Radial Basis Function Neural-fuzzy Model for Microarray Signature
Julio De Alejandro Montalvo
, George Panoutsos
, Mahdi Mahfouf
and James W. Catto
The University of Sheffield, Dept. of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, Sheffield, U.K.
The University of Sheffield, Academic Urology Unit, Sheffield, U.K.
Keywords: Feature-selection, Neural-fuzzy, Fuzzy Logic, Radial-Basis-Function (RBF), Microarray, Bladder Cancer.
Abstract: This paper introduces a Fuzzy entropy-based method for the problem of feature selection. For the first time
Fuzzy-Entropy is used to directly link the relative input relevance of a Radial-Basis-Function Neural-Fuzzy
modelling structure. This embedded feature selection method uses the model performance as a criterion for
the feature selection. The resulting model maintains its simplicity and transparency in the form of a
linguistic Fuzzy-Logic rule-base. The proposed methodology is validated using a real biomedical case-
study, which concerns the signature selection for the identification of the stage of bladder cancer. The
signature selection and predictive modelling results are compared to previous research work on the same
dataset, and it is shown that the RBF-NF model outperforms the previous modelling attempts by achieving
high predictive accuracy (>90%). The model is shown to maintain its good performance even when using
just 10 genes in the gene based signature.
One of the biggest challenges in cancer research is
the accurate early classification of tumours. This
classification can reflect the stage of a tumour and
may be achieved via a number of information
sources, including clinical and radiological data and
potentially, biochemical or molecular tests.
However, limitations in the accuracy of these data
have led to the search for more robust biomarkers
such as gene expression data. One method for high
throughput, global profiling of gene expression is
the microarray. In this paper we investigate the
ability for genetic data stage bladder cancer reliably.
A reliable predictor capable of accurate
classification at an early stage of the cancer would
avoid unnecessary treatment and also save costs.
In recent years the study of microarrays has
become more popular. Microarrays are chips that
contain thousands of probes. These probes mirror
the RNA or DNA sequence for individual genome
locations. The expression or content of that
corresponding genome structure can be measured by
the abundance of binding to that probe. Microarrays
have been used in a number of different contexts in
human cancer.
Currently one of the most promising roles is as
disease biomarkers that may be used to predict
tumour stage and subsequent outcomes. Microarray
data analysis is challenging due to the large size of
these datasets(100s to 10,000 of probe values) and
their imbalance with samples size (most series have
less than 100 samples). This presents a challenging
Systems Engineering classification and
identification problem (high dimensionality, low
number of samples). If accurate predictive models
(wrapper methods) are built from the available gene
data along with results from cancer biopsies and
other clinical tests, one can then try to understand
how the various genes and tests relate to cancer, and
try to develop multi-dimensional patient prognostic
maps that are capable of mapping cancer malignancy
based on a minimum amount of data/tests.
The main challenges in this type of research are:
The uncertainty of the data
Model generalisation issues
Identification of relevant genes/clinical markers
Link model-based research findings with medical
To address the problem of high number of input
features, feature selection algorithms have become
indispensable components of the learning process.
Feature selection is the process of detecting the
De Alejandro Montalvo J., Panoutsos G., Mahfouf M. and Catto J..
Radial Basis Function Neural-fuzzy Model for Microarray Signature Identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004226801340139
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2013), pages 134-139
ISBN: 978-989-8565-35-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
relevant features and discarding the irrelevant ones.
There are three categories for feature selection:
filters, wrappers and embedded methods.
Statistical regression methods perform poorly
when there are multiple interconnected variables and
in the presence of contaminating data (Burke,
Goodman et al., 1997). Filter and wrapper methods
could be used in combination with Soft Computing
(SC) techniques (i.e. Fuzzy Logic, Neural-Fuzzy
Systems) to eliminate irrelevant genes at an early
stage. The combination of SC with other
computational techniques offers significant
advantages in terms of imprecision tolerance and
systems interpretability, and has proven to be an
effective method performing equally or better than
Support Vector Machines (SVM) or ‘K Nearest
Neighbourhood’, which are very popular methods
for gene expressions classification (Pal et al., 2007).
In this paper, a new embedded SC feature
selection method is introduced based on Fuzzy
Logic (FL) and a Radial-Basis-Function (RBF)
Neural-Fuzzy (NF) computational structure. The
presented methodology offers a feature selection that
takes place during the model-training phase, whilst
maintaining the system simplicity and
interpretability. This is achieved by taking advantage
of the Fuzzy Entropy measure (Al-Sharhan et al.,
2001). Hybrid Neural-Fuzzy Logic models combine
the learning ability of Neural Systems and the
interpretability of Fuzzy Systems, they can
automatically generate and adjust the membership
functions and linguistic rules directly from the data.
