“It is important not to confuse CW with natural
language processing. CW does not claim that it is
able to fully model complex natural language
propositions nor does it argue that it can perform
reasoning on such statements. But it rather offers a
system of computation that is superior to the
traditional bivalent computing systems because of its
capability to reason and compute with linguistic
words hence modelling human reasoning“,
(Khorasani and Rahimi, 2010).
To summarize, in this brief review of the CWW
literature one thing must be noted and not to be left
unattended: dealing with information representation
issues, CWW never asked itself the question: What
is information? And then, as a consequence, dealing
with undefined (linguistic) information, CWW
repeatedly associates it with a single word or with a
bundle of several “precisiated” words. This,
naturally, leads it to difficulties and troubles, some
of which have been just mentioned above.
What follows from the proposed definition of
information (as a linguistic description of structures
observable in a data set) is that information
processing must be defined as a text processing
enterprise. And not as an act of processing of
separate single words or simple word compositions,
like it is commonly done in the CWW paradigm,
ontology-based world representations, key-words
data mining (practice), and so on.
How this speculative declaration can be
converted into a practical implementation? – I still
do not know (at least at the current stage of my
research). What I do know and about what I am
perfectly certain is that the term “computation” is
not applicable to the action that hypothetically takes
place when humans are busy with processing
information, that is, are busy with processing
linguistic texts.
I hope that my humble insights about the essence
and the linguistic nature of the term “information”
would be helpful in paving the way to an increased
information-related issues appreciation and
establishing the right means for an effective
information processing accomplishment.
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