User Awareness for Collaborative Multi-touch Interaction
Markus Schlattmann
, Yuelong Yu
, Nils Gruendl
, Manfred Bogen
, Alexander Kulik
David d'Angelo
, Bernd Froehlich
and Reinhard Klein
AGT Group (R&D) GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, Germany
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Keywords: Multi-touch, User Aware, Applications, Interaction Metaphors.
Abstract: Multi-touch enables direct manipulation of graphical computer interfaces. This intuitive interaction
paradigm rapidly became popular, particularly in the domain of individual mobile devices. Collaborative
work on large scale multi-touch devices, instead, suffers from mutual interferences if many simultaneous
touch events cannot be attributed to individual users. On the example of a large, adjustable, high-resolution
(4K) multi-touch device, we describe a lightweight and robust method to solve this issue. An additional
depth camera above the tabletop device tracks the users around the table and their respective hands. This
environment tracking and the multi-touch sensor are automatically calibrated to the same coordinate system.
We discuss relevant implementation details to help practitioners building similar systems. Besides improved
multi-user coordination we reveal general usability benefits including the reduction of false positives.
Exploiting the developed system, we implemented several novel test applications to analyze the capabilities
of such a system with regard to different interaction metaphors. Finally, we combined several of the
analyzed metaphors to a novel application serving as an intuitive multi-touch application and environment
for seismic interpretation.
Many professional computer applications could
benefit from immediate collaboration of colleagues
and require technologies that support this. In the
particular realm of seismic data interpretation in the
oil and gas industry, we observed several issues
originating from isolated desktop workplaces
including the loss of information and the
misinterpretation of results.
Tabletop computers with multi-touch (MT) input
offer a promising alternative. They can be easily
operated by non-computer scientists and facilitate
smooth communication and cooperation among
different experts.
Unfortunately, most existing multi-touch systems
suffer from missing user awareness. If a multi-touch
system detects two touch points on the screen, it
generally cannot distinguish whether the touch
points belong to one hand, two hands or even
different users. Therefore, multiple users and
multiple hands can only work in the same context,
which often results in interference.
To solve these problems and allow for more
natural collaboration, some previous research
systems already included additional sensor
technologies. However, these systems all suffered
from severe limitations, restricting the quality of the
tabletop display or its surrounding either, or even the
movements/locations of the users themselves. Using
a depth camera (e.g. Microsoft Kinect), instead,
provides additional information that enables reliable
and robust user tracking. This in turn enables the
robust association of detected touch-points to
individual users and their hands, which provides
many new possibilities to improve the
expressiveness of multi-touch gestures and realize
software-supported multi-user multi-touch input
coordination. In particular we identify the following
Individual users can associate different tools to
their input; thus different functions may even be
operated simultaneously by cooperating users.
Schlattmann M., Yu Y., Gruendl N., Bogen M., Kulik A., d’Angelo D., Froehlich B. and Klein R..
User Awareness for Collaborative Multi-touch Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004210603590366
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information
Visualization Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2013), pages 359-366
ISBN: 978-989-8565-46-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Software-controlled access management eliminates
involuntary interference (e.g. during manipulation
an object access is blocked for other users)
Automatic partitioning of the screen and input
space with respect to user positions.
The main objective of our work was the
development of a functional tabletop prototype that
provides all the features and the quality required for
co-located collaboration on the interpretation of
seismic data. For the moment we were focusing only
on the acceptance of the system by expert users. In
future work we are aiming to gain further insights
into the usability of the system and its integration in
the professional workflow.
Many researchers implemented multi-user
coordination policies using the commercially
available DiamondTouch system (Dietz and Leigh,
2001); (Morris et al., 2004); (Morris et al., 2006);
(Morris et al., 2004). Unfortunately, the system
limits the choice of display component to front
projection. It is furthermore limited to four users that
must maintain physical contact to the corresponding
receiver unit while avoiding to touch each other.
Marquard et al., (2010) used a glove that tagged
features of the hand with unambiguous optical
markers for robust hand and finger identification.
