scene model built with OpenStreetMap datas, a high
precision shadow model and a camera model includ-
ing lens distortion. We showed qualitative and quan-
titative results of this approach. While results are
promising, pixel-precision can’t be achieved easily
with this sole approach, because many parameters
need to be set accurately: building outlines are re-
trieved from OpenStreetMap which makes no guar-
anty of accuracy and camera calibration can be tricky
especially given the high number of degree of free-
dom (3 for camera position, 3 for camera orienta-
tion, 5 for intrinsic parameters and 4 for lens distor-
tion). However, we insist on the fact that this build-
ing shadow prediction model is the first step to a more
general approach which will match predicted shadows
to unknown moving shadows, and therefore pixel-
precision results should not be required.
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shadow prediction part whereas much more informa-
tion is available from our model. Indeed, because of
the geometrical nature of our scene model, we have
access to the depth map and occlusion mask quite eas-
ily. We will investigate, in future work, how can we
make use of such information, especially in an object
tracking context.
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