patient care, by supporting integrative prospective
analysis and predictive modeling over multi-centric
Patient data from multi-centric and international
clinical trials have been used to test the proposed
solution, suggesting the suitability of the proposed
solution. Next steps of the project will be focused
on: (i) testing performance for large amounts of
patient data (cohort selection), (ii) a cache
implementation to support large reasoning, (iii)
formalization of post-coordination related reasoning
and (iv) extension of such reasoning with new types
of relationships for the query expansion method.
After a year and a half of the INTEGRATE joint
effort, we have already undertaken essential issues
to improve the management of post-genomic clinical
trials. We have adapted and successfully applied
semantic web technologies to the complex domain
of biomedical research. The next steps aim to
support a crucial challenge nowadays, enhancing the
translation of –omic research to improve clinical
practice in oncology patients.
The present work has been funded by the European
Commission through the INTEGRATE project
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