Design of a Real-time Crowdsourced Mobility Sensor for Public
Transportation Networks
Marc Pous, Daniel Villatoro, F. Xavier Mercadal and Arol Vi
Barcelona Digital Technology Center, Barcelona, Spain
Smartcities, Public Transportation Network, Crowdsensing.
Recently, and with the ever-increasing interest in Smart-city paradigm, urban mobility optimization is becom-
ing an active research area. We are specially focused on the real-time optimization of the Public Transportation
Networks, and the passenger flows. In order to achieve such task, it becomes essential to know the state of
the network and its load of passengers in real-time. To the best of our knowledge, no existing infrastructure
is able to keep track of the amount of public transportation users (and their position) in real time. In this
paper we propose a framework architecture that transforms the passengers in active sensors and profit from
the information they provide to estimate the actual usage of the network. In order to create an engaging ex-
perience for passengers (and incentivize the activation of the mobility sensor) we have implemented a higher
level layer which offers users with a trivia-like game, where users compete against other users in real-time,
while providing their position on the network.
Catalyzed by the Industrial Revolution, cities have be-
come the acting scenario for the economic tradings
and exchanges that have derived into the modern eco-
nomic system. Due to several factors (such as a reduc-
tion of commuting times and increase the interaction
capabilities), the population within the cities suffered
an outstanding growth and becoming such organiza-
tional structure the predominant and preferred for hu-
man interactions.
With the specific objective of improving urban
mobility, it is necessary to have a complete under-
standing of the mobility patterns of the citizens. How-
ever, and up to the best of our knowledge, there is
no complete dataset that allows us to obtain such pat-
terns. With the penetration of mobile technologies,
citizens have acquired the capability to continuously
share information anytime anywhere. This continu-
ous sensing capability allows us to combine our sen-
sorized object (the citizens) and the sensor its tracks
its behavior (its mobile device)
Our research focuses on the exploitation of the
human sensing capabilities to understand their mo-
bility patterns in an urban environment, and for the
sake of specification we target commuters as our spe-
cific case of study. Specially, we present the design
of a real-time crowdsourced mobility sensor in public
transportation networks whose usage is incentivized
through gamification. A trivia-like game serves as
an incentive for public-transportation users to acti-
vate the designed sensor, and provide our platform
with real-time position information of users, obtain-
ing a complete picture of the state of the network with
up-to-date information. The specific case of study
that we focus on is the city of Barcelona. Nowadays
the Barcelona transportation agency, among others,
does not have methods neither infrastructure to know
the exact number of people travelling in real time in
its transportation network (composed by bus, metro,
tram and train). With the raise of the computing ca-
pabilities in mobile devices and the appearance of
the Big Data paradigm, it seems appropriate to profit
from the multidisciplinar and interrelated sources of
real-time data and process them in an unified intel-
ligent core, maximizing the information that can be
obtained from that data. One specific and interesting
advance proposed is the usage of Case-Base Reason-
ing (CBR) to infere the correct location of users from
the GPS position provided by them when travelling in
the Metro. This is a challenge as the GPS position-
ing return poor positions when the application is used
underground, and therefore, the CBR will correct that
position to what it should really correspond after an
adequate training.
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2
we present a brief summary of the problem and a dis-
cussion related on the improvement of public trans-
Pous M., Villatoro D., Mercadal F. and Viñolas A..
Design of a Real-time Crowdsourced Mobility Sensor for Public Transportation Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004224402310235
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS-2013), pages 231-235
ISBN: 978-989-8565-45-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
portation and available public metrics. In section 3
we describe the modular solution proposed to detect
commuters’ real-time location. Section 4 presents the
actual intelligent analysis tasks that are performed to
overcome some of the problems we have faced. In
section 5 we present some related works and their
contributions to the field. In section 6 we summarize
our on-going work for analysing the commuters loca-
tions and state of the Barcelona’s public transporta-
tion network in real-time. Finally, in section 7 we
sketch the next steps that will be taken to improve the
performance of the platform
The optimization of urban processes such as the pub-
lic transportation system has been subject of inter-
est of researchers for many years/for decades (Lynch,
1960; Mandl, 1980; Daganzo, 1997). Some public
transportation networks such as “Transport for Lon-
don” or Seoul metro, have information about the users
entrances and exits controlled through RFID cards
or similar systems, used for optimizing the payment
costs using a “pay-as-you-go” approach. However,
and to the best of our knowledge, there is no existing
infrastructure that provides the load of the network
in real-time. In this paper we sketch the structure of
the architecture that would allow public transportation
users to become active sensors and provide this data
while they travel.
