Transfer of Juggling Skills Acquired in a Virtual Environment
A. P. Hauge
, C. S. Kragegaard
, E. B. Kjæhr
and M. Kraus
School of Information and Communication Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg , Denmark
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Natural Interaction, Virtual Training, Transfer of Skill, Juggling, Motor Skill, Simulation.
This paper explores whether motoric skills acquired within a virtual training environment can be successfully
transferred to the real world by comparing a virtual environment with a traditional learning environment.
Specifically, a system for learning juggling with virtual balls was designed with a focus on approximating
natural interaction. We propose a method of evaluating the acquisition and transfer of motoric skills through a
virtual environment, which is compared to a traditional learning environment. Each environment was evaluated
using various criteria ranging from improvement in skills to observations of performance. The findings suggest
that a transfer of motoric skills and knowledge takes place for users of the virtual system with only little
difference between the environments. They also suggest that a virtual environment can create a less frustrating
learning experience.
Juggling is a sport that heavily involves motor skills
in order to facilitate throws from one hand to the other
without dropping a ball. It requires the user to learn
the basic techniques and to understand the rhythm.
Furthermore, the user has to anticipate coming events
to organize current actions (Beek and Lewbel, 1995).
The goal of the virtual learning environment pro-
posed in this work is to facilitate the acquisition of
transferable juggling skills in as effective a way as
possible. To this end, the physical motion of juggling
balls is simulated and appropriately modified in order
to allow for an improved learning experience.
The comparison of a virtual environment (VE) and
a traditional environment for learning motor skills
such as juggling can reveal whether training in a
VE could substitute training with physical balls or
whether the loss of depth, spatial and tactile feedback
when using the VE also means a loss in the transfer
of motor skills. Apart from the transfer of knowledge,
we also investigate how a well-designed learning VE
compares to a more traditional learning environment;
in particular, we compare the efficacy of the two en-
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Af-
ter a review of previous work, the design of the VE
is discussed. This is followed by a description of the
experiment and a presentation of the results. Finally,
the VE is discussed based on the obtained results.
Prior research in the field of acquisition of knowledge
in VEs has focused on virtual reality (VR) applica-
tions. This includes transfer of spatial knowledge (Pe-
ruch et al., 2000)(Witmer et al., 1996) and basic task-
related knowledge (Kenyon and Afenya, 1995). This
research suggests that virtual reality technology can
facilitate acquisition of transferable knowledge. (La-
garde et al., 2012) focused on teaching timing through
their VE. They found no significant difference be-
tween learning juggling in a virtual and a real envi-
ronment. They also found that starting with balls at
slow speed and increasing the speed allowed subjects
to learn faster than with balls at normal speed.
However, VR equipment is not widely available
and as such is primarily used in professional training
simulators. The rise of computer-vision-based input
devices such as the Microsoft Kinect for consumer
use can bring the technology to a larger demographic
that could potentially benefit from using a VE.
Using computer vision techniques, Charalambous
facilitated the learning of juggling with virtual balls
(Charalambous, 2005) and Marshall et al. studied the
enhancement of the presentation of juggling perfor-
mances with physical balls as well as advanced train-
ing by using juggling with physical balls as part of
games (Marshall et al., 2007). Our work is similar to
the work by Charalambous in that we also facilitate
the learning of juggling in a VE; however, we observe
the complete learning process. Moreover, we inte-
P. Hauge A., S. Kragegaard C., B. Kjæhr E. and Kraus M..
Transfer of Juggling Skills Acquired in a Virtual Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0004215203850388
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information
Visualization Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2013), pages 385-388
ISBN: 978-989-8565-46-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
grate game elements in the VE to improve the learning
experience similar to the work by Marshall et al.
The VE was implemented using the Unity3D game
engine (Unity Technologies, 2011) and the Microsoft
Kinect controller and SDK (Microsoft Corporation,
2011) to track each hand of the player.
In the VE the player’s hands, are represented by
3D models such that the left hand appears on the left-
hand side of the screen and the right hand on the right-
hand side; see Figure 1.
Figure 1: A screenshot of a player juggling with 3 balls
using the virtual training environment.
A basic button-trigger-based system was created
to give users more control over releasing (i.e. throw-
ing) the balls. Alternative solutions were investigated
such as releasing the balls based on sudden decelera-
tion of the hands; however, players reported problems
with unintentional releases of balls. The motion of
balls in the VE is restricted to a plane parallel to the
view plane. Issues with using more degrees of free-
dom for the virtual balls have previously been identi-
fied by Charalambous (Charalambous, 2005).
An important part in the design of the VE was
the dynamic difficulty adjustments during play. The
training starts with reduced gravity and therefore
slower motion of the balls. Furthermore, released
balls are initially assigned the appropriate velocity so
they reach the other hand. However, the player’s con-
trol over the balls’ velocity is gradually increased as
his or her score rises. The difficulty level is computed
by constantly checking the player’s score.
If the player scores higher than his or her previ-
ous score, the difficulty will increase and vice versa.
The difficulty is filtered; thus, dropping a single ball
will not reset the difficulty but only reduce it slightly.
If the player continues to drop several balls, the diffi-
culty will decrease to help the player get back in the
game. This dependency on the player’s score results
in a basic dynamic difficulty adjustment intended to
challenge players without frustrating them, as sug-
gested by flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997).
A level-based system in which new concepts are
gradually introduced (in this case, more balls), pro-
vides a less steep learning curve compared to that of
a traditional learning environment. To keep the at-
tention of the players, flow theory (Csikszentmiha-
lyi, 1997) was used in the design of the levels. Each
level has a requirement containing a certain amount
of juggles before the next level is reached. Through-
out these levels, auditory cues are triggered when a
ball is dropped, thrown or a new ball is on the way.
