Multi-criteria Evaluation of Class Binarization and Feature Selection in
Tear Film Lipid Layer Classification
Rebeca M´endez, Beatriz Remeseiro, Diego Peteiro-Barral and Manuel G. Penedo
Departamento de Computaci´on, Universidade da Coru˜na, Campus de Elvi˜na s/n, 15071, A Coru˜na, Spain
Tear Film Lipid Layer, Class Binarization Techniques, Feature Selection, Filters, Multiple Criteria Decision
Making, Multilayer Perceptron.
Dry eye is an increasingly popular syndrome in modern society which can be diagnosed through an automatic
technique for tear film lipid layer classification. Previous studies related to this multi-class problem lack of
analysis focus on class binarization techniques, feature selection and artificial neural networks. Also, all of
them just use the accuracy of the machine learning algorithms as performance measure. This paper presents
a methodology to evaluate different performance measures over these unexplored areas using the multiple
criteria decision making method called TOPSIS. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the
methodology proposed in this research.
The tear film is a complex layer of liquid covering the
anterior surface of the eye. It was classically defined
by Wolff (E.Wolff, 1954) as a three-layered structure
which consists of an anterior lipid layer, an interme-
diate aqueous layer and a deep mucin layer. The tear
film is a essential component of the eye which plays
some important functions (Korb, 2002), such as vi-
sual and cleaning functions. Also, it plays an essential
role in the maintenance of ocular integrity by remov-
ing foreign bodies from the front surface of the eye.
The lipid layer is the outermost and thinnest layer
of the tear film and it is mainly secreted by the meibo-
mian glands (Nichols et al., 2004). It is a crucial com-
ponent of the tear film because it provides a smooth
optical surface for the cornea and retards evaporation
of the eye during the inter-blink period (Bron et al.,
2004). Other functions of the lipid layer are estab-
lishing the tear film or sealing the lid margins during
Quantitative or qualitative changes in the normal
lipid layer have a negative effect on the evaporation
of tears from the ocular surface and on the quality of
vision (Rolando et al., 1998). In fact, these changes
are associated with the evaporative dry eye (EDE),
since it refers to disorders of the tear film caused by
poor tear quality, reduced tear production or excessive
evaporation (Rolando et al., 1983). The international
committee of Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS) defined the
EDE as follows (Lemp et al., 2007):
Dry Eye is a multifactorial disease of the tears
and the ocular surface that results in symp-
toms of discomfort, visual disturbance, and
tear film instability with potential damage to
the ocular surface. It is accompanied by in-
creases osmolarity of the tear film inflamma-
tion of the ocular surface
This disease affects a wide sector of the population,
specially among contact lens users, and worsens with
age. The proportion of people with EDE has in-
creased due to the current work conditions (Lemp
et al., 2007), such as computer use.
EDE diagnosis is very difficult to accomplish, ba-
sically because of its multifactorial nature. There are
several clinical tests which measures the tear quality
and the quantity of tears. One of these test is called
lipid layer pattern assessment and consists on eval-
uating tear film quality and lipid layer thickness by
non-invasively imaging the superficial lipid layer by
interferometry. This test is based on a standard clas-
sification defined by Guillon (Guillon, 1998), who
established various categories of lipid layer patterns:
open meshwork, closed meshwork, wave and color
fringe. Note that EDE is associated with the lipid
layer thickness since a thinner lipid layer speeds up
water evaporation, which means a reduction in tear
film stability. Many eye care professionals have aban-
doned this test because it is very difficult to inter-
Méndez R., Remeseiro B., Peteiro-Barral D. and G. Penedo M..
Multi-criteria Evaluation of Class Binarization and Feature Selection in Tear Film Lipid Layer Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004224300620070
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 62-70
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pret the lipid layer patterns, specially the thinner ones
which lack color and/or morphological features. Nev-
ertheless, there is no doubt that this technique is a
valuable test which provides relevant information by
using noninvasive techniques. For this reason, the tear
film lipid layer automatic classification could become
a key step to diagnose EDE.