This information is of clear importance to any
public transportation system, as it has been proven
by the numerous costly and time-consuming inter-
views performed to passengers asking about their ori-
gins, destinations, preferred routes and other parame-
ters. Moreover, providing real time information about
the state of the network would increase the aware-
ness of the urban flows within cities through public
transportation systems, and pop up the weakness of
the networks and the behaviours of the commuters in
front of the incidences or big events, amongst many
In this paper, we propose a platform of an integrated
solution that allows the real-time tracking of partici-
pants within the transportation network. To achieve
this task, we rely on the sensing capabilities of pas-
sengers (acquired through their mobile devices such
as smartphones) and the continuous provision of in-
formation. However, we face two problems with this
approach: (1) this sharing implies a cost for the in-
dividual user in terms of battery life and bandwidth
that users are not always willing to sacrifice, and (2)
we need to critical mass of users to obtain signifi-
cant sample of information. The individual voluntary
provision of information (for the intelligent analysis
and process in our platform) would represent a long-
term benefit for the users, despite the associated ana-
lyzed costs. However, battery life is a valued resource
that users are always reluctant to share for communal
goods, therefore, we need to provide short term pos-
itive incentives to motivate humans to provide with
this data. Moreover, we need to ensure that a critical
mass of users will participate providing information.
To ensure both problems we opt for the usage of gam-
ification techniques, translating these incentives into
our platform in terms of a competitive game, that pro-
vides users with distraction during their trips, com-
pensating for the resources consumed, and it is attrac-
tive enough to engage a sufficient amount of users.
As an specific case of study we want to study
the commuting trends of Barcelona, being the com-
muters a representative portion of the users of the pub-
lic transportation networks. Once we obtain real-time
sample data of mobility, we will be able to understand
the commuting trends and urban flows within the city,
and consequently we would be able to analyze the
weak points that can be reached by us to improve the
system. However, this intelligent processing imply
also the creation and usage of a common language
that refers to each of the units of information treated
in this process.
The solution proposed for the cooperative GPS track-
ing in the Barcelona’s public transportation network
is based on the gamification concept to incentivize
users. We defined and developed a game users play
while an underlying application gathers the geoposi-
ton (latitude, longitude and altitude) of the gamers
with the aim of being aware of the Barcelona’s public
transportation usage in a city in real-time. The goal
of the application is the cooperative anonymous real-
time monitorization of the commuters, in the pub-
lic transport network. Commuters seems to be ideal
candidates for this research as they have internalized
the commuting route that they transit everyday, and
their cognitive capabilities can be re-focused on play-
ing our game. While commuters play on their mo-
bile device, they will be competing in real-time with
other players, while sending information to our mo-
bility server. This solution would allow us to track
the whole Barcelona’s public transportation system in
real-time creating an incentive for the commuters to
Figure 1: Crowdsourced Public Transportation Sensing
Framework Architecture.
use this game.
The complete architecture (shown in Figure 1)
is formed by three essential interacting components,
which are described below.
Track-Hunter. The mobile application, that runs
on the users device, gathers the GPS position and
sends it to our server. This component creates a
message that contains the specific GPS position
(obtained with the native GPS libraries of the mo-
bile device), the timestamp for which that position
was obtained, and the user introduced nickname,
that will allow the continuous track of an specific
user without compromising his privacy.
Game Layer. Designed as a incentive mech-
anism, the Track-Hunter application is comple-
mented with a trivia-like game, where players
compete in real-time with other players. The
game itself, combined with the real-time compe-
tition factor creates an engaging and satisfying
interface for which users obtain a trade-off for
the sacrificed battery-life consumed by the Track-
Hunter, as well as the attraction to open the appli-
cation every time they commute.
Mobility Server. The client application sends
(using a REST API
) the gathered information to
a server that recollects all the provided informa-
tion in real-time. This server has been designed
to handle concurrent requests on real-time,
implemented with Node.js
These explained components are essential for the
data acquisition process. However, once the informa-
tion is acquired we need to process it in order to obtain
knowledge about it. This knowledge extraction capa-
bilities are integrated in what we have defined as the
Intelligent Layer. This intelligent layer will be able
to provide specific information and detailed analysis
Due the simplicity and easiness of the REST protocol
over SOAP and WSDL, most of the new web services are
being build using REST.
of the commuting trends, specifically obtaining infor-
mation such as the most used routes, transportation
modes, or peak hours.
In this section we will analyze the different problems
we have faced after the design of the general archi-
tecture. These problems deal with the treatment of
a huge amount of raw data obtained in real-time from
the sensors and its transformation into manageable in-
formation in order to extract knowledge.
