Minimal Structure and Motion Problems for TOA and TDOA
Measurements with Collinearity Constraints
Erik Ask, Simon Burgess and Kalle
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Structure from Sound, TOA, TDOA, Minimal Solvers.
Structure from sound can be phrased as the problem of determining the position of a number of microphones
and a number of sound sources given only the recorded sounds. In this paper we study minimal structure from
sound problems in both TOA (time of arrival) and TDOA (time difference of arrival) settings with collinear
constraints on e.g. the microphone positions. Three such minimal cases are analyzed and solved with efficient
and numerically stable techniques. An experimental validation of the solvers are performed on both simulated
and real data. In the paper we also show how such solvers can be utilized in a RANSAC framework to
perform robust matching of sound features and then used as initial estimates in a robust non-linear least-
squares optimization.
Sound ranging or sound localization has been used
since world war I, to determine the sound source us-
ing a number of microphones at known locations and
measuring the time-difference of arrival of sounds.
The same mathematical model is today used both for
applications based on acoustics and radio and both
for signal strength or time-based information such as
time of arrival (TOA) or time differences of arrival
(TDOA), or a combination thereof. Although such
problems have been studied extensively in the litera-
ture in the form of localization of e.g. a sound source
using a calibrated detector array, the problem of cali-
bration of a sensor array using only measurement, i.e.
the initialization problem for sensor network calibra-
tion, has received much less attention. One technique
used for sensor network calibration is to manually
measure the inter-distance between pairs of micro-
phones and use multi-dimensional scaling to compute
microphone locations, (Birchfield and Subramanya,
2005). Another option is to use GPS, (Niculescu and
Nath, 2001), or to use additional transmitters (radio
or audio), close to each receiver, (Elnahrawy et al.,
2004; Raykar et al., 2005; Sallai et al., 2004). Sensor
network calibration is treated in (Biswas and Thrun,
2004). In (Chen et al., 2002) it is shown how to esti-
mate additional microphones, once an initial estimate
of the position of some microphones are known. In
(Thrun, 2005) the far field approximation is used to
initialize the calibration of sensor networks. Ini-
tialization of TOA networks has been studied in
enius, 2005), where solutions to the minimal
case of three transmitters and three receivers in the
plane is given. The minimal case in 3D is determined
to be four receivers and six transmitters for TOA, but
this is not solved. Initialization of TDOA networks
is studied in (Pollefeys and Nister, 2008), where solu-
tions were give to two non-minimal cases of ten trans-
mitters and five receivers, whereas the minimal solu-
tion for far field approximation in this paper are six
transmitters and four receivers. In (Wendeberg et al.,
2011) a TDOA setup is used for indoor navigation
based on non-linear optimization, but the method can
get stuck in local minima and is dependent on initial-
In this paper we will study the effects of restrict-
ing one set of synchronized sensors to a line (we will
assume receivers). For TOA measurements applica-
tions could be to determine all positions by travelling
along a line and measuring distances to fixed posi-
tions. In TDOA it could be used to calibrate linear
sensor-arrays, easily setting up scenarios for indoor
navigation by placing sensors along a wall. A more
complicated setting could be if the line synchroniza-
tion could be emulated, by for instance using known
periodic signals from the transmitters, to again esti-
mate positions of both a receiver and known transmit-
ters by a linear motion. For example a moving car in
range of cellular antennas.
Ask E., Burgess S. and Åström K. (2013).
Minimal Structure and Motion Problems for TOA and TDOA Measurements with Collinearity Constraints.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 425-429
DOI: 10.5220/0004202504250429