Using Smartphone Bases Biodevices for Analyzing Physiological, Psychological and Behavioral User’s Habits

Federico Guede Fernández, Marc Pous Solà, Miguel Ángel García González, Lluís Capdevila Ortís, Juan Ramos Castro, Mireya Fernández Chimeno



As a consequence of increasing life expectancy, the promotion of lifestyles that allow aging wellbeing guarantees has acquired great importance in the developed countries. However, the adherence to healthy behaviors in young and adult people remains as a big problem in the community health field. The development of markers of adherence to healthy lifestyles and the evaluation its effectiveness is a goal of many research groups. This paper presents a system for analyzing physiological, psychological and behavioural user’s habits using a smartphone and externals biodevices. We use an Android smartphone with an internal tri-axial accelerometer and GPS to monitor physical activity. The smartphone is connected via Bluetooth to a respiratory sensor for breath monitoring. In addition, Android application contains psychological questionnaires to analyze user’s mood state and at the same, social interaction is analyzed tracking phone usage and user’s social network. Finally, the collected information is sent to a remote server for a long-term processing.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Guede Fernández F., Solà M., García González M., Capdevila Ortís L., Ramos Castro J. and Fernández Chimeno M. (2013). Using Smartphone Bases Biodevices for Analyzing Physiological, Psychological and Behavioral User’s Habits . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, (BIOSTEC 2013) ISBN 978-989-8565-34-1, pages 243-248. DOI: 10.5220/0004206802430248

in Bibtex Style

author={Federico Guede Fernández and Marc Pous Solà and Miguel Ángel García González and Lluís Capdevila Ortís and Juan Ramos Castro and Mireya Fernández Chimeno},
title={Using Smartphone Bases Biodevices for Analyzing Physiological, Psychological and Behavioral User’s Habits},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, (BIOSTEC 2013)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, (BIOSTEC 2013)
TI - Using Smartphone Bases Biodevices for Analyzing Physiological, Psychological and Behavioral User’s Habits
SN - 978-989-8565-34-1
AU - Guede Fernández F.
AU - Solà M.
AU - García González M.
AU - Capdevila Ortís L.
AU - Ramos Castro J.
AU - Fernández Chimeno M.
PY - 2013
SP - 243
EP - 248
DO - 10.5220/0004206802430248