Immersive Sonification for Displaying Brain Scan Data
Agnieszka Roginska
, Hariharan Mohanraj
, Mark Ballora
and Kent Friedman
Music and Audio Research Lab (MARL), New York University, 35 West 4
St, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Penn State School of Music/School of Theatre, Music Building I, University Park, PA, U.S.A.
Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, 560 First Ave, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Keywords: Sonification, Data Display, Data Visualization.
Abstract: Scans of brains result in data that can be challenging to display due to its complexity, multi-dimensionality,
and range. Visual representations of such data are limited due to the nature of the display, the number of
possible dimensions that can be represented visually, and the capacity of our visual system to perceive and
interpret visual data. This paper describes the use of sonification to interpret brain scans and use sound as a
complementary tool to view, analyze, and diagnose. The sonification tool SoniScan is described and
evaluated as a method to augment visual brain data display.
Modern medicine relies heavily on human
perception as a means to detect and monitor disease.
Techniques based on (1) verbal communication and
(2) physical exam evolved over hundreds of years,
long before the development of effective therapies.
A variety of human sensory systems and
cognitive pathways are put to use by the physician
when evaluating a patient. Verbal communication
involves not only listening to words spoken but also
an assessment of more subtle clues including a
patient's tone of voice and gestures. Physical exam
requires the clinician to visually inspect, listen to
and touch the patient. Even a doctor’s sense of
smell can aid in diagnosis.
In more recent times, technology has brought
forth a third paradigm for disease detection:
diagnostic testing. This methodology reduces the
demands placed on the physical senses but does not
dispose of them altogether. Laboratory tests
generating simple numeric values are viewed once
and processed mainly by cognitive portions of the
brain, with very little required in the way of
"perception." More complex testing places greater
sensory demands on the diagnostician. For example,
electroencephalograms (EEGs) depicting brain
electrical activity generate complex arrays of time-
variant data that are presented on large displays.
Electrocardiograms generate similar visual data.
Ultrasound devices detect the reflection of sound
waves off the body and generate not only time-
variant images but produce audio signals that
provide information about the flow of fluids
throughout the body. Stethoscopes present
clinicians with detailed information about transit of
blood in vessels and air in lungs.
It is clear from the above that physicians employ
all the major physical senses in their pursuit of
information regarding their patients. What has
become apparent over the years however is that
traditional methods of perceiving information do not
always provide sufficient detail, and the methods by
which data are presented to the clinican do not
always allow appropriate analysis, even with
advanced diagnostic testing. Without new
innovations, the capacity to prevent or effectively
treat many complex conditions will remain elusive.
A broad category of diagnostic testing, which has
revolutionized diagnosis and management of
disease, is medical imaging. A variety of techniques
based on x-rays, mechanical vibration, fluorescence,
rotation of atoms and radioactive decay have been
developed and produce multi-dimensional and time-
varying arrays of spatial information.
Current methodologies used to "perceive" and
interpret medical image data are largely based on the
human visual system, in some cases enhanced by use
Roginska A., Mohanraj H., Ballora M. and Friedman K..
Immersive Sonification for Displaying Brain Scan Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004202900240033
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 24-33
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of simple graphs or tables depicting numeric data.
Such visual and traditional quantitative analysis
methods have led to great advancements in nuclear
medicine, radiology and other fields.
Despite these innovations, many limitations
remain with respect to the medical community's
ability to perceive and analyze the vast amounts of
data now being generated by CT scanners, PET
scanners, MRI machines and newer combined
devices (including PET/CT and PET/MRI).
Diagnostic accuracy is higher than ever, but
clinicians still are unable to detect certain conditions
when the information provided by visual analysis or
basic quantization does not uncover perceptible
differences between disease and health.