Roth et al. propose attaching small IR-emitting
devices to the users' hands for cryptographically
sound user identification (Roth et al., 2010). This is
obviously the most secure implementation of user
tracking for tabletop interaction, but requiring the
users to wear an electronic device which breaks with
the walk-up and use paradigm of most tabletop
Dang et al., instead, proposed a system that does
not require the user to wear a glove. They suggested
a heuristic to identify the hands belonging to a touch
point based on the orientation of the tracked ellipse
(Dang et al., 2009). Besides the limitation that users
must always touch the surface with the finger pad
instead of the tip, the association is immediately lost
once the fingers are released from the screen. More
recently, Ewerling et al. proposed multi-touch
sensing based on the maximally stable extremal
regions algorithm that implicitly organizes touch
points in hierarchies corresponding to individual
hands (Ewerling et al., 2012). However, this
approach only works with additional depth
information above the tabletop and cannot
distinguish individual users.
Towards the association of touch points to users,
Walther-Franks et al. proposed to use additional
proximity sensors in the frame of the tabletop device
(Walther-Franks et al., 2008). The system provides
rough user tracking for many purposes, but due to
the dislocation of the touch sensing on the screen
surface and the user tracking around its housing, a
robust correlation of touch-points with a user's hand
cannot be ensured. Touch points detected in close
proximity to the user's body position, tracked at the
edge of the tabletop device, may also belong to
somebody else reaching into her proximity.
Recently, Annett et al. presented an improved
version of such a system, using a much larger
number of proximity sensors to derive a higher
tracking density (Annett et al., 2011). In particular,
their system incorporates sensors in upward
orientation, tracking the user’s arm above the
display frame. This adaptation enables a more
accurate association of tracked touch points to
individual users. While this system is a significant
improvement, the general limitations related to the
missing overlap of both tracking systems remain. In
a similar spirit, Richter et al. (Richter et al., 2012)
suggested to capture the users’ shoes for
identification. The association with touch points
cannot be realized robustly, but individual settings
can automatically be applied based on the coming
and going of users - if they keep wearing the shoes
that are linked to them in the database.
Dohse et al. used an additional camera mounted
above the tabletop display for the association of
touch-points with users. The hands are tracked
above the display using color segmentation or
shadow tracking respectively (Dohse et al., 2008).
The authors suggest cancelling the light from the
screen with polarization filters to avoid interference
with the color of displayed items. As an alternative,
they propose tracking the dark silhouettes of the
hands above the illuminated screen.
Another approach by Andy Wilson suggests
using a depth sensing camera attached to the ceiling
as an all-in-one sensor both for touch detection with
defined interaction surfaces and context awareness
(Wilson, 2010). An advanced follow up on this
approach has been presented by Klompmaker et al.,
(2012). Their framework provides the means for
tracking tangible input devices and the users’ hands
for gesture recognition and touch input on arbitrary
surfaces. In both cases, the same sensor that is
exploited for touch sensing covers the whole
surrounding area in depth, touch data can directly be
associated with tracked users. As a downside of this
concept, the relative low resolutions of the depth
cameras impede accurate multi-touch input.
Martinez et al., (2011) consequently proposed to
combine the context tracking of the depth camera
with accurate touch sensing at the surface of the
tabletop device. Unfortunately, they did not provide
much detail about their implementation.
Jung et al. (Jung et al., 2011) proposed the
combination of the Kinect depth sensor for body
tracking and RFID for the automatic authentication
of users on a multi-touch tabletop device. They
realized a prototype demonstrating the benefits of
the concept for applications with critical security
issues. The overall usability of the system and the
technical details necessary to achieve this were not
discussed in the paper.
In this section, the method for computing the
association of touch-points with respective users and
hands is described.
3.1 Hardware Setup
Our high-resolution multi-touch table (3840x2160
pixels) measures 56" display diagonal. With the
Kinect device mounted about 3 meters above the
floor (see Figure 1) we can capture the entire screen
area and about 50 cm of its surrounding in each
Figure 1: The arrangement of MT-table (Bottom) with
Microsoft Kinect (Top).
A standard desktop PC is used to drive the
application on the multi-touch table. A second
machine runs the environment tracking. Both
workstations share the recorded user input data via
network using the TUIO protocol (Kaltenbrunner et
al., 2005).
