Figure 3: Resulting errors vs. sequence length for two
counter wheels.
tageous for the generalization of the training values
for different types of counters. The difference is di-
rectly computed in the 9-dimensional feature space.
In order to classify a figure sequence the reflectiv-
ity values of at least two consecutive figures are re-
quired. A longer sequence will lead to a higher prob-
ability of correct classification of this sequence.
In Figure 3 the resulting errors are plotted against
the sequence length for two different figure wheels.
The dashed lines represent the errors of the direct
gray value classification. The errors of the classifica-
tion of transitions are shown by the continuous lines.
For this example 5000 reflectivity values measured at
an ambient temperature of 20
C were analyzed. The
4000 training values were measured at 0
C on a dif-
ferent counter. It can easily be seen that the error rate
decreases with increasing sequence length. Also the
difference between the direct gray value classification
and the classification of reflectivity value differences
is directly visible. This effect is especially distinc-
tive due to the combination of test and training val-
ues described above. The temperature difference be-
tween training and test measurement leads to an offset
which is eliminated by computing the differences of
gray values.
In conclusion the direct gray value classification
yields good results when good-natured training and
test values are used (cf. the sections above). If though
training and test measurements are subject to differ-
ent ambient conditions the analysis of differences of
reflectivity values is advantageous.
In this paper a system for reading out a mechanical
counter automatically was presented. It is based on
the fact that different counter values have different
light reflectivity coefficients. The main advantage is
that the counter does not have to be modified and that
the simple electronics are very cheap. This method
can also be applied during the manufacturing of the
counters in order to do a quality control test. The in-
fluence of external parameters can be reduced to such
levels that a very precise classification of the figures
can be achieved.
The different classification methods can be chosen
according to desired application and available compu-
tation resources. The iterative method opens another
application area. It allows for the analysis of different
counters using one set of training data. An increas-
ing number of counter value changes increases the
chances of its correct recognition. If, instead of direct
gray values, differences of reflectivity values are used
offsets due to temperature and other influences can be
eliminated. Since this method is especially useful for
recognition of different counters of the same type this
may be interesting for counter manufactures for post-
production testing.
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