Optimizing Theta Model for Monthly Data
Fotios Petropoulos
and Konstantinos Nikolopoulos
Lancaster Centre for Forecasting, Lancaster University, Lancaster, U.K.
BEM Bordeaux Management School, Talence Cedex, France
The Business School, Bangor University, Bangor, U.K.
Keywords: Forecasting Accuracy, Competitions, Theta Model, Seasonality, Time Series.
Abstract: Forecasting accuracy and performance of extrapolation techniques has always been of major importance for
both researchers and practitioners. Towards this direction, many forecasting competitions have conducted
over the years, in order to provide solid performance measurement frameworks for new methods. The Theta
model outperformed all other participants during the largest up-to-date competition (M3-competition). The
model’s performance is based to the a-priori decomposition of the original series into two separate lines,
which contain specific amount of information regarding the short-term and long-term behavior of the data.
The current research investigates possible modifications on the original Theta model, aiming to the
development of an optimized version of the model specifically for the monthly data. The proposed
adjustments refer to better estimation of the seasonal component, extension of the decomposition feature of
the original model and better optimization procedures for the smoothing parameter. The optimized model
was tested for its efficiency in a large data set containing more than 20,000 empirical series, displaying
improved performance ability when monthly data are considered.
The exploration of extrapolation techniques for
improved performance accuracy is a subject of great
importance for forecasters and econometricians. The
benefits rising from accurate predictions reflect
directly to minimizing production, inventory and
distribution costs in any kind of industry and
organization. Towards this direction, many
international forecasting competitions have
conducted (for example Makridakis et al., 1982;
Crone et al., 2011), aiming to provide an evaluation
framework for well known and widely used
approaches, such as exponential smoothing methods,
versus new techniques and expert methods proposed
by academics or practitioners. An additional target
of forecasting competitions would be the
performance comparison of combinations derived
from simple methods in contrast to more
sophisticated approaches. Most competitions would
include numerous time series in different
frequencies (weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly
data) while the accuracy and overall performance
evaluation was conducted with the use of a set of
performance metrics, so that the conclusions would
be as generic as possible.
The M3 forecasting competition (Makridakis &
Hibon, 2000) is regarded as the most successful
competition to date, with more than 20 participants
coming from both academia and software
companies. The quest was the submission of
accurate point forecasts for 3,003 time series from a
variety of economic fields. The results of M3
competition have referred to numerous scientific
publications, while its data have been used for many
empirical researches. The Theta model
(Assimakopoulos & Nikolopoulos, 2000) achieved
the best performance across all other approaches,
which in many cases was statistical significant when
compared with standard benchmarks, such as
Damped and Single Exponential Smoothing (5.1%
and 9.5% accuracy improvement respectively for the
monthly data). Moreover, this performance was
consistent for almost all frequencies, with Theta
model having the best overall performance for
quarterly and monthly data and the second best
performance for other data. Moreover, the Theta
model was within the top five methods when yearly
data were considered.
The main purpose of the current research is to
explore possible improvements of the Theta model
Petropoulos F. and Nikolopoulos K..
Optimizing Theta Model for Monthly Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004220501900195
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 190-195
ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
towards the development of an “optimized” version
aiming to even more accurate forecasts when
monthly data are considered. In order to do this, it is
essential to explore the core of the model, enumerate
its main attributes and investigate possible room for
improvements (Section 2). The next step would be
the setup of a series of experiments so that all
tunings and tweakings can be tested and the model
can be calibrated with the use of a limited data set of
monthly frequency series (Section 3). Finally, the
optimized model must be tested to a much larger,
extended data set so that to verify its validity
(Section 4). The last section of the paper (Section 5)
summarizes the conclusions and draws avenues for
future work.
