Autonomous Aquatic Agents
A. Calce, P. Mojiri Forooshani, A. Speers, K. Watters, T. Young and M. Jenkin
Computer Science and Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada
Autonomous Aquatic Agents.
Constructing a collection of autonomous agents requires the development of appropriate experimental hard-
ware platforms. Here we describe the process of re-purposing inexpensive radio-controlled (RC) electric
motorboat as autonomous surface craft. Standard electronics components are used to interface with the RC
boat electronics, and the vessels are augmented with GPS, vision, and a tilt-compensated compass to provide
the necessary onboard sensing capabilities to enable point-to-point and target-based control of the vehicle. A
ROS-based control and sensing infrastructure is used to operate the vehicles on-board while 802.11n com-
munication provides communication off-board. Vessels have been operated successfully in both the pool and
ocean environment.
Unmanned surface vessels (USVs) have undergone a
rapid growth over the last five years and we are now
beginning to see devices in a range of different appli-
cations. Autonomous Surface Craft (ASC), also re-
ferred to as Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs), have
been developed for civil, military and research pur-
poses. Proposed applications for autonomous sur-
face vessels for civil applications include automated
bathymetry, coastal surveillance, water sampling, and
environmentalmonitoring (Caccia, 2006). Of particu-
lar importance is the ability of an ASC to operate as a
mobile relay point between radio frequency transmis-
sions in air and acoustic transmission undersea. In
this role they can be deployed as part of a cooperative
heterogeneous team including AUVs (Autonomous
Underwater Vessels). This fact is a key point in many
military applications (Manley, 2008). Other Military
applications include harbour security, mine sweeping
and various military missions(Manley, 2008; Caccia,
2006; Bertram, 2008).
Although a number of autonomous watercraft
projects exist, much of the technical details associated
with these projects is not well recorded and individ-
ual projects must often start again from scratch. Here
we describe efforts to utilize standard tools from the
RC and hobby electronics community to construct a
fleet of autonomous surface vessels that expose ROS,
a standard robot middleware (Quigley et al., 2009)
to external users. The basic structures used in this
project can be easily adapted to other applications and
Figure 1: The “minnow”. The autonomous service ves-
sel is constructed from a modified RC motorboat, and has
been augmented with onboard electronics and sensors. An
802.11g network connection provides offboard communi-
the basic electronic components used are “standard”
devices that are easily sourced.
A basic design question in the development of any
autonomous system is the size of the device. Size,
measured in volume or mass, provides a range of con-
straints related to power, locomotive strategies, on-
board sensor capabilities, onboard computation, com-
munication opportunities and the like. This con-
straint is especially true in the development of an au-
Calce A., Mojiri Forooshani P., Speers A., Watters K., Young T. and Jenkin M..
Autonomous Aquatic Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0004220003720375
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 372-375
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tonomous surface vessel based on an RC platform.
RC vessels are typically small, designed to be eas-
ily portable and with relatively short operational pe-
riods (typically under an hour, and often significantly
less). On the plus side, RC vessels typically avoid
regulatory issues associated with operating a “human
sized” vessel autonomously. One critical question in
terms of the re-purposing of RC vessels is the na-
ture of the vessel power plant. RC watercraft are
developed with electrical systems for onboard con-
trol and communication, and are available with elec-
tric, gasoline and nitrox drive systems. Each of these
drive alternatives come with their own capabilities
and constraints. Electrical powered systems are emis-
sion free and thus are easily deployed in indoor swim-
ming pools, but they lack the extended range and
maximum power output associated with gasoline and
nitrox power plants. (A properly tuned nitrox boat
can exceed 80 kilometers an hour in terms of speed.)
Fortunately the basic control mechanisms remain un-
changed over the various power plants, but the choice
of plant type has a significant impact on maximum
speed, available test environments and operational pe-
For this project the “Blackjack 26” platform was
chosen. The Blackjack 26 is a “ready to run” 26”
fiberglass catamaran RC vessel powered by a single
propeller and equipped with a single rudder (see Fig-
ure 1). The vessel is powered by a 1500 RPM brush-
less DC motor and utilizes a standard RC servo mo-
tor to provide positional control over the rudder. The
boat comes equipped with a water-cooled 45A pro-
grammable Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) that
provides control over the drive motor, power to the
servomotor, and exposes itself to control circuitry as
a standard servomotor. As shipped the vessel con-
tains a pair of 7.2V sub-C battery packs that provide
power for both the motors and the associated electron-
ics. Normally the vessel is controlled by a remote ra-
dio controller, but this device was removed prior to
re-purposing the vehicle.
The robot operating system (ROS) has emerged
as the de-facto standard in terms of middleware for
research robots. Rather than attempting to develop a
custom software environment for the vehicle as much
as possible of the software developed for the vehicle
leverages existing ROS infrastructure. This choice en-
abled the project to leverage a significant open source
code base but lead to a number of design decisions
in terms of hardware and software infrastructure, as
detailed later in this paper.
