of the points indicated with those letters. The ECG
signal analysis is crucial for the doctors to generate a
correct clinical diagnosis (Kohler et al., 2002).
Figure 1: ECG waveform: (1) P wave; (2) QRS complex;
(3) T wave; (4) PR interval; (5) QRS interval; (6) QT
interval; (7) ST interval;(8) PR segment; (9) ST segment;
(10) R–R interval (or beat); (11) cardiac cycle (including P
wave, QRS complex, and T wave).
The QRS complex detection of ECG signal has
been researched for the past four decades. According
to the medical definition (Rangayyan, 2001); (Silipo
et al., 1998), the most important information about
ECG signal is almost concentrated on the P wave,
the QRS complex and the T wave. These data
include the positions and/or the magnitudes of PR
interval, QRS interval, QT interval, ST interval, PR
segment and ST segment (see Figure 1). In
particular, QRS detection is quite difficult, since
several issues might be present, such as noise,
power-line interference, and the similarity between
the T wave amplitude and the QRS complex. A lot
of proposals of QRS complex detection algorithms,
introducing solutions to the previously mentioned
problems, have been investigated. For example, in
(Pan et al., 1985), an algorithm (called PT method)
is depicted, which recognizes QRS complex,
through the analysis of positions and magnitudes of
sharp waves using a digital band pass filter to reduce
the false detection of ECG signals. In (Benitez et al.,
2001); (Vijaya et al., 1998); (Keselbrener et al.,
1997); (Dokur et al., 1997); (Afonso et al., 1999)
digital filters were used to detect and classify ECG
signal in time and frequency domains, while (Suarez
et al., 2007) proposed a “Geometrical Matching
Approach” to find the ECG beat. Finally, (Yeha et
al., 2008) proposes a “Difference Operation
Method” for detecting the QRS complex.
The proposed ECG signal processing chain is
composed by three main units (as depicted in Figure
2): the flagging unit, the filtering unit and the QRS
detection unit.
Figure 2: ECG signal processing chain.
In the flagging step, the input signal is analysed
to detect corrupted parts, e.g. a saturated signal. The
result of the analysis is a vector of signal flags that
can be used by the rest of the processing steps. In the
filtering step, a linear pass-band filter is applied to
the signal. The filtering is carried out in the
frequency domain by computing the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) of the whole signal, by
multiplication with the pass band response and
taking the inverse FFT of the result. Finally, in the
QRS detection step, the signal is analysed to identify
and mark the peaks of the QRS complexes. Both the
flagging and the filtering steps are quite standard
and they will not be described in this paper. Instead,
the core of the ECG processing, the QRS detection
algorithm, will be described in the next Section.
The proposed detector is based on correlation: the
detector can be seen as an adaptive matched filter
detector. The algorithm maintains a correlation
template of 2 1 samples, where
and: (i) round(.) means the rounding
to the nearest integer operation; (ii) F
is the
sampling frequency; (iii)
is the template half
length in sec. The template is denoted by t
, for
,…, and represents an estimate of the
waveform segment centred on the QRS complex.
The algorithm maintains an estimate of the current
heart period, denoted by T
, measured in samples.
Given the input ECG signal, denoted by x
for 1,…,, the detector produces a sequence of
indices of estimated positions of the QRS peaks. The
sequence of peaks positions is produced as follows.
Given the position of the last identified QRS peak,
denoted by P
, the positions ranging from
are considered as candidate for the next peak. From
each of these positions a signal segment of length
2 1 is extracted and the mean subtracted
segment is correlated with the template. Formally,
for the candidate in position J: (i) the segment
,...,; (ii) the mean