The present study investigated the viability of ADW
assessment using a cardiac prototype in a wide num-
ber of subjects, comprising real clinical environment.
The study of different groups during data analysis
demonstrates the ability in different patterns com-
parison for each group. The data variability re-
sults showed good repeatability for the SP, RP and
DN. Therefore, this prototype could be an interest-
ing tool to use in the screening of arterial compli-
cations caused by the arterial stiffness development.
This fact was also proved by the analysis of a stenosis
case study where the clinical alterations were reliably
monitored by our probe.
Authors acknowledge Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e
Tecnologia for funding SFRH/BD/61356/2009 and
PTDC/SAU-BEB/100650/2008, project developed
under the initiative of QREN, funding by UE/FEDER,
through COMPETE-Programa Operacional Factores
de Competitividade. The authors also thanks to Coim-
bra University Hospital Centre (C.H.U.C.) and Dr.
Rui Provid
encia, SCDSOS-Sudden Cardiac Death
Screening of Risk factors, for the support in clinical
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