The presented method is a combination of Fuzzy C-
Means and RBF-NF function; it is an embedded
method as it trains the model while it performs the
input selection. As a pre-input selection the t-test
statistical method was used to reduce the large initial
dataset. This is a popular pre-processing step in
microarray gene selection, aiming at removing the
irrelevant to the process genes. The proposed
methodology, uses a variant of the the Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm for the model’s parametric
optimisation. The method is suitable for handling
large datasets, and because of the ‘IF-THEN’
linguistic rules it helps the clinicians to understand
how the model behaves.
The remainder of the paper is organised in four
more sections as follows: 2. Radial Basis Function
Neural-Fuzzy System: in this section a description of
the modelling and data-mining structure is
presented. 3. Fuzzy Entropy-Based Feature
Selection: this is a detailed description of the new
feature selection method 4. Gene Signature
Selection: the new method is successfully applied to
a bladder cancer literature dataset to predict the
stage of the cancer, and finally, section 5:
Conclusion and Future work.
2.1 Clustering
The data-mining workflow consists of three stages,
the first of which is Fuzzy C-means (FCM)
clustering for the creation of the initial rule-base.
This rule-base is then ‘translated’ into a Radial-
Basis-Function Neural-Fuzzy structure, and is
finally parametrically optimised via the Levenberg-
Marquardt function-minimisation algorithm. The
FCM method (Dunn, 1973) is frequently used in
pattern recognition but the main reason to use it is
because after Fuzzy C-Means is applied to a data it
can be used directly as initial values of an RBF
Model. FCM is based on minimisation of the
following objective function:
Where m is any real number greater than 1, u
is the
degree of membership of x
in the cluster j, x
is the
ith of d-dimensional measured data, c
is the d-
dimension centre of the cluster, and ||*|| is any norm
expressing the similarity between any measured data
and the centre.
2.2 RBF-Based Neural-fuzzy System
Figure 1: RBF Layers of NF model.
The second stage consists of applying the method
proposed in (Panoutsos and Mahfouf, 2010). This
method uses an RBF function to describe a Neural-
Fuzzy system. Figure 1 show the structure of the
RBF-NF model, where the input, rule-base (hidden
layer) and output layers can be identified. The
presented system can then be parametrically
optimised via a suitable function minimisation
2.3 Levenberg-Marquardt
The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm is an
iterative technique that locates the minimum of a
multivariate function that is expressed as the sum of
squares of non-linear real-valued functions
(Levenberg, 1944). In this paper the RMSE between
the training data and the model predicted data is
used as the cost function to be minimised. The
presented data-mining workflow provides an
efficient and fast method for capturing numerical
data-based information and converting it to a
linguistic knowledge-base with a predictive
The next section describes how the RBF-NF
structure is exploited along with Fuzzy-|Entropy
measures to identify relevant to the process features.
The presented method is based on two Fuzzy Logic
features: The Fuzzy Entropy and the Tagaki-
Sugeno-Kang (TSK) type (Takagi and Sugeno,
1985) of output layer for a NF system. Fuzzy-
Entropy is a measure of ‘fuzziness’, it allows the
quantification of how ‘fuzzy’ a value is when the
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is used.The TSK
output layer of an RBF-NF model is a linear
combination of its inputs (polynomial).The
hypothesis is that during model training, the values
of the output weights w
, for each rule, will increase
(absolute value) for the inputs (genes) that are more
‘influential’ in (contribute to) the model predictions.
One could analyse how the output weights change
on every training iteration, hence determine the
relevance of the corresponding inputs. This
relationship in terms of entropy strength is relative
to the genes, is measurable, and may be used to rank
the genes for a particular rule in the rule-base. In the
algorithmic process proposed here, the model is
trained for ‘N’ iterations, while at ‘n’ iterations
(n<N) the training can be ‘paused’ and the model
can be reviewed in terms of the gene ranking order.
Not all the rules in the rule-base contribute with
the same amount to the FIS. This is subject to the
‘input space’ of a particular gene. Therefore, the
ranking order that may be established as a result of
examining a single TSK rule is only relevant if the
corresponding rule has a high contribution to the
overall rule-base. This contribution can be
established via the use of Fuzzy-Entropy (FE), as a
measure of ‘fuzziness’. The FE is calculated for each
individual rule, and then a numerical ‘index’ is
developed to ‘adjust’ the significance of the ranking
of each individual rule. Finally, the overall ranking
of the genes is calculated by using the FE-adjusted
gene output weights.
