A Better Understanding of Esophageal Speech Excitation Source
Radhouane Bouazizi and Sofia Ben Jebara
Lab. COSIM, Ecole Sup
erieure des Communications de Tunis, Carthage University,
Route de Raoued 3.5 Km, Cit
e El Ghazala, Ariana 2083, Tunisia
Esophageal Speech, Excitation Source, Esophagus Extremity Vibration, Opening/Closing Cycle.
Understanding the excitation source of the esophageal speech is a key approach for understanding the
esophageal speech. In this paper, we extract the excitation source using an inverse filtering approach and
we analyze it. We, for example, show some similarities with an artificial EGG signal. We also detect the clos-
ing instants in order to define cycles of opening/closing of esophagus extremity and to recognize the equivalent
of glottal cycles. These cycles are classified into different types according to their characteristics. A physical
explanation of the esophagus extremity behavior is systematically given at the different steps of the analysis.
For several reasons that range from innate, pathologi-
cal (cancer for example) to accidental reasons, a per-
son, namely called laryngectomee, may lose his voice
after a laryngectomy operation (vocal cords eradica-
tion) (Brown et al., 2003). Therefore, the person be-
comes unable to produce speech in a normal manner.
This is explained by the need of the vocal cords in
the process of speech production. Esophageal voice
consists in producing speech by bringing air and re-
leasing it through the end of the esophagus which re-
places the vocal cords when speaking in normal man-
ner. One kind of esophageal speech production mech-
anism begins by injecting the air through the mouth in
order to reach the extremity of the esophagus. While
leaving, this trapped air causes the vibration of the
tissue at the entrance of the esophagus. Then, as in
the case of normal speech, where the role of the vocal
cords is to vibrate under the action of the pressurized
air ejected from the lungs, the esophagus extremity
does the same thing with the incoming pressured air.
The signal created at this level of speech production
mechanism is called the excitation source and have a
crucial role in producing substitution voice of good
quality. In fact, all the remaining of the mechanism is
the same as the one of normal speech (modulation in
the vocal tract and radiation through the lips).
This paper aims to study in depth the excitation
source of esophageal voice and the behavior of the
end of the esophagus. In fact, contrary to vocal cords
whose behavior is well studied and understood, the
esophagus extremity behavior, as excitation source, is
still not well mastered.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
we will show the complexity of signals (esophageal
speech and its excitation source) in the temporal and
frequency domains. Section 3 is devoted to establish
an equivalence between an artificial ElectroGlottoG-
raphy signal and the source of the esophageal speech.
In section 4, we define and localize the closure in-
stants of the esophagus extremity. In section 5, differ-
ent types of opening/closing cycles are identified and
characterized. Finally, a conclusion is given.
In this section, we will first, describe the speech
model that is appropriate for esophageal speech.
Then, a comparison between natural and esophageal
voices and their excitation sources, in time and fre-
quency domains, is made.
2.1 Source/Filter Model of the Speech
Fig. 1 illustrates an example of the signals and the fil-
ters appearing in the source/filter model of esophageal
voice. The excitation source g(n) is shown in the
temporal and frequency domains. It is then filtered
Bouazizi R. and Ben Jebara S..
A Better Understanding of Esophageal Speech Excitation Source Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0004228301630168
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2013), pages 163-168
ISBN: 978-989-8565-36-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)