Some techniques have been designed to objec-
tively calculate the lipid layer thickness by analyz-
ing the interference color with an interference cam-
era (Goto et al., 2003) or by using a sophisticated op-
tic system (King-Smith et al., 1999). However, first
attempts to automatize the lipid layer pattern assess-
ment test can be found in (Calvo et al., 2010; Ramos
et al., 2011; Garc´ıa-Res´ua et al., 2012) which demon-
strate how the interference phenomena can be charac-
terized as a color texture pattern. Therefore, the auto-
matic test can save time for experts and eliminate the
subjectivity of the process. Further investigation was
carried out in (Remeseiro et al., 2011) where a set of
color texture analysis techniques was applied to tear
film lipid layer classification and the previous results
were improved. Regarding machine learning tech-
niques, the behavior of five different algorithms was
studied over this set of color texture analysis methods
in (Remeseiro et al., 2012). A statistical comparison
of them was performed using only the accuracy of the
To the best knowledge of the authors, there are
no attempts in the literature to study this multi-class
problem using class binarization techniques. Class bi-
narization techniques may improve performance on
multi-class problems of learners which could directly
handle multi-class classification (Furnkranz, 2002a;
Rifkin and Klautau, 2004). Furthermore, all previ-
ous researches analyses the color texture characteriza-
tion based on the accuracy of the classifiers, no other
performance measures were studied. In relation to
machine learning techniques, there is no deep study
about the performance of artificial neural networks
(ANNs). Finally, the number of features which define
the color texture pattern used to characterize the in-
terference phenomena is large enough to consider the
use of feature selection techniques.
In this sense, there are a lot of unexplored areas
of study in tear film lipid layer automatic classifica-
tion. Thus, a research methodology is proposed in
this work to analyze the performance of class bina-
rization techniques and feature selection methods ap-
plied to tear film classification using ANNs. For this
purpose, the obtained results will be analyzed in terms
of a wide set of performance measures and a multiple
criteria decision making method will be used in order
to validate the different approaches.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2 de-
scribes the steps of the research methodology, section
3 explains the experimental study performed, section
4 shows the results and discussion, and section 5 in-
cludes the conclusions and future lines of research.
The methodology proposed in this search aims to
evaluate tear film lipid layer classification in terms
of several criteria when using class binarization tech-
niques and feature selection methods.
2.1 Class Binarization Techniques
Methods can be roughly divided between two dif-
ferent approaches—the single machine” approaches,
which construct a multi-class classifier by solving a
single optimization problem, and the “error correct-
ing” approaches, which use the ideas from error cor-
recting coding theory to combine a set of binary clas-
sifiers (Rifkin and Klautau, 2004). There exist sev-
eral techniques for turning multi-class problems into
a set of binary problems (Dietterich and Bakiri, 1995;
Crammer and Singer, 2002; Furnkranz, 2002b; Hsu
and Lin, 2002). A class binarization is a mapping
of a multi-class learning problem to several two-class
learning problems in a way that allows a sensible de-
coding of the prediction (Furnkranz, 2002b).
The one-vs-all” strategy consists in constructing
one classifier per class, which is trained to distin-
guish the samples of one class from the samples of
all remaining classes. These two-class problems
are constructed by using the examples of class i
as the positive examples and the examples of the
rest of the classes as the negative examples.
The “one-vs-one strategy consists in training one
classifier for each pair of classes. Thus, for a prob-
lem with c classes,
subproblems are con-
structed to distinguish the samples of one class
from the samples of another class. The binary
classifier for a problem is trained with examples of
its corresponding classes i, j, whereas examples
of the rest of classes are ignored for this problem.
