Ontology of Offers According to Ingarden’s Theory of Individual Objects
Jan Andreasik
c University of Management and Administration, Zamo
c, Poland
Ontology, Theory of Individual Objects, OWL.
In the paper, ontology of individual object and interpretation of it in the area of offers of goods and services is
presented and reconstructed by the author. Ontology is defined on the basis of the Roman Ingarden’s formal
ontology, especially, on the basis of theory of individual object.
Problems of offer selection become a daily ritual of
everyone who needs to acquire precise goods or ser-
vices. Due to the Internet, there is increasingly wider
access to catalogs, data bases and other resources pre-
senting goods. However, in decision support systems
concerning offer selection, an important issue is con-
ceptualization of an offer object from the point of
view of the purchaser. The purchaser usually is not
oriented in technical details of the offer. Technical
properties of an offered good by a producer are ex-
pressed in the one language (LP) and utility proper-
ties of the object, in which the purchaser is interested
in, are expressed in the other language (LB). Hence,
there is a problem to express a conceptual object of
the offer in order to have a relationship between de-
scriptions of the object in both languages. The LP
language is a language of matter (content) whereas
the LB language is a language of form of the object.
A model of such a matter-form system can be defined
on the basis of the Roman Ingarden’s formal ontol-
ogy, especially, on the basis of theory of individual
object (Ingarden, 1987). In this paper, there will be
presented and reconstructed, by the author, the ontol-
ogy of individual object (OIO). The state of art for
decision support systems of tender processes has been
presented by J.Vanwelkenhuysen (Vanwelkenhuysen,
1998), R.Mohemad, A.Hamdan, Z. Ali Othman, N.M.
Mohamad Noor (Mohemad et al., 2010), T. Du (Du,
2009). A. Kayed, R.M. Colomb (Kayed and Colomb,
2002) showed a process of creation of ontology of
offers on the basis of offer descriptions published in
e-catalogs. A model of ontology of offers is a con-
ceptual structure TCS of an offer based of J. Sowa’s
conceptual graphs (M.Chein and Mugnier, 2009).
Roman Ingarden, in collation of formally ontological
results, showed a series of theorems concerning indi-
vidual. A part of them, which is used in construction
of ontology of individual object in the OWL language,
has the form: 30. Each individual object is, in view of
a formal subject of properties, directly determined by
a constitutive nature. 31. In each individual object,
there can be distinguished form, matter, and mode of
existence. 37. In each individual object, there is a
multitude of properties, but only one of them is con-
In this paper, the author analyzes a definition of
an individual object according to Roman Ingarden’s
formal ontology at three levels of synthesis of infor-
mation about the object. Level I corresponds to the
matter-form-mode of existence system. Level II dis-
tinguishes concepts defining respectively: matter: a
constitutive nature, a material endowment of proper-
ties, form: a subject of properties: a positive state
and a negative state: mode of existence: types of
mode of existence (Rosiak, 2003), existential moment
(Mordka, 2002). Level III defines concepts of the
two-subject relation, which is a definition of a rela-
tional property. Figure 1 shows concepts of the OIO
ontology at three levels of synthesis of information
about the object.
Matter. What is qualitative in the widest meaning
of this word (Ingarden, 1987). Ingarden treats matter
interchangeably with content.
Form. What is radically not qualitative, but in which
”stands” what is qualitative in the widest meaning
of this word (Ingarden, 1987). J. Hartman (Hart-
man, 1993) shows difficulties in isolation the form.
Andreasik J..
Ontology of Offers According to Ingarden’s Theory of Individual Objects.
DOI: 10.5220/0004209304290432
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 429-432
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: A diagram of concepts of individual objects.
He presents an example of volume of some mass of
wood, which cannot be isolated directly from this
mass. Form is some abstract view of matter.
Mode of Existence. An object is determined by In-
garden as tree-unity of three moments: from, mat-
ters and mode of existence. The analysis of issues
concerning mode of existence has been made by M.
Rosiak (Rosiak, 2003). He presents, following Ingar-
den, the terms of main existential moments: X is ex-
istentially autonomous: X is immanently qualified
in itself. X is existentially heteronomous: X is not
existentially autonomous. X is existentially original:
X has the effective condition of existence itself. X
is existentially derivative: X can exist only as pro-
duced by some other being. X is existentially separa-
ble: X can exist as a separate unit. X is existentially
independent: X is existentially separable and does
not have to coexist with another existentially separate
being. X is existentially dependent: X is existen-
tially separable but not independent. X is existen-
tially inseparable: X is not existentially separable.
M.Rosiak, in his analysis of mode of existence, dis-
tinguishes eight combinations of existence moments,
which constitute the so-called mode of existence ac-
cording to R. Ingarden’s ontology.
