Neural Network Adult Videos Recognition using Jointly Face Shape
and Skin Feature Extraction
Hajar Bouirouga
, Sanaa Elfkihi
, Abdelilah Jilbab
and Driss Aboutajdine
LRIT, unité associée au CNRST, FSR, Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
ENSIAS, Mohammed V , University Souissi, Rabat, Morocco
ENSET, Madinat Al Irfane, Rabat-Instituts, Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Skin Detection, Activation Function, Neuron Networks, Pornographic Images Descriptors, Video Filtering,
Face Detection.
Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for video adult detection using face shape, skin threshold technique
and neural network. The goal of employing skin-color information is to select the appropriate color model
that allows verifying pixels under different lighting conditions and other variations. Then, the output videos
are classified by neural network. The simulation shows that this system achieved 95.4% of the true rate.
Adult classification of images and videos is one of
the major tasks for semantic analysis of visual
content. A modern approach to this problem is
introducing a mechanism to prevent objectionable
access to this type of content. In the literature,
different adult image filtering methods are
presented. A skin color is used in combination with
other features such as texture and color histograms.
Most of these systems build on neural networks or
Support Vector Machines (Duda R.O et al., 2001) as
classifiers. One of the pioneering works is done by
Forsyth et al. (Fleck et al., 1996) where they
combine tightly tuned skin filter with smooth texture
analysis. Another work is conducted by (Duan et al.,
2002). Their study is based purely on skin color
detection and SVM. The images are first filtered by
skin model and outputs are classified. (Rowley et al.,
2006) propose a system that includes skin color and
face detection where they utilize a face detector to
remove the special property of skin regions. In this
paper we propose ANN method based adult video
recognition; the videos are classified by using a
neural network for taken the decision. We notice that
the detection of an adult video is based on the
detection of the adult images that compose the
considered video.
A brief system overview is given in section 2. In
section 3, we put forward a subtraction of the
background. In section 4 we briefly introduce the
skin color model and in section 5, we will talk about
the features extraction and its application in adult
video detection. In section 6 we present a neural
networks algorithm At last, the experiments and the
conclusion are given.
The real-time system is based on motion detection
and segmentation of skin tone. The movement in
each image is detected by comparing images taken
at progressively stream video to each other. The next
step identifies skin tones, and then the current image
is converted into binary image, which are manually
classified into adult and non-adult sets to train a
neural networks classifier. For an input pattern p, the
output OP is a real number between 0 and 1, with 1
for adult image and 0 for no-adult image. Thereafter,
it establishes a threshold T, 0 <T <1, for a binary
Detecting motion, carried out immediately after the
acquisition of an image, represents a very
advantageous for a digital vision system. Indeed, a
considerable performance gain can be achieved
when the interest-free zones are eliminated before
Bouirouga H., Elfkihi S., JIlbab A. and Aboutajdine D..
Neural Network Adult Videos Recognition using Jointly Face Shape and Skin Feature Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004210904220425
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 422-425
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the analysis phases. The fundamental principle of
this method is based on a statistical estimate of the
observed scene. The movement is detected by
comparing a test image with the model background
calculated earlier (Letang et al., 1993).The algorithm
used for subtraction of the background in statistical
modeling has two major steps: initialization and
extraction of foreground.
3.1 Initialization
The first step is to modelling the background from
the first N frames (N 30) for a sequences of
videos. An average intensity is calculated from these
images for each pixel and for each channel (R, G
and B).
The next step is to calculate a standard deviation
for each pixel (for each channel) to be used as the
threshold of detection.
3.2 Extraction of Foreground
To extract the motion in an image, the model of the
background it must first be subtracted. A mask of
motion can then be generated for each channel.
Therefore, if motion is detected for a pixel in a
single channel, this will be enough to change the
Skin detection is the process of finding skin color
pixels and regions in an image or a video. This
process is generally used as a pretreatment step to
find areas that may have human faces and limbs in
the images. This paper presents the impact of
adjusting the threshold value in the chromatic skin
color model for improving skin detection in videos
that contain luminance. There are many colours
spaces have been used in earlier works of skin
detection, such as RGB, normalized RGB, YCbCr,
HIS and TSL (Vezhnevets et al., 2003), but many of
them share similar characteristics. The question now
is: Which is the space of color best to use? To
answer on this question, we propose different
combinations of existing color space. Thus, in this
study, we focus on the tree representing of the color
spaces that are commonly used in image processing:
In RGB space, each color appears in its primary
spectral component red, green and blue. Therefore,
skin colour is classified by heuristic rules that take
into account two different conditions: uniform
daylight or lateral illumination. The color of the skin
to sunlight rule uniform illumination is defined as
(Kovac et al., 2003):
B)>(Ret G)>(R AND 15)>G)-(ABS(R
AND 15)>B])) G, (min[R,-B]) G, ((max[R,
AND 20)>40)et(B>95)et(G>(R
15))<=G)-(ABS(R AND 170)>(B
OR 210)>(G 220)>((R
OR B))>(Get b)>(R
While the skin color under flashlight or daylight
lateral illumination rule is given by (Kovac et al.,
RGB values are transformed into YCbCr (Kovac
et al., 2003) values using the formulation:
BGRY 114.0587.0299.0
The other two components of this space represent
the color information and are calculated from Luma:
Cr = R – Y and Cb = B – Y (4)
The HSV model space consists in breaking the color
according to physiological criteria (hue, saturation
and luminance). In HSV space, the intensity
information is represented through the V, for this
reason, this channel should be overlooked in the
process of skin detection, we consider only the
channels H and S represent the chromatic
0 <H < 50 (5)
0.23 <S < 0.68 (6)
In this paper we propose different combinations of
existing color space. A set of rules is bounding from
all three color spaces, RGB, YCbCr and HSV, based
on our observations of training (HUICHENG et al.,
After choosing the model of the skin, we propose a
new method to identify adult video based on face
detection. The category of the shot was considered
to be "Adult", only if there is at least one image with
more than one face within that shot. It can be
concluded that most common way in video adult
detection is via detecting human face. Human face is
the most unique part in human body, and if it is
accurately detected it leads to robust human
existence detection. Identifying the presence of face
in video streams is one of the most important
features that must be extracted. For each image of
the video containing more than one face, we
calculate the number of existing faces in each frame
of video then removes the region face, and calculate
the rate of correct detection of the skin. In order to
separate the region face, we scan the segmented
image in search of pixels that match the label of the
region. The result will be a binary image that does
not contain the region.