The music also gradually changes based on the cur-
rent score and increases from a lower pitch up to
the normal speed of the music. Using a virtual sys-
tem might also assist in increasing the automation of
catching the balls, as the VE enables easy practicing.
By increasing the amount of practice, the automa-
tion should also become faster (Logan, 1988). Fail-
ures were designed to be entertaining as suggested
by Ravaja et al. (Ravaja et al., 2005). Thus, play-
ers are “rewarded” by visual and audio effects when
they drop balls in order to encourage them to continue
The test subjects were mostly male and between 17
and 29 years. All were unable to juggle and had never
received prior training in juggling.
To compare the VE with the traditional learning
environment, test subjects were split into two groups.
Group 1 consisted of 14 subjects who used the VE.
Group 2 consisted of 15 subjects who used the tradi-
tional learning environment, i.e. physical balls. The
test setup shown in Figure 2 consisted of record-
ing equipment, the VE and a test facilitator to ob-
serve and take notes. Furthermore, an instructional
juggling training CD-ROM (Duncan Toys Company,
2011) was available for use. The traditional learning
environment was identical but without the screen and
the Kinect controller.
For the first 5 minutes, the subjects of each group
were asked to throw as many or as few physical balls
from hand to hand as they were comfortable with. The
goal of this was to evaluate the basic level of motor
control and spatial awareness for each subject. After
this, a period of 35 minutes was spent training jug-
gling 30 minutes for the users of the VE. During this
time, subjects were allowed to watch training videos
from a DVD. The DVD contained short videos with
descriptions for juggling one up to four balls. The
Figure 2: The test setup: laptop with instructional DVD (1),
test subject (2), Kinect controller (3), screen (4), facilitator
(5), spare balls (6), and recording equipment (7). In the
traditional environment (3) and (4) were removed.
subjects using the VE were then given 5 minutes to
adjust to throwing real balls. Finally, each group was
asked to juggle as many or as few physical balls they
could for 10 minutes in the same way they would do
if they were supposed to learn to juggle.
After the performance test, users were asked to fill
out a questionnaire. Questions ranged from perfor-
mance self-assessment to rating their level of frustra-
tion during the test.
The performance score was created as an indication
of how well the player performed during the test. The
performance score was computed by first counting
the number of throws from hand to hand per minute,
which was divided by the number of drops per minute.
This number x was then transformed by the function
(1 1/(x+1))/3 resulting in a number between 0 (no
successful throws) to 1/3 (infinitely many successful
throws). If the player was juggling with 2 balls in-
stead of 1 ball, 1/3 was added to the performance
score in order to reflect the higher performance. If
3 balls were used, 2/3 was added. The computation
is illustrated in Figure 3. If a test subject juggled with
different numbers of balls, only the score for the high-
est number of balls was considered in order to indicate
that the subject is at the next level. This also ensures
that a player, who only threw one ball, cannot have a
better performance than a player who has trained with
two balls.
Using a paired t-test it was possible to observe sig-
nificantly better performances (probability level 0.05)
of both groups after the training. Comparing the im-
provements between the groups with an independent
t-test did not show a significant difference: the tra-
ditional environment had only a 1.52% higher score
compared to the mean in the virtual environment. The
Figure 3: Model of how the performance is calculated.
Figure 4: Individual difference in user performance for each
learning environment (11 test subjects had to be culled from
the data due to using an incorrect juggling technique).
performance differences of all test subjects can be
seen in Figure 4.
When the virtual group answered the question-
naire, 57% of the subjects didn’t feel they would be
able to learn juggling by using the virtual environ-
ment. This shows that subjects were unaware of the
improvement they made. As the subjects were using
the virtual system they reported less frustration as op-
posed to the traditional learning environment, this was
also reflected in the questionnaire answers as shown
in Figure 5.
As depicted in Figure 6, subjects using the tradi-
tional learning environment felt it was difficult as
opposed to the subjects using the VE. 71% reported
that the VE was not too hard.
The lack of a significant difference between the ac-
quired skills of the two groups suggests that the vir-
tual learning environment is comparable with the tra-
ditional learning environment as seen in Figure 4.
The results suggest that the acquisition of trans-
Figure 5: Number of subjects reporting a level of frustration
from 1 (very frustrated) to 5 (very satisfied).1 test subject
didn’t fill out the questionaire.
Figure 6: Number of subjects reporting a level of experi-
enced difficulty ranging from 1 (too difficult) to 5 (too easy).
1 test subject didn’t fill out the questionaire.
ferable motor skills is possible through training in a
VE. User feedback indicates that the dynamic diffi-
culty adjustments of gravity and velocity of thrown
balls created an experience where players were less
frustrated and provided a better training experience as
shown in Figures 5 and 6.
This could be explored further by letting the train-
ing span several days to reduce mental and physical
fatigue endured by subjects. Evaluating training over
longer periods of time would have been beneficial as
the short time makes the data more prone to be due to
chance. The reason that it was not possible to find any
difference between the two samples might also have
been due to the small sample size.
The experiment showed that the use of game design
can improve a training environment for juggling by
helping learners to maintain focus and by keeping the
learning experience engaging and interesting in spite
of a repetitive training process. This confirms earlier
research by Marshall et al. (Marshall et al., 2007).
Since these results and observations have all been
gathered using juggling training, they can not be gen-
eralized to skills beyond juggling. In order to draw
broader conclusions on the use and benefits of vir-
tual training environments for transfer of motor skills,
further research should be carried out across different
fields relying on motor skill development.
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