2.1 Original Theta Model
The original Theta model (Assimakopoulos and
Nikolopoulos, 2000) introduced a unique
decomposition of the original time series into two
separate lines, the so called “Theta Lines”. The
decomposition itself takes place to a seasonally
adjusted series and it is based on the modification of
the local curvature through a dedicated coefficient
(θ). Upon the selection of a unique θ coefficient, a
Theta line is calculated. All calculated Theta Lines
maintain the mean and the slope of the data,
regardless the value of θ. On the other hand, the
selected value of θ reflects directly to the local
curvatures of the series, with θ<1 resulting in series
where the primary qualitative characteristic would
be the improvement of approximation of the long-
term behavior of the data, whereas θ>1 creates series
with augmented short-term features. Originally, the
creators of the model decomposed the seasonally
adjusted series to just two Theta Lines with specific
θ coefficients (0 and 2). In more detail, Theta Line
(0) is nothing more than a linear regression line
(LRL) of the data, while Theta Line (2) represents a
line with double the curvatures of the original. Each
line is extrapolated separately, with Theta Line (0)
forecasts to be calculated as a usual extrapolation of
LRL, whereas Theta Line (2) is forecasted with
Single Exponential Smoothing (SES). The selection
of LRL and SES approaches is in line with the
characteristics of the two Theta Lines, in the sense
of their long-term and short-term features. Finally,
the forecasts of the two Theta Lines are combined
with equal weights and reseasonalized so that the
final point forecasts are derived.
So, in practice, the original approach of Theta
Model can be implemented by following the next six
Step 1: Seasonality Check. Original series is tested
for statistical significant seasonal behavior.
The criterion usually is the t-test value of
the autocorrelation function with lag one
year compared to value 1.645 (90%
Step 2: Deseasonalization. The time series is
deseasonalized via multiplicative classical
Step 3: Decomposition. Data are decomposed in
two Theta Lines, Theta Line (0) and Theta
Line (2).
Step 4: Extrapolation. Theta Line (0) is
extrapolated with LRL while Theta Line (2)
is extrapolated via SES.
Step 5: Combination. The forecasts produced from
the extrapolation of the two lines are
combined with equal weights.
Step 6: Reseasonalization. The combined point
forecasts are multiplicative reseasonalized.
2.2 Optimizations on Theta Model
Having analyzed the core of the original Theta
model, some modifications on the established
procedure may be proposed and tested for their
effectiveness. Firstly, there is serious empirical
evidence that forecasting accuracy can be improved
through better estimation of seasonal indices (Miller
and Williams, 2003), which lead to the calculation
of a more accurate seasonal adjusted series. The
current research investigates empirically the use of
three procedures for calculation of shrinkage
seasonal estimators. The first approach is an
adaption of the James-Stein shrinkage estimators
(James and Stein, 1961), which works effectively,
according to Miller and Williams (2003), under the
assumption that the estimated seasonal indices are
approximately symmetrical and single-peak, similar
in a sense to a normal distribution. The second
approach to be investigated is the Lemon-Krutchkoff
approach (Lemon and Krutchkoff, 1969), which is a
nonparametric empirical Bayes estimator with no
assumptions regarding the distribution of the
seasonal indices. Lastly, the third approach is a
selection framework developed by Miller and
Williams (2003), which recommends among
classical decomposition, James-Stein or Lemon-
Krutchkoff estimators based on both the value of
James-Stein shrinkage parameter and the
approximation of the seasonal indices distribution
(symmetric or skewed).
Another aspect to consider in the original Theta
approach would be the addition of more Theta Lines
during the Theta decomposition procedure. These
Theta Lines could effectively represented by any
value of θ coefficient, even negative ones. The
current research investigates the improvement on
accuracy when an additional Theta Line is
considered with an integer value in the range [-1, 3].