2.1.1 Decoding Methods
If the classifiers are soft, as is the case of ANNs, they
compute the “likelihood of classes for a given input,
that is they obtain a confidence p for the positive class
and a confidence of 1 p for the negative class. The
decoding method in the one-vs-all technique, if we as-
sume the one-part as the positive class and the all-part
as the negative class, is simply done according to the
maximum probability p among classes. However, this
method is not appropriate for one-vs-one binarization
techniques. Therefore, several decoding methods for
one-vs-one binarization techniques are described as
Hamming Decoding. Dietterich and Bakiri (Di-
etterich and Bakiri, 1995) suggested the use of a
matrix M {−1, 1}
, where N is the number
of classes and F is the number of binary classi-
fiers. The i-th row of the matrix induces a parti-
tion of the classes into two “metaclasses”, where
a sample x
is placed in the positive metaclass for
the j-th classifier if and only if M
= 1 (Rifkin
and Klautau, 2004), where y
stands for the de-
sired class of sample x
. If a new sample ap-
pears for classification, the Hamming distance be-
tween the sign of the output of every binary clas-
sifier f
(x), .. . , f
(x) and each row of the matrix
M is then compared as follows, choosing the min-
f(x) = arg min
1 sign(M
where sign(z) = +1 if z > 0, sign(z) = 1 if z < 0,
and sign(z) = 0 if z = 0. In (Allwein et al., 2001),
Allwein, Schapire and Singer extended the earlier
work of Dietterich and Bakiri. They chose the ma-
trix M {−1, 0, 1}
, rather than only allowing
-1 and 1 as entries in the matrix. If M
= 0, then
example x
is not used when the j-th classifier is
Loss-based Decoding. The major disadvantage of
Hamming decoding is that it ignores the signifi-
cance of the predictions, which can be interpreted
as a measure of confidence. If the classifiers are
soft, in (Allwein et al., 2001) the authors suggest
using the loss function L instead of the Hamming
distance. They proposed that the prediction for a
sample x should be the class n that minimizes the
total loss under the assumptions that the label for
sample x in the f-th binary classifier is M
f(x) = arg min
The loss function depends on the learning algo-
rithm. In this research, the most appropriate loss
function is the logistic regression L(z) = log(1+
) (Allwein et al., 2001).
Accumulative probability with threshold. If the
classifiers obtain a confidence p for the positive
class and a confidence of 1 p for the nega-
tive class, the accumulative probability for every
class is computed as the sum of their correspond-
ing probabilities p. The prediction for a sample
should be the class that maximizes the accumu-
lative sum. The accumulative probability with
threshold takes into consideration binary classi-
fiers that will be ignored if the difference between
p and 1 p is under a threshold ε. It is assumed
that ignored classifiers will correspond with class
samples not used for their training procedure. In
other words, only significant positive or negative
probabilities will be considered.
2.2 Feature Selection
Feature selection is a dimensionality reduction tech-
nique aimed at detecting relevant features and dis-
carding irrelevant ones, with the goal of obtaining a
subset of features that describes properly the given
problem with minimum degradation of performance
(Guyon et al., 2006). Thus, feature selection is helpful
in reducing the computational effort, allocated mem-
ory and training time.
There exists three different models for feature
selection: filter, wrapper and embedded methods.
Wrappers use a prediction method to score subsets of
features. Filters rely on the general characteristics of
the training data to select features with independence
of the classifier. Halfway these two models, embed-
ded methods perform feature selection as part of the
training process of the classifier. It is well-known
that wrappers and embedded methods have the risk of
overfitting when having more features than samples
(Loughrey and Cunningham, 2005), as it is the case in
this research. Therefore, filters were chosen because
they prevent the risk of overfitting and also allow for
reducing the dimensionality of the data without com-
promising time and memory requirements of learning
The three filters used in this work will be de-
scribed as follows. They were selected based on pre-
vious researches (Bol´on-Canedo et al., 2011; Bol´on-
Canedo et al., 2011).