3.2 Automatic Calibration and
Calibration Detection
The internal calibration of the different sensors
embedded in the Kinect (color, infrared, depth) must
be performed only once as their relation does not
change over time. We use the method published by
Nicolas Burrus for this purpose (Burrus, 2011).
The extrinsic parameters defining the relation
between the display area and one of the Kinect
sensors, instead, must frequently be re-calibrated.
These parameters have to be re-computed every time
the display or the Kinect has been moved. Due to the
adaptability of our assembly this can happen quite
often. For ergonomic usage in different situations
our touch table allows to adjust the height (75 - 125
cm) and the orientation (0 - 70 degrees) of the
interactive display. Even the pivot of the display can
be changed between landscape and portrait
We propose a fully automatic calibration routine
without the necessity of any additional calibration
object such as a printed chessboard pattern. The
screen itself is employed to display a calibration
pattern (chessboard) that can be recorded by the
color sensor of the Kinect and processed for
calibration with the method available in OpenCV
(Bradski, 2000). Note that the calibration pattern on
the display is not visible for the infrared or depth
sensor of the Kinect. Additionally, the need for re-
calibration induced by height or inclination changes
is detected automatically using motion sensors
attached to the multi-touch table.
3.3 Combined Segmentation
The sensors of the Microsoft Kinect enable different
ways of segmenting the foreground (user body parts)
from the background (e.g. floor and display).
However, every sensor and according method has its
benefits and drawbacks. We achieved the best
results with a combination of the IR-intensity image
and the depth information. Depth segmentation
facilitates the background subtraction in the
uncontrolled surrounding of the tabletop device.
However, the imprecision and quantization of depth
values obtained by the Kinect impede precise depth
segmentation close to the display surface.
Furthermore, the effective image resolution of the
depth image is low (approximately 320x240),
wherefore small body parts (e.g. fingers or small
hands) tend to vanish in the segmentation (see Figure
Figure 2: A combination of depth segmentation (left
image) and IR-intensity segmentation (middle image)
leads to better segmentation results (right image) and
solves the respective problems (see regions in green
circles). The red circles indicate the problematic regions in
depth-based segmentation (left) and IR-based
segmentation (middle), respectively.
The background subtraction performed on
infrared (IR) intensity image from the Kinect
provides a higher resolution (640x480) and also
works close to the display surface as the display
does not emit infrared light. Using a logical or-
operation, we combine the depth-based
segmentation of the entire image with the infrared
segmentation, but only inside the image region
corresponding to the display surface. The result is
shown in
Figure 2.
3.4 User Separation and Tracking
After the segmentation, only noise and those regions
belonging to the users remain in the image. To filter
high frequency noise we first perform an erosion
step followed by a dilatation step. Then, we search
for the largest connected components. A simple
threshold on the minimum component size filters
further artifacts of noise. The remaining connected
components (CC) can be assumed to correspond to
individual users. They are assigned a user ID and
tracked over time (Figure 3).
A drawback of this approach is that as soon as
two users touch or occlude each other, their separate
CCs will merge. Thus, we apply a second processing
step to separate the user regions also if a CC
comprises multiple users. We exploit the depth
information provided by the Kinect camera to
identify the upper body of each user.
Our algorithm searches for height peaks within
each connected component that are at least 40 cm
above the known height of the tabletop surface. If
only one of such peaks exists, the entire component
is interpreted as a single user region. Otherwise, the
region is separated into individual areas surrounding
each peak based on frame coherence (i.e. pixels of
the CC are divided based on the nearest pixel
assignment of the previous frame). Apparently, as
this solution is based on frame coherence, it only
works if at a certain time in the past the users did not
occlude each other. Furthermore, it sometimes leads
to erroneous separation in extreme cases, e.g. if the
occlusion continues for a long time during complex
movement of the users.
Figure 3: Example segmentation of four users.
3.5 Associating Touch-Points to Users
and Hands
For each touch-point the corresponding user and
hand have to be estimated. To this end, we project
the touch-points to the image containing the user
regions using the transformation matrix derived
from the calibration (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Projection and assignment of the touch-points
(black dots on the left) to the image containing the user
regions (right). The blue rectangle indicates the area of the
display surface. The projected touch-points (colored dots
with black margin on the right) are assigned to the closest
user region.