2.1 Electromechanical Issues
A surface vessel like the Blackjack 26 is essentially
a two degree-of-freedom (DOF) device. There is a
rudder and throttle, both of which are controlled by
5V signal lines. The necessary control signal to these
two inputs is provided by a radio receiver in the stock
RC boat. A key step in re-purposing the vessel as an
ASC is providing computer control of these two de-
grees of freedom. We chose to use an Arduino micro-
controller to provide this interface. The Arduino (µC)
was chosen for a number of reasons related to ease of
use, ability to provide the necessary control interface
to the underlying hardware, and also the existence of
an Arduino ROS package that allows ROS nodes to
be executed on the Arduino directly and to be made
visible to standard ROS nodes operating elsewhere.
The Arduino microcontroller provides an inter-
face to a tilt-compensated compass and provides ref-
erence voltages and PWM control signals to the rud-
der servo and the ESC controlling the throttle. The
Arduino also providespower to the rudder servo. Nor-
mal power from the drive system provides power to
the ESC. The Arduino is connected via USB to an on-
board BeagleBoard SBC which provides higher-level
control as well as providing power to the Arduino.
Each of the motor controllers onboard the robot
requires a reference ground and a 5V control line.
These are easily mapped to the Arduino’s digital out
and reference lines.
Although the use of the Rosserial package greatly
simplifies integrating low-level control of an actuator
into a collection of ROS nodes, it is not without its
limitations. The existing version of the library limits
the number of publishers and subscribers on the Ar-
duino. Nor are all primitive types supported in mes-
sages that can be passed. Furthermore, the connection
between the Arduino and its host computer is via a
USB connection, and this places limits on how much,
and how quickly, data can be passed from code run-
ning on the Arduino and that running on the host de-
vice. (For example, sending long string messages is
not to be encouraged given the limited 280 byte buffer
size available.)
2.2 Computation
The limited volume and mass characteristics of the
Blackjack 26 places extreme constraints in terms of
potential onboard computation. Furthermore, the de-
cision to build a ROS-compatable device requires that
the onboard computer run some version of Linux. Al-
though a number of small form factor devices meet
all of these requirements, the decision was made
to proceed with a BeagleBoard MX platform. The
benefits of using a BeagleBoard have been demon-
strated against several other platforms small form fac-
tor boards (see (Watters et al., 2011)). The Beagle-
Board runs a quasi-standard version of Linux, pro-
vides a reasonable number of input and output ports –
including onboard video – and is reasonably inexpen-
sive. Furthermore, it supports a number of different
power inputs, including being able to be powered by
a USB power source.
The BeagleBoard was configured to run Ubuntu
Linux and Robot Operating System (ROS) (Quigley
et al., 2009). When on, the BeagleBoard serves as
a link between the base station computer (when in-
structions are sent to, or information is requested from
the robot) and the low level systems of the robot
through an 802.11g connection. The control of the
robot’s single servo, electronic speed controller, and
3D HMC6343 magnetometer compass is delegated to
the Arduino which is connected to the BeagleBoard
via a USB connection. Connected directly to the
BeagleBoard are on-board camera and GPS modules.
Any commands to alter the motion of the robot are ei-
ther generated on the Beagleboard or received by the
BeagleBoard and directed to the Arduino Uno. The
camera selected for use on the robot was a Logitech
Quick Cam Pro for notebooks. This camera provides
images up to 2.0Mpixel at 5fps and is UVC compliant
(allowingfor simple interfacing within the Ubuntu en-
vironment). The GPS selected was the BU-353 USB
GPS Navigation Receiver that connects to the Bea-
gleBoard through an RS232 connection which prop-
agates the GPS data in NMEA format to the Beagle-
The process of configuring a BeagleBoard to run
ROS was not without its difficulties. The operating
system most fully supported on the BeagleBoard fam-
ily of single board computers is Angstrom, and initial
development relied on this OS. ROS is not officially
supported on the Angstrom OS, and efforts to compile
ROS for the Angstrom-BeagleBoard combination did
not lead to a robust ROS environment on the platform.
In order to provide a supported OS for ROS, a
stripped-down version of Ubuntu ARM was deployed
on the BeagleBoard. This provided a rather straight-
forward installation of the majority of the ROS en-
vironment and its associated support libraries. ROS
Electric Base and Ubuntu 11.04(Natty Narwhal) were
used as these were the most “cutting edge” compati-
ble versions for the BeagelBoard platform at the time.