Correlation-based Feature selection (CFS) is a
simple filter algorithm that ranks feature subsets
according to a correlation based heuristic evalua-
tion function (Hall, 1999). The bias of the evalu-
ation function is toward subsets that contain fea-
tures that are highly correlated with the class and
uncorrelated with each other. Irrelevant features
should be ignored because they will have low cor-
relation with the class. Redundant features should
be screened out as they will be highly correlated
with one or more of the remaining features. The
acceptance of a feature will depend on the ex-
tent to which it predicts classes in areas of the
instance space not already predicted by other fea-
tures. CFS’s feature subset evaluation function is
defined as,
k+ k(k 1)r
f f
where M
is the heuristic “merit” of a feature sub-
set S containing k features, r
is the mean feature-
class correlation (f S) and r
f f
is the average
feature-feature intercorrelation. The numerator of
this equation can be thought of as providing an
indication of how predictive of the class a set of
features is; and the denominator of how much re-
dundancy there is among the features.
Consistency-based filter (Dash and Liu, 2003)
evaluates the worth of a subset of features by the
level of consistency in the class values when the
training instances are projected onto the subset of
attributes. The algorithm generates a random sub-
set S from the number of features in every round.
If the number of features of S is less than the cur-
rent best,the data with the features prescribed in
S is checked against the inconsistency criterion.
If its inconsistency rate is below a pre-specified
one, S becomes the new current best. The incon-
sistency criterion, which is the key to the success
of this algorithm, specifies to what extent the di-
mensionally reduced data can be accepted. If the
inconsistency rate of the data described by the se-
lected features is smaller than a pre-specified rate,
it means the dimensionally reduced data is accept-
INTERACT (Zhao and Liu, 2007) is a subset fil-
ter based on symmetrical uncertainty (SU) (Press
et al., 1986), which is defined as the ratio between
the information gain (IG) and the entropy (H) of
two features, x and y:
SU(x, y) =
H(x) + H(y)
where the information gain is defined as:
IG(x|y) = H(y) + H(x) H(x, y)
being H(x) the entropy and H(x, y) the joint en-
tropy. Besides SU, INTERACT also includes
the consistency contribution (c-contribution). C-
contribution of a feature is an indicator about how
significantly the elimination of that feature will af-
fect consistency. The algorithm consists of two
major parts. In the first part, the features are
ranked in descending order based on their SU val-
ues. In the second part, features are evaluated one
by one starting from the end of the ranked feature
list. If c-contribution of a feature is less than an
established threshold, the feature is removed, oth-
erwise it is selected. The authors stated in (Zhao
and Liu, 2007) that INTERACT can thus handle
feature interaction, and efficiently selects relevant
2.3 Multiple-criteria Decision-making
Classification algorithms are normally evaluated in
terms of multiple criteria such as accuracy, preci-
sion or training time. Thus, algorithm selection can
be modeled as a multiple-criteria decision-making
(MCDM) problem. MCDM methods evaluate clas-
sifiers from different aspects and produce rankings of
classifiers (Kou et al., 2012). Among many MCDM
methods that have been developed up to now, tech-
nique for order of preference by similarity to ideal so-
lution (TOPSIS) (Hwang and Yoon, 1981) is a well-
known method that will be used in this research.
2.3.1 TOPSIS
TOPSIS is a MCDM method proposed by Hwang
and Yoon in 1981 (Hwang and Yoon, 1981). It finds
the best algorithms by minimizing the distance to the
ideal solution whilst maximizing the distance to the
anti-ideal one. The extension of TOPSIS proposed
by Opricovic and Tzeng (Opricovic and Tzeng, 2004)
and Olson (Olson, 2004) is used in this research,
1. Compute the decision matrix consisting of m al-
ternatives and n criteria. For alternative A
, i =
1, . . . , m, the performance measure of the j-th cri-
terion C
, j = 1, . . . , n, is represented by x
2. Compute the normalized decision matrix. The
normalized value r
is calculated as,
3. Develop a set of weights w, where w
is the weight
of the j-th criterion and
= 1, and compute
the weighted normalized decision matrix. The
weighted normalized value v
is computed as,
= x
4. Find the ideal alternative solution S
and the anti-
ideal alternative solution S
, which are computed
= {v
, . . . , v
} =
|i I
|i I
= {v
, . . . , v
} =
|i I
|i I
respectively, where I
is associated with benefit
criteria and I
is associated with cost criteria.