The value of the θ coefficient of the Theta Line to be
added should be defined after optimization and
testing through all possible values. Moreover, the
weights of the participated Theta Lines are to be
explored. The simple any generic solution of equal
weights should be questioned against the use of
optimized unequal weights. Both optimizations
would take place to a hidden-out subsample of the
Lastly, attention should be paid on the
appropriate selection of the level smoothing
parameter (α) of SES method. Theoretically α
smoothing parameter should take any value in the
range [0, 1]. The optimized smoothing parameter is
to be selected after measuring which one results to
the best model fit. The measurement of the
appropriate α value generally takes place with Mean
Square Error (MSE). The current study explores
other accuracy metrics for this purpose, namely
Mean Percentage Error (MPE), Mean Absolute
Percentage Error (MAPE) and Symmetric Mean
Absolute Percentage Error (sMAPE). Furthermore,
empirical evidence has previously shown that
optimization should exclude marginal values (near 0
or near 1). As a result, we examine the impact of
excluding marginal values by selecting different
symmetric or asymmetric ranges. At last, a forced
minimization of the α value is considered, as a path
towards excluding the possibility for SES to act as
Naïve (which is the case for α=1) and a way to
“pressure” the model for even more smoothed point
3.1 Empirical Data and Calibration
The calibration procedure took place on the 1,428
monthly series of the M3 forecasting competition.
Data was coming from a variety of sources, such as
industry, macro, micro, finance, demographic and
other, while their median length was 115
observations. The forecasting procedure that was
followed was quite simple and straightforward. At
first, the last 18 observation of each series were
considered unknown and were hidden from the
sample, as to be in line with the procedure followed
by the organizers of the M3. Then, every potential
optimization discussed on subsection 2.2 was
applied independently for the calculation of
forecasts with horizon equal to 18 periods. The
accuracy of the modified models was measured and
compared to the original performance of the Theta
model. The accuracy metric used for this purpose
was the symmetric mean absolute percentage error,
which is defined in equation (1).
3.2 Optimizations on Estimation of
One basic aspect of the Theta model is the handling
of seasonality through steps 1, 2 and 6. So, an even
better estimation of the seasonal indices would result
in more accurate forecasts. As mentioned in
subsection 2.2, three shrinkage seasonal estimators
approaches where implemented and investigated
regarding their accuracy in contrast to the classical
decomposition method. The accuracy results of the
new estimations are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Accurate estimation of seasonal indices.
Calculation Method for Seasonal Indices sMAPE (%)
Classical Decomposition Method 13.85
James and Stein 13.79
Lemon and Krutchkoff 13.83
Miller and Willians 13.78
It is clear that all three approaches result in more
accurate forecasts, due to the lower respective values
of the sMAPE. The best performance is observed for
the selection framework of Miller and Williams,
with gains up to 0.5% from the original model. This
conclusion is in line with the research of Miller and
Williams (2003).
3.3 Optimizations on Theta Lines
Two modifications were tested regarding
the decomposition lines of the Theta model. The first
one explores an automated selection, through error
minimization, of the weights by which the two
original Theta Lines (0 and 2) will contribute to the
final forecast. Several ranges for the weights to vary
were tested. The accuracy results were compared to
the original model, where both lines participated
with equal weights. The automated selection
procedure was achieved in each series independently
by holding-out of the fitting of the model an extra
subset of 12 observations. The second modification
on the original model investigates the possible
addition of an extra Theta Line with θ coefficient
taking values into the range [-1, 3]. The weight of
the contribution for the extra line is also to be
explored. Once again, the single series optimization
was conducted by building the model fits without
the last 12 available observations, which were used
for automatic model evaluation. The results for the
optimization upon Theta Lines are presented in
Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2: Unequal Theta Lines weights within specific
Range for automatic weights sMAPE (%)
Equal Weights 13.85
[45%, 55%] 13.65
[40%, 60%] 13.70
[35%, 65%] 13.83
[30%, 70%] 14.00
Table 3: Adding one more line in the Theta model.