If a touch-point is located inside a user region,
the corresponding user ID is transcribed directly.
Otherwise the closest user region is computed using
a breadth-first search. We further distinguish both
hands of a user based on the geodesic distances of
touch-points in the graph representing the user
component. Our procedure builds on the Dijkstra
algorithm to find the shortest path between the
touch-points assigned to one user. The procedure
stops either if all the other touch-points of the
respective user have been found or if the Dijkstra
radius exceeds a certain threshold D (30 cm).
The resulting clusters are interpreted as
individual hands. Unlike Euclidean distances,
geodesic distances support robust clustering even if
both hands are in close proximity. However, this
approach is still limited to cases where the hand
regions do not merge to one region in the camera
images. If the hands merge, we can only transcribe
the hand state of touch points from a previous state
(if existing).
3.6 Identification of Involuntary
If, for one respective user, more than two clusters
are found we ignore those with the lowest frame
coherence as the respective touch events most likely
occurred involuntarily. We also classify a touch-
point to be involuntary if the area of the touch
footprint on the multi-touch panel is larger than a
certain threshold (5cm²). This way, touches too large
to originate from a finger or soft-touch stylus are
ignored. This simple thresholding allows users to
rest their hands on the tabletop surface while
operating with their fingers or a stylus.
A one-time invalid touch-point stays invalid. We
also tried other mechanisms allowing touch-points to
become valid again such as (adaptive) hysteresis
thresholding. However, we observed this simple
mechanism to work best. We observed that
voluntary touches were hardly ever classified as
We first developed several test applications to
explore the novel possibilities of our user aware
tabletop system. These applications were informally,
but continuously tested by visitors of our lab in order
to identify which functionality best suites our
objective. Note that these demonstrators were
realized with an earlier multi-touch table prototype
based on a back-projection display. After these tests
we could identify the interaction techniques most
suitable for the seismic interpretation application.
We later implemented a novel system based on a
large high resolution LCD display. It was equipped
with a multi-touch sensor frame that provides high
precision and tracking robustness combined with
low latency. The final system including the user
tracking was set up with custom software for the
exploration and interpretation of seismic data.
4.1 Test Applications
Territoriality has been shown to be of particular
relevance for the coordination of multi-user
cooperation (Scott et al., 2004). The separation
between personal and group territories facilitate the
coordination of individual and cooperative subtasks.
In the context of a game based on the exchange
of virtual tokens we implemented a technique that
assigns a particular area of the shared tabletop
surface to each involved user (see
Figure 5). The
circular area is automatically placed in closest
possible position to the user it is assigned to and
serves as a storage area for managing the virtual
tokens. Other users could not access the collected
Figure 5: The yellow circles with gray surrounding define
the users' personal storage space.
We observed that users immediately understood
the concept of the personal storage areas that were
following them. They appreciated that the areas
were always situated relative to their body, thus
facilitating access even while walking around the
table. We also frequently observed the annoyance of
users about the disappearing of their personal
storage area when they stepped away too far from
the table for a moment. We introduced some latency
to the automatic area management which alleviated
this issue a little. Only a robust user identification
could solve this problem (e.g. (Jung et al., 2011);
(Richter et al., 2012); (Roth et al., 2010)).
The orientation of GUI elements is a crucial
issue in the realm of tabletop interfaces. Users
generally surround the devices from all accessible
sides, while some elements might only be legible
from one direction. Shen et al. described a
metaphoric "magnet" feature allowing the
reorientation of all GUI-elements to improve
legibility. They observed user conflicts with this
global functionality (Shen et al., 2004). Turning all
items to face a particular user necessarily turns the
same items away from the others.
We reasoned that users would generally not be
interested in orienting all available GUI elements
towards themselves, but only try to improve the
legibility of a few items they are focusing on. Thus
we implemented an automatism that turned a
selected item automatically towards the user who
selected it. This concept works well if users only
seek for their own reading comfort. In test
applications including a photo viewer and a
document reader, however, we observed that users
also want to show items to others. The automatic
alignment was interfering in these situations.
