In the image presented in Fig.2(a), the aim is to
smooth the noise present in the images while preserv-
ing both the white and the grey matters. We used
our detector with µ = 5, λ = 1.5 and ∆θ = 5
for re-
gions classification. The threshold for the edge/region
classifier s
is equal to 0.002. Parameters used in
anisotropic edge detector in order to compute (θ
are µ = 5, λ = 1 and ∆θ = 2
. The results of our
anisotropic diffusion are presented in the Fig. 2(l).
Note that the limit between the grey and the white
matter is perfectly visible, Fig. 2(t) illustrates the
sharpness of this edge.
We compare our result with several approaches
as well as the well known median, Nagao (Nagao
and Matsuyama, 1979), Kuwahara (Kuwahara et al.,
1976) and bilateral filters (Tomasi and Manduchi,
1998). For these different methods, the noise is not
completely removed and grey matter edges are not
preserved. Tensorial approaches bring either a fiber
effect to the image (Weickert, 1999) or grey matter is
blurred (Tschumperl
e, 2006), as for the approach of
(Alvarez et al., 1992).
In order to show the efficiency of our method for
noise removal and edge of grey/white matter contours
enhancement, we show the image surface of our re-
sults. The 3D elevation of our result allows to see
that grey/white matter edges are well preserved and
sharped. Figs. 2 (m), (n), (o) and (p) show the
isophotes (curves of the image surface of constant in-
tensity) according to 15 levels. It is visible that our
approach preserves also small objects which could be
a tumor or a default inside the brain.
We have proposed in this paper a method for re-
moving noise preserving white/grey matters edges in
MRI images by pixel classification using a rotating
smoothing filter followed by a PDE. Our classifica-
tion method seems very promising as we have been
able to classify correctly white/grey matters edges.
Anisotropic diffusion in two directions provided by
an edge detector using half smoothing kernels keeps
edges and corners of different objects. Comparing our
results with existing algorithms allows us to validate
our method. Next on our agenda is to develop an in-
ternet platform where users could experiment restora-
tion with their own images and apply a segmentation
on the result.
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