There are two possible causes for the existing
limitations in the diagnosis of disease using medical
image data. One possibility is simply that the
techniques in use do not provide enough information
to allow absolute differentiation between disease and
health, no matter how sophisticated our methods of
analysis might be or might become. Another
possibility is that the information needed to diagnose
disease is "hiding" within these images and is not
perceptible because the means by which we have
chosen to examine the data are insufficient for
detection of complex patterns associated with
disease. This second (and far more likely)
possibility suggests that the medical community
needs to find new ways to process and understand
the data that is being acquired by advanced scanners
and other testing equipment.
The concept of searching for new methods to
understand complex medical image data is not
without precedent. In recent years, researchers
performing brain scans on patients found that basic
visual analysis of the distribution of information was
at times insufficient to detect subtle diseases
(epilepsy being one example). In order to overcome
the limitations of visual interpretation, new
methodologies were developed whereby brain image
data was segmented and compared to a database
containing information about normal individuals.
Such techniques have proven successful and provide
useful complementary information when combined
with visual inspection. (Ferrie et al., 1997;
Minoshima et al., 1995; Kono et al., 2007).
Quantitative analysis techniques for examining
medical image data represent a significant step
forward beyond the traditional visual processing
system of the human brain. However, they raise the
question of whether or not even newer and perhaps
less conventional methods for image data analysis
might be able to improve our ability to diagnosis and
monitor disease even further.
Advanced computer processing techniques
generating increasingly complex visual reports may
allow doctors to find new ways to detect disease.
Multi-parametric predictive modeling (Najafi et al.,
2012) and machine learning (Oh et al., 2012) are
examples of two evolving areas in medical image
When considering possible diagnostic techniques
of the future, it is important to look back to the
history of medicine and remember that visual
analysis has not been the only way for a human to
detect disease. It is worth exploring other ways to
perceive patterns buried deep within complex data.
One potential alternate method for interrogating
medical image data is by means of translation of
information in to a format that can be processed by
an alternate pathway: the human auditory system.
Already regarded by experts as superior to vision in
the domains of frequency and time, the human ear
and associated auditory cortices present a
compelling alternative system for perception of
medical scan data. Independent of considerations of
resolution, the complex neurological pathways of
hearing offer a new perspective for understanding
spatial, frequency and temporal data. Fortunately, a
nascent field exists to allow for such a line of
inquiry: sonification.
The central hypothesis of this paper is that
auditory processing of medical image data will
identify patterns associated with disease that cannot
be detected by traditional means.
Using a model of molecular brain imaging
whereby detection of small molecules is
accomplished through the use of radioactive decay
of injected "tracers" (PET imaging), we propose that
patterns, when sonified, will emerge from the data
and show information that was not previously
detected by visual and pre-existing computer
analysis techniques. These patterns, when heard and
processed by the human brain, might one day allow
the medical community to detect diseases that are
presently invisible by currently existing
methodologies. To our knowledge, this is the first
report of the use of sonification in the analysis of
three-dimensional medical image data.
In a report prepared for the NSF (Kramer, et. al.,
1999), sonification is defined as “the transformation
of data relations into perceived relations in an
acoustic signal for the purposes of facilitating
communication or interpretation.” Sonification
involves the translation and integration of
quantitative data through mapping to a sound model,
and enables recognition of patterns in data by their
auditory signatures.
While the term “sonification” dates back to the
1990s (Kramer, 1994), we and other colleagues
observe anecdotally that it has appeared with
increasing frequency over the last two years or so in
the parlances of the sciences and informatics. This
increase in awareness is perhaps somewhat
surprising, yet has for some time seemed inevitable
to those who have worked in the field, for a number
of reasons (Ballora, 2010). Since both the eyes and
ears aid us in providing complementary and
supplementary information as we navigate through
the world, it seems unreasonable to expect that, as
information sources increase, visualization would
remain the sole means of representing abstract
information. As researchers and analysts currently
face datasets of higher dimensions, or multiple
simultaneous situation reports from different areas,
there is a commonly acknowledged problem of
information overload.