4.1 Data Model and Ontology: A
Network Approach
Commuters provide us with a continuous feed of loca-
tions and timestamps, which is almost straightforward
that are associated to movements. However, these
movements are constrained by the actual transporta-
tion infrastructure. This restriction is understood as
a positive point in terms of information storage op-
timization. Moreover, the public transportation net-
work can be easily transported to the mathematical
paradigm of networks and profit from all the theory
and operators developed: stations (where passengers
get in and out) are the nodes of the network, and the
connections amongst stations are the edges. As users
are mobile, each node or edge might have a different
weight. This weight would be changing dynamically,
depending on different interests, such as, distance,
time spent for travelling from one node to another, or
the number of people travelling, amongst other mea-
These first decisions are part of an specific prob-
lem that we have faced in this challenge, which is the
development of a common specific vocabulary that
fixes the different types of units and measures that the
system will handle. The objective of the public trans-
portation mobility ontology is twofold: (1) character-
ize the units necessary for our designed optimization
processes, and (2) separate the information acquisi-
tion process from the actual calculations, allowing for
more transparent and differentiated processes that do
not interfere.
Moreover, the proposed ontology is a passenger-
centric ontology as opposed to the majority of the an-
alyzed ontologies in the literature which are mainly
transport centric models (Houda et al., 2010). The on-
tology designed for our platform focuses on the real-
time location of the commuters, their journeys and the
different paths (changes in transportation modes or
transportation lines), within the public transportation
network. From those journeys it is possible to extract
the stop points and edges, and on the other side, it is
possible to infer the real-time position of the sample
of vehicles with the commuters in them but not taking
into account the schedule or fares.
4.2 Dealing with Poor GPS Signals
Given the precision of the GPS signals obtained from
the users devices, it seems difficult that a mobile de-
vice will provide us with the accurate exact position
that is saved in the reference repository, becoming
therefore an obstacle the association of certain GPS
location to an specific mobility resource. The most
straightforward solution is to construct a simple Eu-
clidean Distance Filter that given a certain GPS po-
sition and a tolerance level (which determines the ra-
dius of acceptability of distance to the mobility re-
source), it will return the specific station (or edge) as-
sociated. This initial solution seems to work fine for
the overground transports, but obtaining poor perfor-
mance in underground transportation, given the lack
of precision of the GPS signal.
Our initial test have proven that despite obtaining
a significant reduced number of GPS positions when
using underground transportation, some positions are
obtained. Moreover, we do not only have to deal with
the reduced amount of positions, but also with prob-
lems in the precision of the data obtained (e.g. when
being in a certain subway station, the GPS system will
return a GPS position that is 50m. away from that po-
sition). In order to solve this problem we propose a
semi-supervised learning approach, using a Case-base
Reasoning (CBR) technique.
Initially, a knowledge base needs to be gathered,
by transiting the whole network, attaching tags with
the real semantic location (e.g. Metro Station: Diag-
onal, Bus Station: 574, or Edge: Diagonal - Verda-
guer) to every GPS position sent. This knowledge
base will allow the training of the intelligent system,
that will later associate any received GPS position to
the most similar case obtained from the knowledge
4.3 Detecting the Transportation Mode
Strictly related with the previous problem, we will
need to identify the type of transportation that the
user is using, to infer its real location in the network.
Given the different rates of information arrival from
the client application depending on the transport used
(low rates in subway and higher rates in overground),
we propose a simple rule-based classifier, that will in-
telligently categorize the transportation mode of a cer-
tain user from a subset of its provided positions. One
rule example generated by this classifier would be:
IF(Samples with GPS Position > 70 %)
Our contribution proposes a gamificated cooperative
methodology for tracking urban mobility footprints,
contrasting with traditional survey methods, to im-
prove the understanding of commuters behaviour and
public transportation mobility dynamics.
In the designed system, commuters run an appli-
cation with a competitive game while they are anony-
mously sending their real-time location, allowing us
to know the state of the network and the weak points.
On the other side the application would report real-
time incidences to the users and would recommend
alternative routes to arrive to their usual destination
(in case the system have historical data of user’s des-
At the moment we only focus on capturing the in-
formation from the commuters and we are aware that
we will be gathering only a subset of potential com-
muters to play our game. Given the openness of the
system, and the nature of any crowdsourced applica-
tion, it is hard at the moment for us to evaluate which
is the validity of our sample. This issue remains as an
open problem to be solved in the future.
As one of the main tasks for the future work, the
server will be given with an intelligent multi-modal
transportation recommender engine which will calcu-
late personalized routes for users in order to optimize
his commuting journey depending on the real-time
status of the public transportation network. As an am-
bitious scientific challenge, it will be interesting to de-
velop a behavioural model of commuters that could be
integrated with the discoveries provided by other re-
searches about the mobility pattern knowledge of hu-
mans, resulting in a predictive system. This informa-
tion would be highly valuable to understand the over-
all behaviour of such complex system, specially when
facing special events that might produce an overload
of the network.
This work has been completed with de support of
O, the Catalan Agency to promote applied re-
search and innovation.
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(2010). A public transportation ontology to support
user travel planning. In Loucopoulos, P. and Cavarero,
J.-L., editors, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Inter-
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