Function for final model sMAPE (%)
50% × L(0) + 50% × L(2) 13.85
33.3% × L(0) + 33.3% × L(2)
+ 33.3% × L(x)
45% × L(0) + 45% × L(2)
+ 10% × L(x)
47.5% × L(0) + 47.5% × L(2)
+ 5% × L(x)
50% × L(0) + 30% × L(2)
+ 20% × L(x)
50% × L(0) + 40% × L(2)
+ 10% × L(x)
In more detail, the effect on accuracy of unique
weight selection of Theta Lines for each series
within a specific range is presented in Table 2. Even
if almost all presented ranges result in better
accuracy in contrast to the original model, the best
performance is captured when a relatively small
range is selected. The performance improvement
against the original model is equal to 1.4%. The
accuracy results of the extra Theta Line are
presented in Table 3. A 10% weight on the extra
Theta Line is regarded as beneficial, especially in
the case that it is subtracted from the weight of
Theta Line(2). In this case, the accuracy among all
1,428 monthly series is as low as 13.68%, which can
be translated as an improvement equal to 1.3% from
the original model. As previously mentioned, the
value of θ coefficient may vary from series to series,
as well as this value is to be selected automatically
through out-of-sample optimization. Figure 1
demonstrates the distribution of the selected θ values
for all series. In most cases, value 3 is selected,
which represents a line with triple the curvatures of
the original data, followed by values -1 and 0. The
selection of the value -1 for almost 24% of the cases
is quiet unexpected, considering the nature of Theta
Line (-1), which represents a line with symmetric to
the LRL curvatures from the original.
Figure 1: Distribution of θ value across series.
3.4 Optimizations on SES
The last set of modifications was applied on the
selection of optimal smoothing parameter for the
level of the SES method. The accuracy results, when
constraint optimization ranges are applied, are
presented in Table 4. As the results indicate, there is
very small room for improvements, while the best
performance is recorded for the range [0.1, 0.9], as
expected. This approach leads to a small benefit
versus the original model, at just 0.2%. Table 5
demonstrates the effect of alternatives measure
metrics used during in-sample optimization of the α
smoothing parameter. The widely used MSE is
proved to be by far the best option. This is probably
due to the nature of the metric, which gives a higher
penalty on larger errors. As a result, there is
absolutely no need to do any adjustments here.
Lastly, the effects of by force decrement of the
selected smoothing parameter are explored in Table
6. It is easily interpretable that the value of sMAPE
Number of Time Series
as a function of the percentage of forced decrement
for the smoothing parameter has a minimum at 30%,
equal to 13.803%. This improvement can be
translated as a partial optimization of 0.34% from
the original model.
Table 4: Range for selecting optimal smoothing parameter.
Range sMAPE (%)
[0, 1] 13.85
[0.1, 1] 13.84
[0.2, 1] 13.89
[0, 0.9] 13.84
[0, 0.8] 13.87
[0.1, 0.9] 13.82
Table 5: Measure metric for optimization.
Measure Metric sMAPE (%)
MSE 13.85
MPE 14.81
MAPE 15.77
sMAPE 14.91
Table 6: Forced decrement of selected smoothing
% of by force
sMAPE (%)
0% 13.850
5% 13.824
10% 13.813
20% 13.804
30% 13.803
40% 13.838
50% 13.901
3.5 Overall Performance of the
Proposed Adjustments
Sections 3.2 to 3.4 demonstrated the potential
improvement on accuracy when only one at a time
modification was applied. By selecting the best case
of each possible adjustment, we proposed a
calibrated ‘optimized’ Theta model for monthly
series. The model’s overall accuracy performance,
when the test data are considered (M3 competition’s
monthly series), is presented in Table 7 and
contrasted by the accuracy of the five best
performers on M3 competition. The overall gain in
accuracy is measured just above 2% of the original
model. The importance of this improvement is more
obvious when compared to the performance of
Damped Exponential Smoothing Method (DES), a
method widely considered for benchmarking.