Figure 2: Types of mode of existence (Rosiak, 2003).
Recognizing a Real Object. R.Ingarden proposes
recognizing the object by means of conducting an ex-
periment consisting in influence an object on other
objects. ”For the time being it is enough to show
that properties, especially essence of the individual
object can be best cognitively revealed if the recogniz-
ing subject inserts into the examined object into real
relations and relationships with other objects, if ex-
poses it - where it is possible - for their action and
caught it on how it behaves and what properties man-
ifests. This is the true meaning of experimenting with
real objects” (Ingarden, 1987). A static way of at-
tributing properties to the object is replaced by a dy-
namic definition of relation, which reflects a property
of the object identified in relation with other objects.
A Model of the Object. R.Ingarden treats globally
the object, without defining its structure. However,
taking a way of defining a property into considera-
tion, he says abstractly on the interior and surface of
the object. He considers the object as a geometrical
sphere. The surface of the object is considered in a
multi-layer and multi-side way in connection with at-
tributing individual properties to the object.
A Subject of Properties (Object Representation).
R.Ingarden, in his conception of individual object, at-
tributes to the subject a role of direct representation
of the object determined by properties. The subject of
properties constitutes the form of the object.
A Subject of Properties (a Reference Point of Prop-
erties). R.Ingarden attributes to the subject not only
a function of representation of the object, but also a
function of the base for a bundle of properties deter-
mining the object. Semantics of a reference point en-
forces a special role of possession an absolute refer-
ence system for properties.
A Subject of Properties (Moment of the Form of
an Independent Individual Object). R.Ingarden de-
fines the form of an individual object as a pair of mo-
ments: a subject of properties and properties. He
strongly stresses a mutual relationship of both mo-
Property (Aristotle’s Form of an Individual Ob-
ject). According to R.Ingarden, existence of an object
is conditioned by existence of properties attributing to
it. ”There is no property without an object, which
is owned by it, but also there is no object without
properties attributed to it” (Ingarden, 1987). Prop-
erties are strictly connected to the subject of proper-
ties. ”While the form of ”the subject of properties
(features) in concrete demands always a multitude of
forms of properties, and indirectly properties, with
which constitutes one whole” (Ingarden, 1987).
A State of Thing. A state of thing is defined as an
opinion about the object. A state of thing is an effect
of a process attributing properties to the object by ”a
subject of action”. R.Ingarden defines a subject as a
system of states of things. ”Each object is a set (if
that word here is allowed to use) of states of things
associated with each other by one subject of proper-
ties, ...(Ingarden, 1987).
Positive and Negative States of Things. R.Ingarden
allows possibility of appearing of states both positive
and negative. For example, a positive state is deter-
mined by the sentence: ”a given pen is gold” and a
negative state: ”a pen is not steel”.
Relation (Multi-subject State of Thing).
R.Ingarden formulated a structure of bisubject
relation in order to determine relative properties of
the object. This structure includes: c.A - carrier
A, c.B - carrier B, r.l. - relation link, m - matter,
f - form, l.r.e. - left relation exponent r.r.e. - right
relation exponent, f.r. - fundamentum relationis, r.t.A
- relation term A, r.t.B - relation term B.
Relation Term - a role of object A or B in determin-
ing ”relational constitutive nature”. ... an individual
object is not taken in its constitutive nature, which
builds it for itself, but only as a term of a certain rela-
tions with respect to another object (also as a term of
taken relation), and as a term materially determined
by a core of this relation” (Ingarden, 1987).
Fundamentum relationis. ”... fundamentum is the
constitutive nature or those and only those proper-
ties of objects used as the basis for an ontic relation
(link carriers), which mark moment of material links
(”core”) of relation” (Ingarden, 1987). A relation ex-
ponent constitutes a relative property.
Figure 3: A biterm relation scheme (Ingarden, 1987).
Types of Properties. R.Ingarden distinguishes four
types of properties: (1) relative properties, (2) exter-
nally conditioned properties, (3) acquired properties,
(4) absolutely own properties of an individual object.
Relative Properties constitute exponents of relation
R intervening objects P and P’. They have some ma-
terial endowment coming from endowment of funda-
mentum relationis.
Externally Conditioned Properties come from an
influence of other objects.
Acquired Properties constitute properties induced
by some external factor whose influence is finished.
”Properties acquired differ from the previously dis-
cussed properties that however they are also exter-
nally conditioned, this conditioning concerns only the
creation of properties with determined matters, but it
is not required to maintain these properties. Once
given the shape of a marble remains, however, activi-
ties that caused it have been stopped. Moreover, even
they had to stop, if a given shape had to be made; fur-
ther actions of the sculptor would have to change it
into another” (Ingarden, 1987).
