methods is that the learned subspace should be as
discriminative as possible. However, every image is
a superposition of both discriminative and non-
discriminative information. Most existing LSL
methods estimate the scatter matrices directly from
the original training samples or images. The non-
discriminative information in such training samples,
such as noise and trivial structures, may interfere
with discriminative subspace learning. Different
from most existing LSL methods, such as PCA,
FLDA/RLDA, LPP and SPP, where the subspace is
learned for image decomposition, a new LSL
framework is presented in (Zhang et al., 2011) to
perform image decomposition for subspace learning.
Dictionary learning and sparse coding are used for
adaptive image decomposition during the learning
stage, where the image is decomposed and the image
components are used for guiding subspace learning.
With the development of l
- and l
techniques, sparse coding and dictionary learning
have received much attention recently. The
dictionary learned in (Zhang et al., 2011) is a
generative or reconstructive dictionary which only
minimizes reconstruction errors. The atoms of the
dictionary do not necessarily have sufficient power
to discriminate among data with different class
labels. Thus, selecting the most discriminative atoms
from such a dictionary as in (Zhang et al., 2011)
may not achieve the full potential of sparse coding.
On the other hand, several methods have been
developed to represent discriminative information
during dictionary learning. A discriminative term
based on LDA is integrated into the classical
reconstructive energy formulation of sparse coding
in (Huang et al., 2007, Rodriguez et al., 2008).
However, a predefined dictionary instead of a
learned dictionary is used in (Huang et al., 2007). In
(Yang et al., 2011), a discriminative dictionary is
learned based on an objective function combining a
variant of Fisher criterion and a reconstruction error.
A potential problem with such an approach is that
the reconstruction error term may interfere with the
Fisher criterion and reduce its power when learning
a discriminative dictionary. A formulation of the
classification error of a linear SVM has also been
incorporated into dictionary learning (Jiang et al.,
2011, Zhang et al., 2010). Other efforts along this
direction include multi-class dictionary optimization
for gaining discriminative power in texture analysis
(Mairal et al., 2008). A compact dictionary is
learned from affine-transformed input images to
increase discriminative information (Kulkarni et al.,
2011). In (Mairal et al., 2012) a task-driven
supervised dictionary learning method is proposed
where dictionary learning relies on a subgradient
method to perform a nonconvex optimization. Note
that learning discriminative dictionaries based on the
SVM error term is not well suited for problems that
involve image patches because even images from
different classes may share similar patches, whose
class labels would be very hard to determine.
In this paper, we present a new linear subspace
learning method based on sparse coding using a
novel technique for discriminative dictionary
learning. We use a Fisher ratio defined over sparse
coding coefficients as the objective function for
optimizing a discriminative dictionary while the
condition that the sparse coding coefficients should
minimize the reconstruction error is imposed as a
constraint. Atoms that can achieve a higher Fisher
ratio of the sparse coding coefficients are considered
better. Therefore, discriminative information is
emphasized during the atom construction process. In
our decomposed image, the more discriminative part
(MDP) has a larger fisher ratio than the one obtained
from a reconstructive dictionary. We further obtain
local MDPs and LDPs by dividing images into
rectangular blocks, followed by blockwise feature
grouping and image decomposition. A more
effective global MDP and LDP can be obtained by
concatenating these local MDPs and LDPs. We learn
a global linear projection with higher classification
accuracy through the global MDPs and LDPs.
Experimental results on benchmark face image
databases demonstrate the effectiveness of our
method. The flowchart of the proposed LSL method
is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: The flowchart of the proposed method.
The sparse representation model is a modern method
for image decomposition and reconstruction, which
have been used in many image-related applications,
such as image restoration and feature selection. The
sparse representation of a signal over an over-
complete dictionary is achieved by optimizing an
objective function that includes two terms: one