Information presentation is critical for both
research and education. Scientists frequently rely on
highly developed visualization techniques for their
own understanding, as well as an aid in presenting
material to lay audiences. Science museums and
television programs such as Nova commonly engage
audiences with eye-popping visuals; these visuals
become the cultural basis of a generation of students
who are inspired to go into the sciences and push the
boundaries of a field of knowledge. The inclusion of
sonic demonstrations along with visualizations is
becoming a conceptual priority in science education
and even in some popular music (Hart and Smoot,
2012; Hart, 2012).
Effective use of sound hinges on perceptual
understanding, and what types of tasks we use the
eyes and ears for. Visualizations are strongly
synoptic, that is, an entire image can be seen at once.
The eyes provide summary information of features
such as shape, size, and texture.
Many organizing principles of visual cognition
also apply to auditory perception. Like the eyes, the
ears create auditory gestalts that aid understanding
the nature of events, and make estimates when
presented with incomplete information (Bregman,
In contrast to visualization, a sonification, like a
piece of music, exists in time. It cannot be “listened
to all at once.” Being time-based, the ears give us a
strong sense of dynamic elements of our
environment. The auditory system is also highly
adapted for following multiple streams of
information (Fitch and Kramer, 1994). That is,
listeners can readily apprehend a number of
simultaneous melodies if they are presented
effectively. Thus, sonification is an effective way to
display a multitude of signal processing operations
simultaneously, with each being represented as a
line of counterpoint, a series of chords, or a
succession of musical instruments. The auditory
system is also extremely adept at pattern
recognition, a capability that allows us to recognize
melodies in spite of transpositions or variations.
The auditory system is most sensitive to dynamic
changes involving periodicities: small changes in
pitch or tremolo rate are perceptible to untrained
listeners. Beyond this, other dimensions that may be
represented in an auditory display include changes in
loudness, instrument, stereo position, spectrum,
transient time, duration, and distance. Through
considered use of tools used in music synthesis,
information can be presented in an engaging and
informative fashion – in addition to boggling the
eyes, science should also dazzle the ears.
The study of fMRI images is opening new
avenues of understanding correlated activity among
brain regions when performing certain tasks. As
researchers advance in their understanding of this
information, new pattern types will be recognized.
We are exploring the use of sound to represent this
information. On the one hand, this information may
be static, and therefore not seem consistent with the
time-specific strengths of the auditory system
discussed above. On the other hand, by capitalizing
on the sensitivities of the auditory system as we
translate the information to sound, we expect that the
pattern recognition capability of the auditory system
will reveal new recognizable patterns.
3.1 Sonification Applications
In addition to the 1999 NSF summary referenced
earlier, the most authoritative summary of work to
date in the field is The Sonification Handbook
(Hermann et al., 2011). Sonification has been
demonstrated to offer advantages in representing
multivariate data from a variety of domains,
including the financial markets, quantum physics,
and meteorology, as well as various situational
monitoring implementations. Of particular interest to
this project is prior work in medical informatics.
Sonifications of heart rate variability (Ballora et
al., 2004) have been shown to have diagnostic
potential. And there is a strong history of sonifying
EEG readings of brain activity (Hermann et. al.,
2002; Baier and Hermann, 2004; Baier et. al., 2007;
de Campo et. al., 2007; Hermann et. al., 2008).
Other relevant work includes EMG (Pauletto and
Hunt, 2006) and cell culture data (Edwards, 2008).
These sonifications have subsequently proved useful
as general introductions to physiological health,
making distinctions between healthy and diseased
states easy for uneducated listeners (Hong, 2007).
Sound has also been effective in combination with
haptics as a surgical aid or training tool (Jovanov et.
al., 1998; Müller-Tomefelde, 2004), and sound has
functioned as an effective component in assistive
rehabilitation therapy for stroke victims (Wallis et.
al., 2007). There has also been work done in sound
rendering of tissue biopsy slides for diagnostic
purposes (Cassidy et. al., 2004).
