Table 5: Accuracy (%) with classifiers NN and SVM (C = 10
), RM descriptor PaD, and feature combination Φ
and Φ
Table 4) on different sets of views (IXMAS dataset) for training and testing.
Training Views : Testing Views
Feat. Comb. O Classifier O 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 2:3 1,2:3 All:All
NN 44.9 49.5 45.5 45.9 47.3 66.4 65.4 66.6
SVM 65.8 63.9 64.5 65.1 61.1 68.9 80.6 78.4
NN 66.3 66.9 69.1 66.6 60.5 79.5 81.1 71.2
SVM 70.5 72.3 73.0 75.4 65.8 68.9 77.0 75.3
SSM (HOG+OF) (Junejo et al., 2011) 77.0 77.3 75.8 71.2 68.8 68.5 N/A 74.6
is required to understand why the proposed system
(descriptors, fusion strategy, or classifier) is somehow
behind the state-of-the-art results, so that it can be
made more discriminative, yet as simple as possible.
Combining features of different nature (such as
shape, motion, and time-contextual information) gen-
erally improves the performance over individual sub-
sets of these features. However, it is observed that
which frame descriptors are chosen and how they are
combined may significantly affect the performance in
a data-dependent way. Consequently, devising an ef-
ficient procedure to select both, a proper subset of
the descriptor parts, and a suitable fusion strategy, is
among the most interesting research possibilities.
This work is partially supported by the Span-
ish research programme Consolider Ingenio-2010
CSD2007-00018, Fundaci
o Caixa-Castell
o Bancaixa
(projects P1·1A2010-11 and P1·1B2010-27), and
Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2010/028).
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