in-
formation. Many approaches have been adopted to
improve the tree structure and performances. (Bloc-
keel and Struyf, 2002) proposed an efficient cross-
validation algorithm to reduce the overhead in the
induction process of a logic programming tree, and
conducted various experiments on different data sets
to evaluate the optimization performance. (Bennett,
1994) proposed a non-greedy decision rule algorithm
to construct decision rules and to update existing de-
cision rules. A global tree optimization is used to
explicitly consider all decisions in the tree concur-
rently. (Suarez and Lutsko, 1999) proposed a fuzzy
Xu C., Qiao J. and Jia N..
Strategy Tree Construction and Optimization with Genetic Programming.
DOI: 10.5220/0004201104250428
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 425-428
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
decision rule which transforms the tree into a pow-
erful functional approximation while remaining eas-
ily interpretable, and a global optimization algorithm
fixes the parameters of the fuzzy splits. (Mookerjee
and Mannino, 1997) introduced a sequential decision
model to optimize an expert system when the cost or
time to collect inputs is significant and inputs are not
known until the system operates. (Liang et al., 2010)
used a decision rule to handle uncertain concepts, so
the dynamic data stream with uncertain numerical at-
tributes can be classified efficiently.
The paper is organized as follow. We provide a
survey on related works in Section II. In Section III,
our proposed a model is discussed. In Section IV, we
provide two practical scenarios, investing in financial
market and gaming in chess competition, as the test
beds for the performance evaluation of the proposed
method. In Section V, we draw a conclusion and make
some suggestions on our future work.
In stock market, people usually use technical analysis
(TA) indicators to analyze the trend of market.In this
paper, we mainly use indicators including MA, CCI,
RSI, KDJ and MACD to build strategy trees, and to
evaluate fitness values of each strategy tree.
2.1 System Architecture
Our system consists of a GP Engine, a control core
and a market data input module. The system architec-
ture is given in figure 1.
GP controls
Market data
Controls kernel
GP Engine Market data
Figure 1: System architecture.
In our system, the function of control kernel is
to control whole system’s working, the parameters
such as population size, crossover rate, mutation rate
and period are defined by users before the system
gets launched. After users submitted control parame-
ters, the control kernel transmits control parameters to
GP engine for operation. Besides, it receives market
data from market data module, and users can choose
whether to train several strategy trees using sample
data, or use some specific strategy trees to perform
out-of-sample testing using unseen data or live data.
In training, the control kernel calculates fitness value
of each individual in population. After calculated fit-
ness, it determines whether to do more operation or
to terminate the system. In testing, the control kernel
also calculates the fitness values, then it summarizes
the results of calculation and draws some diagram to
show strategy trees’ performance.
In the system, the outcomes of each generation of
population, and the program running condition are re-
coded in the ’System log’, for the information of ev-
ery aspects about system running. People can use it
to do more analyze or collect good individuals.
2.2 Strategy Trees
In our system, strategy trees should be constructed by
allowing the GP engine to combine several technical
indicator-based rules (see the appendix) with boolean
operators, AND, OR and XOR. According to the cor-
responding rule, each indicator can be evaluated as
two values as TRUE and FALSE. Once a strategy tree
has been constructed, it can represent a trading rule,
and the tree also can be evaluated as TRUE and other-
wise FALSE. For example, a strategy tree is given in
figure 2. In this tree, it represents the rule of the form:
Where RULE RSI is TRUE could be, for ex-
ample, the value of RSI is above 70, then it stand
for overbought, RULE RSI would. If the value of
RSI is below 30, then it stand for oversold, therefore
RULE RSI would be FALSE. Similarly, RULE CCI
and RULE MACD should meet their conditions using
similar judgement methods.
Figure 2: Strategy tree.
Each individual in population consists of two
strategy trees, one is buy tree, while another one is
sell tree. Evaluating the tree’s value, when buy trees
value is true, it emits buy signal, the system will per-
form buy operation. While sell tree’s value is true, it
emits sell signal, the system will perform sell opera-
tion. a individual is given in figure 3
In the individual, the buy strategy can be ex-
pressed as table 1, and the sell strategy can be ex-
pressed as table 2. From the table 1 we can see that the
AND RSI=TRUE”. While from the table 2, we can
see that the sell rule is ”SELL IF RSI=TRUE OR
CCI=FALSE AND KDJ=TRUE”. According to these
two rules, the system can perform it on real data sets
and then calculate the fitness value and the stability of
the individual.
Table 1: Buy tree expression.
Table 2: Sell tree expression.
Figure 3: Individual form.
In this section, we choose 5 stocks randomly, and use
50% of data to select a strategy, while the left 50%
data to test strategies’ performance. By applying this
process a strategy is tested whether it fits for the mar-
ket sets in other periods.
The primary parameters as table 3:
Table 3: GP Parameters.
parameter value
population 100
max iteration 15
max tree depth 5
regeneration rate 0.05
crossover rate 0.75
initial fund $10000
In the first sample, the market data is from
Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. We use the data from
1993-11-02 to 2003-01-07, to train strategies. The
training result is shown in figure 4.
Figure 4: Training result.
According to the figure 4, during the process of
training, the optimal strategies’ fitness value is in-
creased with iterations’ increasing. In other words,
with the increasing of iterations, the optimal strate-
gies can perform better and get more returns. This re-
sult shows that the system is effective and more useful
strategies have been found.
After training, we use the data from 2003-01-07 to
2012-04-17 to test strategies which was found in the
training process. The testing result is shown in figure
Figure 5: Testing result.
According to the figure 5, we can conclude that,
Every generation of the best strategies’ performance
is different, but comparing with the BUY-and-HOLD
strategy’s -43.36% of yield, the best strategy in the
system can reach 90.34% . This evidence shows that
in this stock data sets, the strategies trained in the sys-
tem have better performance than those of BUY-and-
HOLD strategy, it can work at same stock but differ-
ent period of data sets.
In the below, we choose more stocks to testing the
performance of system, the result is given as table 4.
Table 4: Testing of one stock but different period.
Stock name Training Testing Best return Buy-and-Hold
AMD 1983-03-21˜ 2000-03-01˜ 147.53% -84.22%
2000-03-01 2012-05-06
Dell Inc. 1988-08-17˜ 2000-01-20˜ -28.36% -65.66%
2000-01-20 2012-05-16
HP 1987-11-05˜ 2000-11-22˜ 37.71% 35.21%
2000-11-22 2012-05-16
FORD 1977-01-03˜ 1990-08-14˜ 215.18% -71.92%
1990-08-14 2012-05-25
INTC 1986-07-09˜ 2000-04-12˜ -46.62% -78.25%
2000-04-12 2012-05-16
The table 4 shows that, in this section of testing, in
most cases, the strategies which generated by the op-
timization system have better performance than those
of buy-and-holdstrategy. Besides, the performance of
the strategies can keep at a stable level relatively.
GP is applied to automatically produce various trad-
ing decisions composing of logic operations for TA
indicators, and historical data is used to optimize the
strategy return performance.
Simulation experiments leads us to the conclusion
that GP is effective in searching for strategies with
high return performances. With the genetic operations
in GP, good performance strategy with complicated
contents can be generated.
The applications of GP to investment problems
lead us say that the such a system could be adopted
into solving different targeted problems with the
change of various conditions. Its problem solving
ability is satisfactory for our future researches.
This paper is partially supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
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