3.2 Immersive Sonification
Displaying 3D data on visual displays is particularly
challenging because of the many dimensions needed
to be presented concurrently. Our eyes are limited
with their “field of view”, and cannot see behind
objects that obstruct the view. Our hearing, however,
is omni-directional, and we can hear sounds
emanating from around us, and in distance.
We refer to immersive sonification as a method
of sonifying data in such a way as to place the
viewer/listener of this data inside of an immersive
3D environment so that she may be able to navigate
through the environment. The sonified data is
rendered constantly. However, the listener will be
closer/farther to a region of the data depending on
their virtual location in the immersive data
environment. For example, we can think of an
immersive sonification of 3D brain data as putting
the listener inside of the scanned brain. Through the
use of spatial sound, we are able to create an
immersive environment in order to present a
spatially distributed sonification.
3.2.1 Spatial Sound
This study emphasizes in particular the advantages
of synthesizing spatial location. Unlike the visual
system, the auditory system doesn’t have a “field of
view.” Sounds can be heard and perceived anywhere
around a listener. A listener does not have to be
facing a sound in order to perceive it. Regardless of
whether a sound is located in front, behind, above,
or below, it can be detected by the listener
(Wakefield et al., 2012).
Sounds representing objects on computer
screens, or other auditory displays have used spatial
location to represent the absolute location of objects
or events. For example, sound representing an object
on a graphic monitor can be played to be perceived
at the same location as it appears on the screen – if a
graphical icon is located in the lower right corner of
the screen, the sound may be presented so that it
appears to be emanating from the lower right corner.
In addition to providing location-specific
information, when multiple sounds are presented
concurrently in spatially disparate locations, they
can be better segregated into individual streams (e.g.
Barreto et al., 2007; Marston et al., 2006; Shilling et
al., 2000). Without spatial separation, the multiple
sounds will have a greater tendency to fuse together,
making them more difficult to understand.
3.2.2 Human Localization
Our ability to localize sounds in a three dimensional
world has been studied by researchers for almost
100 years, ever since Lord Rayleigh’s duplex theory
was introduced in 1911. Since then, many studies
have resulted in a more comprehensive
understanding of localization, human perception of
3D sound.
Spatial hearing refers to the ability of human
listeners to judge the direction and distance of
environmental sound sources. To determine the
direction of a sound, the auditory system relies on
various physical cues. Sound waves emanating from
a source travel in all directions away from the
source. Some waves travel to the listener using the
most direct path (direct sound) while others reflect
off walls and objects before reaching the listener’s
ears (indirect sound). The direct sound carries
information about the location of the source relative
to the listener. Indirect sound informs the listener
about the space, and the relation of the source
location to that space.
The Duplex Theory of Sound Localization
(Rayleigh, 1911) states the two primary cues used in
sound localization are time and level differences
between the two ears. Because of the ears’ spatial
disparity and the mass between them, they each
receive a different version of the arriving sound. The
ear that is closest to the sound (ipsilateral ear) will
receive the sound earlier and at a greater intensity or
level than the ear farther away from the source
(contralateral ear). The differences in time of arrival
and in level are referred to as the Interaural Time
Difference (ITD) and the Interaural Level Difference
(ILD) respectively.
Although the ITD and ILD cues are good
indicators for determining the location of sources
along the interaural axis, they provide an insufficient
basis for judging whether a sound is located above,
below, in front or in back. For sources located at an
equal distance on a conical surface extending from
the listener’s ear, ITD and ILD cues are virtually
identical producing what is referred to as the “cones
of confusion” (Woodworth, 1954). Along a cone of
confusion, where the ITD and ILD cues along a cone
of confusion for a source located in the front, back,
up and down are equivalent, a listener can have
difficulty determining the difference in location,
which can lead to front/back or up/down confusion.
There is an additional acoustic cue that helps to
resolve the position along a cone of confusion.