Therefore we adapted the algorithm such that items
still turned toward the user who selected them, but if
they are moved (e.g. in the direction of another user)
they turned toward the user being closest in the
movement direction. This combination was well
accepted by test users, but eventually we realized
that the items can just always be oriented in the
direction of a movement. This simplification works
similarly well and does not even require user
Associating particular tools to the fingers of
individual hands is probably the most relevant
augmentation for multi-user multi-touch interaction.
In a drawing application we observed that users just
expected to keep a selected color for drawing until
they had chosen a new one (see Figure 6). In fact,
most of our visitors were puzzled when we
explained this to be a novel feature. They could not
imagine this to be any different. Consequently, they
were surprised that the chosen association was lost
when they stepped further away from the screen
such that they left the tracking area for a moment.
Figure 6: User awareness allows assigning individual tools
to each touch event. Here, each user draws with an
individually selected color.
Automatic input coordination can reduce
mutual interference of multi-user input enormously.
In the most basic configuration, GUI elements
cannot be acquired by users while they are already
manipulated by someone else. This ensures that each
user can complete a desired manipulation without
disturbance. We experimented with this feature in a
photo viewer application.
We found that more subtle adaptations to the
users' input are often preferable compared to simple
locking. In fact users often want to stop others from
moving an element. To this end they touch the
moving element in an attempt to stop it. Without any
context awareness such conflicting input from
multiple users generally results in scaling the
respective graphics element. We implemented a
coordination policy that only locks the type of
possible manipulations to those already operated by
the user who first acquired the element. Thus, if one
is moving an item, others may still interfere to hold
it, but this interference will not cause any other type
of transformation, e.g. scaling.
In combination with individual tool selection this
approach also allows multiple users to apply
different operations simultaneously on the same
element. One may for example continue to draw
lines on an object while it is moved around by
somebody else.
4.2 Seismic Interpretation Application
In the context of an industrial research project we
realized an application for the collaborative analysis
of seismic data on a multi-touch tabletop device. The
application builds on two of the above mentioned
techniques for user awareness. Furthermore, the
display quality was improved by using a high-
resolution LCD panel that offers multi-touch input.
Our earlier prototype did not satisfy the visual
quality required for the interpretation of the fine
grained data (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Illustration of individual tool selection. The left
hand belongs to a user having enabled the line annotation
tool while the right hand belongs to a different user having
enabled the point annotation tool.
The application displays cutting planes derived
from a volumetric dataset. The collaborative task is
the interpretation of seismic features, searching for
places with a high probability of hydrocarbon
accumulation. The application primarily supports
navigation along a horizontal cutting plane as well
as selection and annotation of so called seismic
lines. In Figure 8 the collaborative work on such
seismic lines is shown for two users including the
depth image.
Figure 8: Left: Two users working on the same seismic
line. Right: According depth image.
From the above mentioned functionality we
implemented input coordination and individual tool
selection (see Figure 7). From our earlier
experiences with the test applications we expected
that technologically unaware users would not even
realize that they are tracked to ensure fluid multi-
user multi-touch interaction.
Experts from geology were using our context-
aware multi-touch system and we received very
positive feedback. Also the display size, its
impressive image quality with ultra-high resolution
and the accuracy of the multi-touch input were
highly appreciated. With the expectation of
becoming frequent users of the system our visitors
were delighted about the adaptation features of the
assembly, which easily allow changing the height
and inclination of the display. As expected, most of
these experts did not realize the implicit input
coordination to be an obvious feature. The system
just worked as expected.
We analyzed state-of-the-art methods to achieve
user awareness of multi-touch tabletop displays and
derived an improved method from our experiments.
Based on the sensor data from a depth camera we
achieved robust context tracking. We described an
implementation of this method including automatic
re-calibration, sensor-fused segmentation, separation
of users, robust hand identification based on
geodesic distances and a detection method for
involuntary touches. Based on the resulting user
awareness, we suggested interaction techniques for
fluent co-located collaboration. While the general
idea of context tracking with an overhead camera
has been proposed earlier, we contribute a detailed
description of a timely method that is robust and
easy to implement. Finally, we described a high-
fidelity system prototype and a collaborative
application for the exploration and interpretation of
seismic data.
We are looking forward to gain further insights
on the usability of the system in long-term studies
with expert users.
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