5. Compute the distance of each alternative from the
ideal solution and from the anti-ideal solution, us-
ing the Euclidean distance,
6. Compute the ratio R
equal to the relative close-
ness to the ideal solution,
+ D
7. Rank alternatives by maximizing the ratio R
The aim of this research is to evaluate the influence
of binarization and feature selection in tear film lipid
layer classification. The multilayer perceptron (MLP)
was selected as base learning algorithm.
3.1 Data Source
The methodology proposed in this research has been
tested on the VOPTICAL-I1 dataset (Remeseiro,
2012). This set includes 105 images categorized by
optometrists from the School of Optics and Optom-
etry of the University of Santiago de Compostela
(Spain). All these images were acquired from healthy
subjects aged from 19 to 33 years. The dataset in-
cludes 29 open meshwork, 29 closed meshwork, 25
wave and 22 color fringe images. In (Remeseiro
et al., 2011), it was demonstrated that the interfer-
ence phenomena can be characterized as a color tex-
ture pattern and the automatic classification into Guil-
lon categories is feasible. The results presented by
Remeseiro et al. (Remeseiro et al., 2011) show how
co-occurrence features (Haralick et al., 1973), as a
feature extraction method, and the Lab color space
(McLaren, 1976) provide the highest discriminative
power from a wide range of methods analyzed. From
a single image, a quantitative vector composed of 588
features is obtained to categorize it.
3.2 Performance Measures
Most performance measures in machine learning are
defined to be used in two-class problems. Since a
multi-class problem is studied in this research, all
these measures will be calculated for each class indi-
vidually. As tear film lipid layer classification is a 4-
class problem, the total number of measures would be
four times the number of binary measures. In order to
reduce the total amount of measures, each multi-class
measure will be obtained as the minimum of its four
binary measures according to (Fernandez Caballero
et al., 2010). Thus, the performance of the learning
algorithms are computed as a lower bound, or pes-
simistic, estimation.
The binary performance measures considered are:
accuracy, true positive rate (TPR), true negative rate
(TNR), precision, F-measure and area under the curve
Finally, the training time of the learning algo-
rithms is also considered. It comprises the time
elapsed for training a learning model. Notice that this
comprises training a set of classifiers when class bina-
rization techniques are used. Note also that the test-
ing time, that is the time elapsed for outputting a new
classification, is negligible thus it will not be consid-
ered as a selection criterion.
3.3 Experimental Procedure
A leave-one-out cross-validation was used, which
consists in using a single sample from the dataset as
the test set and the remaining samples are retained as
the training set. This process is repeated such that
each sample is used once as the test set. The experi-
mental research was carried out as follows,
1. Apply the three feature selection methods
(CFS, consistency-based and INTERACT) to the
VOPTICAL-I1 dataset, to provide the subset of
features that properly describes the given prob-
lem. Note that the binarization techniques modify
the output of the dataset thus the feature selection
methods have to be applied on each “dataset”, that
In the one-vs-all technique, four subsets of fea-
tures are obtained corresponding with 1-vs-all,
2-vs-all, 3-vs-all and 4-vs-all datasets.
In the one-vs-one technique, six subsets of fea-
tures are obtained corresponding with 1-vs-
2, 1-vs-3, 1-vs-4, 2-vs-3, 2-vs-4 and 3-vs-4
2. Train a MLP for each combination of binarization
technique, feature selection method, and num-
ber of hidden units. In (Hecht-Nielsen, 1990), it
was demonstrated that a MLP that contains a sin-
gle hidden layer with sufficient number of hidden
units is able to approximate any function. Thus,
only the number of hidden units will vary in this
research ranging from 2 to 64. In particular, 2, 4,
8, 16, 32, and 64 hidden units were tested. Empir-
ical results showed risk of overfitting for a larger
number of hidden units. Finally, the mean square
error was used as error function and the hyper-
bolic tangent sigmoid was used as transfer func-
tion in the processing units.