Before reaching the listener’s ears, the acoustic
waves emitted by a source are filtered by the
interaction with the listener’s head, torso and the
pinnae (outer ear), resulting in a directionally
dependent spectral coloration of the sound. This
systematic “distortion” of a sound’s spectral
composition acts as a unique fingerprint defining the
location of a source. The auditory system uses this
mapping between spectral coloration and physical
location to disambiguate the points along a cone of
confusion, leading to a more accurate localization of
a sound source. The composite of the ITD, ILD and
the spectral coloration characteristics are captured in
Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTF).
In creating an immersive sonification tool, we
use the time, intensity and spectral cues contained in
HRTFs in order to simulate spatial sound around a
listener. The next section describes SoniScan – an
immersive sonification tool.
4 SoniScan
SoniScan is a sonification tool developed in the
Matlab technical computing software. Matlab is a
flexible and versatile computing package that
facilitates the manipulation of data, and synthesis
and processing of sound. SoniScan provides a
graphical interface through which a user can load,
manipulate, and sonify Digital Imaging and
Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data - a
standard format for viewing and distributing medical
imaging data. The program was constructed with a
modular approach in mind at both a macro and
micro level, in order to allow maximum flexibility
for exploring sonification methods that are
conducive to brain data display. The data and signal
flow are illustrated in Figure 1.
The following four modules have been designed
to map the data to sound: control, path, Sound
synthesis, mappings, and audio controls. DICOM
data is read into SoniScan, and data manipulation is
performed in the Controls module. After passing
through the Sonification Path module, which
specifies the data path the sonification will follow,
the Sound Synthesis module defines the details of
the sound synthesis mechanism and passes to the
Mappings module. Sound is generated using these
parameters and the resulting audio is played using
the Audio Controls module.
Figure 1: Schematic of SoniScan.
4.1 Control Module
The Control module reads in and prepares the
DICOM data to be sonified. This module has five
main functionalities: data read, data selection and
zoom, sonification duration, and data adjustment.
SoniScan loads DICOM-formatted files. A 3D
matrix of the scan data is constructed and used for
the sonification and the basic visual display
provided. A single frame of data may be selected for
sonification, a subsection of one frame, or a full
three-dimensional scan. Using HRTF processing, the
data selected is spatialized, a process by which
directly correlates the location of each data pixel to
an apparent sound location heard by the listener.
Transposing the DICOM data values that are
suitable for auditory presentations requires that all
data be easily re-scalable. Additional controls of
range, shift and volume allow the mapping ranges to
be adjusted. The range adjusts the data range. It
allows a lesser or greater differentiation between the
largest and smallest values in the data. The shift
operation transposes pitches to higher or lower part
of the musical scale (i.e. like shifting to higher or
lower notes on a piano).
4.2 Sonification Path Module
The sonification of the data stored in a matrix can be
done by sonifying one data voxel at a time, by row,
by column, or sonifying the full 2D or 3D matrix
simultaneously. The Sonification Path module
allows the user to define the exact path through
which to scan the selected data. SoniScan contains
three preset paths: from left to right, top to bottom,
or all data simultaneously, as seen in Figure 2. If the
left-to-right path is selected, each data column is
sonified and played concurrently, followed by the
next column of data. If the right-to-left path is
selected, each row is sonified, and rows are played
concurrently. If simultaneous is chosen, effectively
the path is removed: the sum of each row is taken,
resulting in a single column, with each value
representing the total values of the corresponding
row. We refer to these three mapping trajectories as
conventional paths.
Figure 2: Sonification paths: (a) left-to-right; (b) top-to-
bottom; and (c) all data.
In addition to the three conventional paths, we
also allow sonification along a split-path. The
selected data frame is split along a specified line
(split line) and sonified as two halves. The split-line
is specified by the Cartesian x and y coordinates of
any two points on the line. The motivation behind
the split path is to facilitate detection of asymmetries
between the two halves of the data, which
correspond to the two brain hemispheres.