In terms of the algorithmic process, Figure 2
summarises the gene feature selection. The first step
is to rank the output weights by rule in descending
order. The top ‘n’ genes are then selected and this
information is passed on to the following step (this
numerical threshold is process specific). The Fuzzy-
Entropy is then calculated for each model prediction.
The fuzzy entropy is defined using the concept of
membership function. In 1972, De Luca and Termini
defined Fuzzy Entropy Based on Shannon’s
functions and they introduced a set of properties for
which Fuzzy Entropy should satisfy them (Al-
Sharhan et al., 2001).
, ,
Once the entropy is calculated, Eq. 3 is applied.
The ‘B’ index reflects the significance of a gene
within a certain rule. The value of B is obtained for
each gene in all the rules.
The output weight is adjusted by the significance of
a particular rule (proportional to the membership
degree, inversely proportional to the ‘fuzziness’).
After the rule-adjusted significance per gene is
calculated a new ranking order is then compiled.
The work presented in this paper is the first
report, to our knowledge, of a Fuzzy-Entropy
scheme applied to a RBF-NF modelling structure.
The resulting ranking of the genes directly
relates to their performance in the modelling
structure, is an iterative procedure – that can be
repeated a number of times as required – and
provides a fast workflow to establish gene signatures
from microarray data.
The dataset consists in 22,283 genes and 90
samples from the analysis of the Affymetrix Chip
U133A Human Gene-chip. This study aims at
predicting the ‘Cancer Stage’.
The case-study presented in this paper is focused on
the prediction of Bladder Cancer Stage using a
dataset from a previous study made by Sanchez-
Carbayo (Sanchez-Carbayo et al., 2006).
Table 1: Cancer stages.
Value Stage
PT2, PT3A, PT3B, PT4, PT4A
A common staging system uses numbers to
indicate the stage of the cancer as shown in Table 1.
The cancer Stage values were ‘encoded’ to 0 and
1 according to Table 1. Stages encoded as ‘0’ are
often referred to as ‘Non-Aggressive’, and the ones
encodes as ‘1’ as ‘Aggressive’.
4.1 Data Pre-processing
Prior to any modelling work the dataset is
normalised in order to eliminate the high variances
between the gene’s intensities (quantile
normalisation). After normalisation, the student’s
distribution t-test is used as an initial gene-filter.
Based on the p-values the genes from the
Sanchez-Carbayo dataset were reduced from the
original 22243 genes down to a set of 500 genes.
4.2 Radial-Basis-Function Linguistic
The RBF-NF model was then developed as
described in Section 2. The methodology was
applied to the Sanchez-Carbayo Dataset, to reduce
the number of genes. As previously discussed the
Sanchez-Carbayo dataset consists of 90 patients and
22283 genes. A pre-selection of the genes was made
using the top 500 genes as selected with the t-test.
After this preliminary gene selection (pre-filtering)
the entropy (
(Eq, 2) is calculated based on the
membership function (
. The median of the
is calculated, a second threshold is
established for both parameters (for
>.5 and for
<.4) then the Eq. 3 is applied. The first gene
signature was developed with 250 genes. This
number of genes was selected to compare the
resulting modelling performance to the Sanchez-
Carbayo results. The results are shown in Table 2.
The classification functions of Specificity,
Sensitivity and Accuracy are used as measures of
performance (Braga-Neto and Dougherty, 2004).
The resulting model consisted of 10 rules only.
Figure 2: RBF-NF fuzzy entropy feature selection.
Table 2: RBF input selection 250 genes.
Training Testing
Specificity 100% 100%
Sensitivity 100% 93%
Accuracy 100% 96%
The data samples were randomly separated into
‘Training’ and ‘Testing’ datasets. The training set is
only used to train the model. The testing dataset is
only used after the model training is finished in
order to test the generalisation performance of the
model (i.e. on ‘unseen’ by the model data), as a form
of cross-validation.
The study from Sanchez-Carbayo on the same
data-set used the popular (for microarray data
analysis) method of support vector machines (SVM)
to predict the tumour stage with 250 genes.
Table 3: Results Sanchez-Carbayo and RBF.
Sanchez-Carbayo RBF Input Selection
Accuracy 89% 96%
The results show that the two resulting models
have a similar level of performance, using the exact
same number of genes; however the RBF-NF
method shows a slightly improved accuracy (+7%)
as compared to the SVM model. On the second
modelling attempt, in order to further examine the
presented methodology, the RBF-NF model was
compared to the Martin Lauss publication (Lauss et
al., 2010). They used 201 genes for the prediction of
the stage of cancer, based on a different dataset.
