portant to focus the number of pulses in each one of
the clusters. Cluster 1 presents only 458 pulses, a re-
duced value in comparison with pulses in cluster 2
and 3, 1550 and 2463, respectively. However, this
fact occurs due to the population characteristics, only
young subjects between 18 and 30 years. Clustering
methodologies can be further improved by perform-
ing a progressive attribute removal for a subsequent
visual correction.
The developed methodology has proven its usage
in screening studies due to its descriptive and predic-
tive power. The successful application of data mining
techniques can help to predict under-diagnosed pa-
tients, and identify and classify at-risk people in terms
of health with the goal of reducing healthcare cost.
Authors acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia for funding SFRH/BD/61356/2009 and
PTDC/SAU-BEB/100650/2008, project developed
under the initiative of QREN, funding by UE/FEDER,
through COMPETE-Programa Operacional Factores
de Competitividade. The authors also thanks to Coim-
bra University Hospital Centre (C.H.U.C.) and Dr.
Rui Providência, SCDSOS-Sudden Cardiac Death
Screening of Risk factors, for the support in clinical
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