We must first determine the number of regions
of skin in the image, by associating with each region
an integer value called a label. We performed
measurements by testing different sets of 100 and
averaging the results. All of the results are
represented by the following figure.
Figure 1: Rate of good detection based on the number of
We assume that an image will contain an adult
material if the image contains at max four persons
and one person at least. Normally this is where we
find the most actually. Our way proves to be able to
correctly online determine the skin and effectively
distinguish naked videos from non-naked videos by
integrating texture, features extraction and face
detection. After this step we adapt neural networks
to classify videos. More specifically, the classifier
will act on the vector constructed from the
calculated descriptors in the next paragraph to
decide what kind of video analysis. After we present
functions based on grouping of skin regions which
could distinguish the adult images of the other
images. Many of these features are based on suitable
ellipses calculated on the skin map. These functions
are adapted to our demand for their simplicity.
Consequently we calculate for each card skin two
ellipses namely Suitable Global Ellipse (GFE) and
Local Ellipse (LFE) based only on the largest region
on the map skin. We distinguish 8 functions of the
skin map 3 first functions are global.
- The average probability of skin of the entire image.
- The average probability of skin inside the GFE.
- The number of areas of skin in the image.
- Distance from the larger area of skin at the center
of the image.
- The angle of the main axis of the LFE of horizontal
- The average probability of skin inside the LFE.
- The average probability of skin outside the LFE.
- Number of dominant face in the video to analyze.
In this step, we suggest to use the Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) classifier which is considered as the
majority common technique used of a decision
support system in image processing. In particular we
use a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network.
Hence, the used network concentrates on the study
of decision-boundary surface telling adult videos
from non-adult ones. It is composed of a large
number of vastly interconnected processing elements
(neurons) working in unison to solve the adult video
recognition problem. The decision tree model
recursively partitions an image data space, using
variables that can divide image data to most
identical numbers among a number of given
variables. This technique can give incredible results
when characteristics and features of image data are
known in advance (BOUIROUGA et al., 2011). The
inputs of our neural network are fed from the feature
values extracted from descriptors. Since the various
descriptors can represent the specific features of a
given image, the proper evaluation process should
be required to choose the best one for the adult
image classification. Our MLP classifier is a semi-
linear feed forward net with one hidden layer. The
MLP output is a number between 0 and 1; with 1 for
adult image and 0 for no-adult image.
We conduct two experiments in performance
evaluation: one for the detection of skin and one for
the classification of videos. In skin detection
evaluation, we use 200 videos, 130 for training and
70 adult videos for test. Performance comparison
between the different color spaces is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: ROC curves for different color spaces.
From Figure 2, we can see that combination of
different color space generally provide better
classification results than using only single color
space. As a comparison, we also list the performance
of corresponding color space with extraction
background. The objective is to show that for all
color spaces their corresponding optimum skin
The best rate on the other hand was obtained by
the space RGB-HS-CbCr that is 97 % while the
lowest score is obtained by the space YCbCr 64 %.
After skin detection, two fit ellipses are used for
each skin map. The fit ellipse of all skin regions and
the fit ellipse of the largest skin region. Some
example frames are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: First row: a) Original frame, b) Skin detection of
the whole image, c) Skin detection inside the GFE. Second
row: a) Original frame, b) Large area of the skin map, c)
Skin detection inside the LFE.
After this step we adapt neural networks to classify
Figure 4: ROC curves for different functions activation for
adult video identification.
For a fixed false given alarm FP=0.3 the highest rate
TP of detection was given by hyperbolic tangent
activation function (95.4%) while the lowest score is
obtained by Linear function (25.3%). We
demonstrate how different functions activation
contributes to the solution of an adult video problem.
This article describes a filtering system of video,
which aims to automatically detect and filter out
adult content. Our system combines skin detection
with motion information, face detection and uses
neural network techniques to classify the videos. We
found that the model RGB-H-CbCr gave the best
results for still images. Many experimental results
are presented including a ROC curve. Experimental
results show that hyperbolic tangent activation
function is more efficient compared to sigmoid and
gaussian activation function. The simulation shows
that this system achieved 95.4% of the true rate.
Then in the next work we can use a new method
from the feature porno-sounds recognition is
proposed to detect adult video sequences
automatically which serves as a complementary
approach to the recognition method from images.
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