3. Compute the performance measures, that is, accu-
racy, TPR, TNR, precision, F-measure, AUC and
training time.
4. Apply TOPSIS in order to evaluate the different
binarization techniques, feature selection methods
and number of hidden units proposed in this re-
search. The values of the weights (see Section
2.3.1) are assigned equally, except for the train-
ing time that is reduced to 0.01. Notice that the
training step is executed off-line, making its value
not as relevant as the other performancemeasures.
Note also that the training time is a cost criteria
while the other measures are benefit criteria.
Experimentation was performed on an Intel
i5-650 CPU @ 4M Cache, 3.20 GHz with RAM 6
GB DDR3. Matlab was the software used to train the
MLP networks.
Table 1 shows the number of features selected by
the three feature selection filters (CFS, consistency-
based, and INTERACT) in single machine, one-vs-
all, and one-vs-one approaches. The median percent-
age of features selected (out of 588 features) is in
Broadly speaking, consistency-based filter per-
formed the most aggressive selection retaining only
Table 1: Number of features selected by the three filters
in single machine, one-vs-all, and one-vs-one approaches
(median percentage in parentheses).
Feature selection
Single 27 6 21
Median(%) (4.59%) (1.02%) (3.57%)
One-vs-all 1-vs-all 17 2 14
2-vs-all 27 6 17
3-vs-all 11 3 14
4-vs-all 33 4 14
Median(%) (3.74%) (0.59%) (2.38%)
One-vs-one 1-vs-2 20 2 12
1-vs-3 53 1 53
1-vs-4 23 1 23
2-vs-3 27 3 14
2-vs-4 24 3 14
3-vs-4 27 4 13
Median(%) (4.34%) (0.43%) (2.38%)
the 1.02%, 0.59%, and 0.43% of the features in sin-
gle machine, one-vs-all, and one-vs-one approaches,
respectively. CFS retained from four to ten times
more features (4.59%, 3.74%, and 4.34%) than the
former. Halfway, INTERACT selected in average
3.57%, 2.38%, and 2.38% of the features, respec-
tively. As expected, in average the percentage of fea-
tures selected in the single machine approach is larger
than the percentage in binarization. Notice that bina-
rization may reduce the complexity of the problem.
The set of techniques, methods and topologies
used in this research lead to 120 alternatives in to-
tal. Thus, for purposes of simplicity only the most
significant results are shown. Table 2 shows the top
20 results ranked by TOPSIS in terms of the binariza-
tion method, feature selection filter, number of hid-
den units (H), ratio R
(see TOPSIS, Section 2.3.1),
accuracy, TPR, TNR, precision, F-measure, AUC and
training time (in seconds). Note that single stands for
the single machine, multi-class, approach.
In general, the techniques and methods proposed
in this research outperform the single machine ap-
proach (see Table 2). In the top 20, 15 out of 20
classifiers use binarization, and 9 out of 20 classi-
fiers apply feature selection. Moreover, binarization
leads to smaller topologies in the MLP. In the top 20,
the average number of hidden units is 29.47 in bina-
rization against 51.20 in the single machine approach.
In a similar way, the average number of hidden units
is 35.77 when feature selection is applied whilst it is
42.18 when no feature selection selection is applied.
These are logical results because feature selection and
binarization reduce the size of the input and output
Table 2: Top 20 measure results obtained by TOPSIS.