There are two types of split paths. The first is a
hard left/right, where the selected data is split into
two halves, the left side is sonified and played to the
left ear, and the right side is sonified and played to
the right ear. The second type is the difference scan,
where the mirror of the right side of the data is
subtracted from the left side. This can be thought of
as folding the halves onto each other and taking a
difference between the two halves. Resulting
asymmetries between the two sides of the data are
the only audio signals that are audible, since
symmetric data is cancelled out. In both types of
split paths, the sonifications generated are based on
the mappings and scan paths specified, as described
4.3 Sound Synthesis Module
The Sound Synthesis module specifies the base
signals to use for the sonification. It is modular in
structure and can easily support additional signal
types in the future. Any combination of signals
contained in this module can be used simultaneously
in the sonification. In our current implementation,
the sonification can use band-passed noise, triangle
wave tone, or a plucked string model. For example,
when band-passed noise is selected, a noise signal is
used for the sonification that is band-passed at the
centre frequency that corresponds to a data value.
The parameters of these signals, namely
amplitude, frequency, spatial location, and time of
occurrence, are governed by the data to be sonified.
The manner of mappings is specified in the
Mappings block (next section). Any number of base
signals can be simultaneously selected for
sonification, and doing so will layer the signals on
top of each other.
4.4 Mappings Module
The Mappings module defines how the image data is
mapped to different parameters of the audio. Three
different mapping techniques have been used:
amplitude mapping, frequency mapping, and
spatialization. These are explained in detail in the
following sections.
4.4.1 Amplitude Mapping – Fourier
In the case of amplitude mapping, each pixel’s
intensity is mapped to the physical amplitude of the
audio signal corresponding to that pixel. The greater
the data value, the greater the amplitude of the audio
signal resulting in a louder sound. Therefore, highly
active regions of the data result in louder regions.
When the mapping is performed, different
frequencies are assigned to different pixels based on
their location in the image. Frequencies are
distributed between 500Hz and 5kHz. How the
frequencies are distributed depends on the
sonification paths. For Path 1 (left to right),
frequency varies from top to bottom, with the
highest frequency assigned to the topmost rows in
the data (Figure 2a). For Path 2 (top to bottom),
frequency varies from left to right, with highest
frequency assigned to the rightmost column (Figure
2b). Path 3 (all data) follows the same frequency
assignment as Path 1 (Figure 2c). While Paths 1 and
2 present each row or column sequentially, Path 3
renders an integrated spectrum of the entire image,
since the same sets of frequencies for every column
are presented simultaneously. A total sum of values
is taken for each row/frequency, and this sum
controls the amplitude of each frequency
4.4.2 Frequency Mapping
In the case of frequency mapping, pixels are
assigned frequency based on their intensity, with all
amplitude values being kept at a constant level. The
assignable frequencies are quantized to integer
multiples of 500Hz to a maximum of 5kHz, so all
generated audio contains only harmonic content.
The motivation behind performing frequency
mapping is to judge the intensity distribution of a
particular dataset through timbre. Datasets
containing more high-intensity pixels will have more
high-frequency harmonic content. This may in some
cases result in a harsh timbre, if there is a large
range of values being presented and many
frequencies are sounding, or a ringing, if most
values are high, and thus each pixel is rendering the
same frequency. Hence, through frequency mapping,
the user can gain a quick idea of the composite
intensity at each step along the selected scan path..
4.4.3 Spatialization
The Spatialization module distributes sonified sound
spatially around the listener. Assuming users would
employ off-the-shelf headphones of reasonable
fidelity, a great range of apparent stereo locations
may be synthesized. Spreading the sound around the
listener can result in a better differentiation of
sonified regions, and thus a better distinction of
features pertaining to sections of the data.
There are four spatial mapping methods
employed in SoniScan: intensity panning, vertical
spatialization, horizontal spatialization, and full 3D
The intensity panning method uses interaural
intensity differences between the two ears to pan
sounds from left to right. When the sounds sent to
the left and right ears are of equal level, the virtual
auditory image appears to be located in the center.