Absolutely Own Properties are properties which are
not conditioned by any external factors in creation and
service of the object.
Constitutive Nature of an Individual Object - mat-
ter (content) determining globally the object. ”In
other words, the constitutive nature of the individual
object may be only such matter, which can fully deter-
mine a given subject of properties” (Ingarden, 1987).
More detailed definitions of concepts of ontology
of individual object are included in (Mordka, 2002;
Hartman, 1993; Nowak and Sosnowski, 2001).
Traditional properties of goods or services such as
price, technical parameters, usage parameters, con-
struction parameters, service parameters, a list of ad-
ditional equipment or additional services cannot con-
stitute exclusive characteristic of goods or services.
Ontology of offers of goods and services, presented
below, refers to the concept apparatus of the Roman
Ingarden’s ontology of individual object OIO. An of-
fer of good/service is defined analogously by pur-
chaser value, purchaser utility, and after-sales service.
Purchaser value (constitutive nature) - is such a mate-
rial characteristic of a product that expresses in mon-
etary units a value of a good or a service for the pur-
chaser with respect to product novelty, its brand, and
a level of consumer acceptation. Example: In assess-
ment of a university educational offer, a value for a
graduate is a market value of a diploma, i.e., a pre-
dicted salary level. Hence, there should be provided,
in an educational offer, a predicted salary for a grad-
uate of a given university instead of, for example, a
fee for the whole period of studies. Purchaser utility
(subject) - is a subject of a list of properties, which
characterize purchaser expectation. Example: Utility
for a graduate of the university is presented in Univer-
sity System Asserting Education Quality (USAEQ)
including effects of education according to Recogni-
tion of Professional Qualifications for a given studies.
Utility potential (positive state) - constitutes a list of
utility properties related to advantages of an offer in
relation to the line standard. Example: For the civil
engineering studies, Polish Chamber of Civil Engi-
neers defines proceedings of the recognition of pro-
fessional qualifications in the building industry. The
university system of education effects is referred to
this standard. Assessment can be made using the AHP
method (Saaty, 1980). Grades exceeding standard re-
quirements are respected. For example, the student
has the high knowledge level in the area of construc-
tion projects. This property constitutes also relative
assessment of USAEQ in relation to the standard.
Utility gap (negative state) - constitutes a list of util-
ity properties related to disadvantages of an offer in
relation to the line standard. Example: Grades below
standard requirements are respected. For example, the
student has the low knowledge level in the area of
construction projects. This property constitutes also
relative assessment of USAEQ because it does not
satisfy the standard in a given range. Utility prop-
erty (relational property) - is a property attributed to
given utility potential or utility gap. Example: There
are the following properties in USAEQ: student has
the (low, medium, high) knowledge level (in a given
range), student has the (low, medium, high) practi-
cal skills (in a given range), student has formed social
skills (in a given range). Advantage indicator (object
carrier) - is a measure of a given (positive) property
defined as a result of the control procedure. Exam-
ple: In USAEQ, a measure can be as follows: student
has practical skills in the area of the project manage-
ment, student takes a part in implementation of con-
struction projects in national and foreign enterprises
during the planned placements organized for individ-
ual studies. Disadvantage indicator (object carrier) -
is a measure of a given (negative) property defined as
a result of the control procedure. Example: In US-
AEQ, a measure can be as follows: student does not
have social skills in the area of the team management,
a measure can be a number of team projects realized
during studies in relation to required standard. An in-
dicator value (relative assessment) (relation exponent)
(advantages, disadvantages) - is a value of linguistic
variable (low, medium, high, good, very good). A re-
source base (fundamentum relationis) constitutes the
so-called material endowment of properties, they are
resources (system, human, document) authenticating
a given utility property. Example: A utility property:
student has the high knowledge in the area of calcula-
tions of steel constructions. A resource base to justify
this property constitutes: planned projects related to
calculations of steel constructions, a number of tools
for calculations (the FEM method) in the university
CAD laboratory, a number of teaching experienced
staff, a number of student’s own work hours on calcu-
lation projects, realized calculation projects for enter-
prises during the placements.
In this paper, the formal ontology of individual ob-
ject of the Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden, re-
constructed by the author, has been presented. This
ontology includes a material and formal view of the
object. A key element of this ontology is the con-
cept apparatus of biobject relation, which constitutes
a procedure of attributing properties to the object. The
author showed original ontology of offers of goods
and services OOGS related to the concept apparatus
of ontology of individual object. In definitions of in-
dividual concepts, there have been presented exam-
ples from ontology of University System Asserting
Education Quality of Zamo
c University of Manage-
ment and Administration.
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