Tables 4 and 5 summarise the RBF-NF modelling
results and the Lauss results (SVM).
Table 4: 201 Genes – RBF-NF.
Training Testing
Specificity 90% 100%
Sensitivity 100% 100%
Accuracy 98% 100%
Table 5: Results comparison: Lauss vs. RBF-NF.
Martin Lauss RBF Input Selection
Accuracy 87% 100%
A third and final model was created, with just 10
genes, to investigate the generalisation performance
of the methodology with a very low number of
genres. Table 6 summarises the resulting model.
Table 6: RBF-NF input selection: 10 Genes.
Training Testing
Specificity 90% 93%
Sensitivity 96% 93%
Accuracy 95% 93%
As suggested by this table, a performance drop is
observed, as compared to the 201 and 250 gene
models, however one can say that the performance
of the model did not decrease significantly and it
still outperforms the previously developed more
complex models presented in (Sanchez-Carbayo et
al., 2006); (Lauss et al., 2010). Apart from the gene
signature identification (10 genes) the modelling
structure presented in this paper maintains a
transparent Fuzzy Logic-type linguistic rule-base.
Figure 3 shows a sample of the rule-base describing
the behaviour of the model. For simplicity, just two
rules are shown (one for ‘low stage’ and one for
‘high stage’) for five out of the 10 genes in the gene
signature. Two of the linguistic IF-THEN rules that
describe the model are shown below to demonstrate
the transparency (interpretability) of the modelling
Rule 9:
IF: Gene RPS6 is Medium and
Gene PHB is Medium and
LRP1 is Medium and
Gene CCND2 is Medium and
SERP1 is Medium
THEN the Cancer Stage is Non-Aggressive
Rule 5:
IF: Gene RPS6 is Medium-High and
Gene PHB is Medium-High and
LRP1 is Medium-High and
Gene CCND2 is Medium-High and
Gene SERP1 is Medium-High
THEN the Cancer Stage is Aggressive
Figure 3: Neural-fuzzy rules.
Table 8 shows the 10 top ranked genes. The 10-
gene signature has been confirmed from clinicians
that is medically relevant; for example, genes
RAPIB, CCND2 and SERP1 are known to be linked
to bladder cancer. The corresponding numerical
values of the linguistic hedges ‘high’, ‘medium’ etc.
are determined by the optimisation algorithm via the
training data-set. The linguistic interpretation of the
normalised gene intensity is shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Gene range.
Gene Intensity Range
Very Low -1 to -0.72
Low -0.71 to -0.44
Low Medium -0.43 to -0.16
Medium -0.15 to 0.12
Medium High 0.13 to 0.4
High 0.5 to 0.68
Very High 0.69 to 1
Table 8: 10-Gene signature.
Gene Symbol Gene Title
RPL34 ribosomal protein L34
RPS6 ribosomal protein S6
protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, regulatory, type
I, alpha (tissue specific extinguisher 1)
CSRP1 cysteine and glycine-rich protein 1
PHB prohibitin
low density lipoprotein
receptor-related protein 1
DAZAP2 DAZ associated protein 2
RAP1B RAP1B, member of RAS oncogene family
CCND2 cyclin D2
SERP1 stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1
This paper introduces a feature selection algorithm
based on Fuzzy entropy and a RBF Neural-Fuzzy
structure that links directly the fuzzy entropy to the
relative significance of the inputs of the model. This
significance measure is used to rank the inputs of the
model via an iterative algorithm. The proposed
methodology has successfully been applied to the
case study of bladder cancer prediction with respect
to the ‘stage’ of the tumour. Compared to previous
modelling attempts (Sanchez-Carbayo et al., 2006);
(Lauss et al., 2010) based on SVM, the RBF-NF
input selection method shows improved performance
in the same datasets. The attractiveness of this
method is on the transparency that the rule-base
exhibits and the good generalisation performance
(even with just 10 genes) as compared to previous
modelling attempts on the same dataset (250 and
201 genes). The rule-base’s transparency and
interpretability, can aid the clinicians to directly
interrogate the resulting model (human-centric
system) and examine how the model uses individual
genes and their intensity to provide predictions on
the stage of bladder cancer. Further work should
focus on predicting other cancer-related markers
towards a more comprehensive predictive model.
The biggest challenge though is presented in the
generalisation ability of such data-driven models as
identified by other research results too. Models that
are trained based on a specific patient cohort should
be tested against data from other cohorts to establish
the developed models’ generalisation performance
and predictive robustness.
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