As the sound level of one of the ears increases, the
location of the source appears to be originating from
the side with the greater sound level. Intensity
panning is effective for creating changes along the
horizontal plane, but not the vertical plane. Using
the intensity panning method, the audio
corresponding to each pixel is panned to an apparent
position based on the Cartesian x-coordinate of the
pixel. Pixels that are in the center of the image will
be panned and perceived to be coming from the
center, those that are on the right side of the image
will be panned to the right, and so on. A left-to-right
image path will result in the sound containing all the
vertical image data moving from left to right, while
in a top-to-bottom image path the sound constantly
surrounds the listener from left to right, and the
vertical data is presented consecutively.
Vertical HRTF spatialization utilizes head-
related transfer functions to map the selected dataset
onto a two-dimensional (up-down, left-right) vertical
aural image space directly in front of the user. The
spatialized audio correlates with the spatial
distribution of the visual image. For example, data
on the top left corner of the image is sonified and
perceived to be coming from a high elevation, the
left data that is in the middle of the image is
presented at ear level, and data in the lower part of
the image is spatialized below ear level (Figure 3a).
Figure 3: Representation of vertical (a) and horizontal (b)
HRTF spatialization.
Horizontal HRTF Spatialization utilizes head-
related transfer functions to map the selected dataset
onto a two-dimensional horizontal aural image space
(front-back, left-right) that places the user in the
center. Effectively, the image is laid flat on the
horizontal plane, and the listener is placed in the
center of the image. The audio corresponding to the
sonified dataset is spatially placed all around the
user on the horizontal plane (Figure 3b). For
example, data that is in the upper left corner of the
image would be sonified and presented in the left
front of the audio image.
The full 3D spatialization method can be used
for data that is three-dimensional. This would be a
VR version of the data, with a series of horizontal or
vertical scans all active simultaneously. HRTFs and
distance mapping are used to position the data points
around the listener – front, back, left, right, up,
down. In this case, all the data can be sonified
concurrently and spatialized to reflect the position of
each data point relative to the listener. The listener
can place herself in the middle of the data, or listen
to the data from another perspective. For example,
the listener can be center of a 3D brain scan and
listen to all the data in the scan concurrently. By
selecting different listening locations, the listener
can effectively “walk through” the data in a fully
immersive manner.
Figure 4: Images of brain scans (left column) and
spectrograms of sonifications (right column) of healthy
brains (a and b), and unhealthy brains with Alzheimer’s
dementia (c) and frontotemporal dementia (d).
4.5 Audio Control Module
The Audio Control module manages the sonification
process and handles the generated audio files. Once
the relevant sonification and data parameters are set,
the sonification is performed, and the rendered
sonification can be played or stored to disc.
There is an additional A/B playback
functionality, which facilitates the serial playback of
two different sonifications as an A/B comparison.
This is useful when comparing two sets of data that
may have been taken at different points in time, or
comparing two cross-sections of the same dataset in
order to perceive the difference between the two.
This capability for A/B comparison through
sonification function is particularly important since
the perceptual auditory system is more acute than
the visual system at detecting temporal, spectral, and
spatial changes. When small changes in data occur,
they may not be immediately noticeable on the
visual display, but may be more easily observed
using sonification.
4.6 Examples
Due to the limitations of presenting audio examples
in a written paper, we are using spectrograms (time-
varying representations of the spectrum of an audio
signal) to show the correlation between the PET
scans and their sonifications. Figure 4 contains four
examples of the spectrograms of sonifications that
were created from normal and abnormal brain data.
The left side of the figure contains single slices from
three-dimensional PET scans depicting sugar
utilization in the brain. On the right side are the
spectrograms of the sonifications. In these examples,
the x-axis of the spectrogram represents time, while
the y-axis shows the frequencies from low (bottom
part of the graph) to hi (top part of the graph). The
intensity of the color represents the amplitude of the
spectral content at each point in time – with blue
indicating low amplitude, and red high amplitude.