# Method Filter H R
Acc. TPR TNR Prec. F AUC Time(s)
1 1-vs-all None 16 0.9876 0.96 0.92 0.97 0.92 0.93 0.95 118.12
2 1-vs-all None 8 0.9698 0.96 0.90 0.97 0.93 0.92 0.94 95.60
3 Single None 64 0.9560 0.96 0.91 0.96 0.90 0.92 0.94 125.83
4 Single CFS 64 0.9498 0.95 0.91 0.96 0.90 0.91 0.94 116.18
5 1-vs-1
CFS 64 0.9427 0.95 0.90 0.97 0.91 0.90 0.93 223.71
6 Single None 32 0.9404 0.95 0.91 0.96 0.89 0.91 0.94 90.18
7 1-vs-1
None 16 0.9386 0.95 0.90 0.96 0.90 0.90 0.94 214.07
8 1-vs-1
None 16 0.9354 0.95 0.90 0.96 0.90 0.90 0.93 195.33
9 1-vs-1
None 32 0.9353 0.95 0.91 0.97 0.89 0.90 0.94 221.36
10 1-vs-1
None 64 0.9352 0.95 0.91 0.97 0.89 0.90 0.94 298.69
11 1-vs-1
None 32 0.9294 0.95 0.89 0.96 0.90 0.90 0.93 231.25
12 1-vs-1
None 64 0.9293 0.95 0.89 0.96 0.90 0.90 0.93 287.23
13 1-vs-1
CFS 8 0.9159 0.94 0.89 0.96 0.90 0.89 0.92 185.72
14 1-vs-all None 32 0.9158 0.94 0.89 0.96 0.90 0.89 0.92 200.46
15 Single CFS 32 0.9155 0.95 0.88 0.96 0.89 0.90 0.93 95.65
16 1-vs-1
CFS 16 0.9142 0.95 0.89 0.96 0.88 0.90 0.93 187.08
17 1-vs-1
CFS 8 0.9058 0.94 0.88 0.96 0.88 0.90 0.93 183.44
18 Single INT 64 0.9040 0.94 0.88 0.95 0.88 0.90 0.93 130.61
19 1-vs-1
CFS 2 0.9037 0.94 0.88 0.96 0.89 0.89 0.92 205.10
20 1-vs-1
CFS 64 0.9020 0.95 0.89 0.96 0.87 0.89 0.94 221.06
Decoding methods in 1-vs-1 binarization: Hamming decoding
Loss-based decoding
space, respectively. Notice that the low number of
samples in the dataset, which is composed of 105 im-
ages, does not favor the use of the one-vs-one tech-
nique since the training datasets are reduced to the
samples of two classes.
Three binarization techniques and three feature selec-
tion methods have been used in this research for tear
film lipid layer classification. The evaluation of the
techniques and methods was based on several crite-
ria: accuracy, TPR, TNR, precision, F-measure, AUC
and training time. TOPSIS method was used as a tool
for selecting classification algorithm when algorithm
selection involves more than one criterion. In general
terms, binarization and feature selection outperform
the single machine, multi-class, approach. To the best
knowledge of the authors, the use of binarization tech-
niques, features selection filters, and MCDM methods
was not attempt so far in the literature for improving
classification performance in the assessment of the
tear film lipid layer. These results demonstrate the
soundness of the methods presented in this research.
For future work, the authors plan to extend
this research to different learning algorithms (e.g.
naive Bayes classifier or decision trees) and different
MCDM methods. Since different MCDM methods
will evaluate different learning classifiers from dif-
ferent criteria, they may produce divergent rankings.
Thus, the authors plan to implement an approach to
resolve disagreeing rankings.
This research has been partially funded by the Secre-
tar´ıa de Estado de Investigaci´on of the Spanish Gov-
ernment and FEDER funds of the European Union
through the research projects PI10/00578, TIN2009-
10748 and TIN2011-25476;and by the Conseller´ıa de
Industria of the Xunta de Galicia through the research
project CN2011/007. Beatriz Remeseiro and Diego
Peteiro-Barral acknowledge the support of Xunta de
Galicia under Plan I2C Grant Program.
We would also like to thank the Escuela de
y Optometr´ıa of the Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela for providing us with the annotated im-
age datasets.
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