2.3 Sensing
Given the experimentalnature of the vessel being con-
structed a wide range of different sensors have been
built into the vehicle including GPS, video and a com-
GPS. A ROS GPS node interfaces with the BU-
353 USB GPS Navigation Receiver, parsing the data
stream (in NMEA 0813 V2.2 format). Currently the
node parses only the GPS system fix data (
These strings contain information on the latitude, lon-
gitude and altitude as well as associated data on fix
quality and time of fix. The parsed latitude / longitude
data is converted into a +/ degree with positive val-
ues going North (Latitdue) and East (Longitude). The
latitude and longitude are encapsulated in a custom
gps message and are available to the rest of the sys-
tem. If the GPS fix quality is zero an error latitude /
longitude value are returned.
Front Facing Video Cameras. A USB Quick-
Cam Logitech webcam with 640x480 resolution is
mounted onboard the vessel. This video source can
be used both by a remote user to teleoperate the vehi-
cle, as well as by ROS software to control the robot
using visual landmarks. Given the Linux nature of the
onboard computation and the use of ROS, the process
of capturing video onboard the robot is accomplished
using the standard Video4Linux library and images
are transferred as a single ROS sensor msgs::Image
message. Other nodes, including nodes off-board the
vehicle can subscribe to this published image stream.
Tilt-compensated Compass. Although consider-
ably more expensive than their non-tilt-compensated
counterpart, a tilt-compensated compass is essential
on a surface vessel where wave action will ensure that
the vehicle is rarely horizontal. Few tilt-compensated
compasses exist with a USB interface, and thus it was
necessary to decode the signal from the device in or-
der to capture the vessel pitch, roll and yaw. Given
the existence of the Arduino onboard the vessel to
control the actuators, the Arduino was purposed to
monitor the compass as well. The minnow publishes
message that contains the current
commanded position of the rudder and throttle along
with its pitch, roll and yaw. This custom message
is defined on the Arduino and its definition is prop-
agated to the rest of the ROS network through the
Rosserial node definition.
In addition to these sensors, the onboard computer
is equipped with an 802.11g wireless card to enable
communication with an off-board controller.
2.4 Robot Control
Controlling software for the minnowrobot is provided
in ROS. In order to ensure the widest possible interop-
erability of the ROS nodes across platforms, wherever
possible the ROS nodes have been implemented in
Python. This choice reduced development time sub-
stantively on the minnow robots as the time required
to compile ROS code on the BeagleBoard is not in-
significant. Note that the other alternative cross
compiling on a host machine requires the presence
of an appropriate host machine to be deployed along
with the robot platforms.
2.5 Vehicle Testing
The minnow USV’s performed well in several pool
trials as well as open water trials off the coast of Ho-
letown, Barbados in January 2012. During these trials
several things became apparent. First, the hull was
able to take on the extra payload and run quite effi-
ciently. At 20% throttle the boat was able to navigate
fairly choppy waters and outpace human swimmers.
A straightforward PID controller was constructed in
ROS to provide bearing following. One issue that we
expected to take considerable time during the field tri-
als was tuning this PID controller for the open water
conditions. Surprisingly, the tuning of the PID con-
troller is less critical in open water as opposed to a
pool or pond setting as the rough surface acts to damp
the system making changes in rudder position take
time to accumulate into the overall vehicle trajectory.
In all, the vehicle was successfully tele-operated vi-
sually and commanded to follow a compass heading
during several trials both controlling the rudder posi-
tion directly as well as controlling the compass head-
ing through the PID “Helmsman” controller.
During the trials the need for a heart-beat (still-alive)
signal was made evident. The initial prototype would
maintain it’s last command until completion, received
another command or until it ran out of power. This
command structure would become problematic if the
boat for any reason lost contact with the base station
due to driving too far away from “home” or due to
a wave blocking the signal. This latter problem was
experienced during heavy swells where the minnow
“lost sight” of the 802.11 base station. Modifying
the ROS command structure to require a heart-beat in
the command structure allows for the boat to return to
some default action (i.e. set the throttle to zero) when
communication is lost.
On a more forward-looking theme the use of ROS
as the core software architecture running the boat
makes this project very expandable. We are looking
forward to both leveraging the work of others on this
platform (through the use of ROS nodes) as well as
using multiple vehicles to perform a common task.
In particular, ongoing work is exploring coordinated
operation between a larger surface vehicle Eddy (a
Clearpath King Fisher) and a fleet of minnow-class
robots. Eddy is equipped with a differential GPS sys-
tem as well as a long range radio communications
channel. This would enable the rest of the fleet (com-
prising of the cheaper minnows) to relay communica-
tions through the larger surface vehicle and perform
longer range missions as well as benefit from more
accurate positioning through the larger craft.
It is also anticipated that we will be performing
joint actions with the AUV Kroy (Dudek et al., 2007).
In these experiments we anticipate having one (or
more) surface vehicles performing functions from the
surface (perhaps finding places of interest for environ-
mental modelling or surveying) with the large King-
fisher tracking visual targets on Kroy and command-
ing Kroy’s actions.
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