Original Theta model is just 5.1% better than DES,
whereas optimized Theta model is 6.9% better than
DES. Moreover, optimized Theta model is superior
to the average performance of all methods of the M3
competition (sMAPE=15.35%) by 13.33%, while
original Theta model does so by just 9.77%.
Table 7: Accuracy of the optimized Theta model.
Method sMAPE
M3 Rank
Original Theta model 13.85 1
Forecast Pro 13.86 2
Forecast X 14.45 3
Combination of SES-HES-
14.48 4
Damped Exponential
14.59 5
Optimized Theta model 13.57 -
In order to verify the accuracy performance of the
optimized Theta model, a much larger set of time
series was collected. In fact, more than 20,000 series
were used for this evaluation procedure, coming
from empirical forecasting competitions, Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Liouis, Hyndman’s Time Series
Data Library as well as collections from textbooks.
Regarding the time frequency of the gathered data,
data sets included other than monthly, yearly,
quarterly, weekly and daily data. A hold-out set of
observations, corresponding to the frequency of the
time series, was kept unknown during the
calculation of the model fits and it was used only for
out-of-sample evaluation. Original Theta model and
optimized Theta model were compared also against
widely used forecasting techniques, namely SES,
Holt Exponential Smoothing (HES), DES and LRL.
The accuracy results are presented in Table 8, along
with the requested forecast horizon for each
frequency. The results indicate a clear advantage of
the optimized Theta model, as long as monthly data
are considered (about 3 out of 4 series). In general,
original Theta model is still the best option against
all examined methods, with the best overall
performance, followed by the proposed optimized
During the current research, various optimizations of
Table 8: Evaluation results of the optimized Theta model.
Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Other All
6 8 12 12 14 10 -
SES 25.40 21.90 6.44 10.83 19.68 7.23 11.03
sMAPE (%)
HES 36.76 23.20 8.86 10.78 19.42 5.25 14.79
DES 28.76 14.11 6.78 11.40 20.63 6.52 11.02
LRL 39.21 74.97 12.56 43.42 36.32 11.19 23.45
Theta 22.20 13.93 6.30 10.87 19.76 5.91 9.64
22.84 15.55 6.12 11.24 19.53 6.00 9.77
the top performer of the M3 International
Forecasting Competition (Makridakis and Hibon,
2000), the Theta model, were considered. The Theta
model can be described as a more generic
framework, in which the deseasonalized series are
decomposed in two or more Theta lines, each one of
which represents different amount of information.
The next stage constitutes of the extrapolation of the
decomposed lines via various forecasting
techniques. Then the forecasts are combined and the
final point forecasts are calculated. Originally, the
Theta model implementation was suggesting
decomposition into two symmetric Theta lines,
extrapolation with LRL and SES and simple
combination (equal weights). We investigated
further the dynamics of the Theta model, mostly
considering time series of monthly frequency, into
three specific directions:
1. Accurate estimation of seasonal indices
with the use of shrinkage methods against
the classical decomposition method.
2. Decomposition into up to three Theta lines
and alternative combination weights of the
decomposed forecasts into the final model.
3. Optimizations on the smoothing parameter
of the SES method.
The performance exploration of the proposed
modifications took place on the monthly series of
the M3 competition. The empirical results indicate
an overall performance gain of about 2% compared
to the original implementation. The proposed
model’s superiority on monthly data was verified on
a much larger data set containing more than 20,000
time series.
As far as future work is concerned, there are
many possible paths that could be investigated.
Firstly, a link between the weights of the Theta
forecasts into the final model with the forecasting
horizon should be investigated. Secondly, the
selection of the “appropriate” Theta lines should be
explored also as a matter of the qualitative and
quantitative characteristics of each series. Thirdly, a
framework for the selection of the most proper
extrapolation technique for each Theta line is to be
investigated. Finally, the theoretical underpinnings
of the optimized Theta model have to be examined.
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