The top two examples – Figure 4(a) and Figure
4(b) - are of healthy brains exhibiting a homogenous
and symmetric pattern of sugar metabolism. As can
be seen in the spectrograms (and heard in the
sonifications), the symmetry of the spectral content
as well as the full bandwidth reflects normal glucose
uptake in the brain. Conversely, in Figure 4(c), there
is asymmetric and decreased signal intensity in the
brain of a patient with Alzheimer's dementia. A lack
of low frequency content is heard in the sonification,
and is visible in the second part of the spectrogram,
starting at approximately 13 seconds. This region on
the spectrogram corresponds to the most severely
diseased portion of the brain, resulting in an audible
hole in the frequency spectrum. Likewise in Figure
4(d), an image of a brain scan of a patient with
frontotemporal dementia is presented and
demonstrates a lack of low frequency spectral
content corresponding to the frontal lobes of the
brain. This leads to an unusual sonic representation
of that hemisphere.
Brains scans contain complex, highly variable data
and present a challenge to the interpreting physician.
Imaging experts spend years learning to properly
read such studies, yet detection of subtle disease
remains difficult. Compounding matters, many
disease processes remain invisible even to the best
observers, either due to lack of meaningful
information or undiscovered means by which to
identify the relevant data. Visual quantitative
techniques have improved matters but there is room
for further improvement. It is suspected that as-yet-
undiscovered information exists within these images
and has diagnostic and therapeutic relevance.
Development of new ways to understand
complex, multi-dimensional data from brain and
other body scans is important for advancement of
the medical imaging sciences. Sonification seems to
be an appropriate target for further studies in this
area, harnessing the auditory system’s spatial
acuteness and omni-directional hearing in order to
identify patterns in data that may not be apparent by
other means. The examples presented above confirm
that even preliminary work in sonification can begin
to differentiate disease from health. Increasingly
complex auditory modelling might one day reveal
sophisticated and relevant medical information.
The tool described in this paper, SoniScan, is a
research system developed for exploring the benefits
of sonification for medical data and researching
sonic parameters that are promising in guiding
physicians as they diagnose disease and monitor
treatment. With the sonification mappings we have
explored thus far, we see a significant and audible
correlation between the image data and the
sonification. These correlations serve as a
foundation upon which refinements can be explored
to pick out increasingly subtle variations in image
data that might one day carry diagnostic relevance
and ultimately impact patient care.
We are still in early stages of evaluating our
renderings and exploring new mappings between
PET data and audio parameters. The parameter
mappings will significantly affect the audibility of
patterns and possibility of extending sonification as
providing value in monitoring and/or diagnosing
disease. Initial reactions among the authors included
that of an immediate, pleasurable sense of
recognition when hearing the simultaneous
ascending/descending pitch patterns, which clearly
corresponded to the outline of the skull in the image
and in/active areas of the brain. While not of any
diagnostic value, this still made the “first
handshake” with the environment a pleasant and
engaging one. Areas of diseased brain are clearly
audible as distinct sounds contrasting with the
sonifications of healthy patient scans.
During a cursory comparison of normal and
abnormal brain scans, it was immediately apparent
that there was much more scattered activity with the
dementia scans than with the normal scans, and there
was a certain sonic quality that might be described
as more “strident” in the central area of the scan. By
zooming in on the central area of greatest activity, it
became apparent that the dementia scans consisted
of activity farther forward in the brain, due to the
later starting time of audible activity in the L-R scan.
Next steps for this work includes subjective
studies with junior and senior-level nuclear medicine
physicians to systematically compare the
sonification performance with traditional techniques
and determine if it reveals additional information
that may improve upon existing analysis methods.
As understanding of MRI, PET and other
imaging technology increases, novel means of data
presentation and analysis can only be welcome.
Imaging scientists are constantly searching for new
ways to examine their massive data archives, and
sonification is an intriguing line of inquiry that
complements other investigations in image analysis.
Non-invasive imaging coupled with new perceptual
methods such as sonification hold great promise for
a future in which society can better detect and treat
disease. Such advancements will be welcomed by
doctors and, most importantly, patients.
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