this work. Figure 5 shows four data views for the
hourly data aggregation. While Figure 5(a) and 5(b)
show the data of use case 2 for standard and privileged
users, Figure 5(c) and 5(d) show the data of use case
It can be seen that most of the events of each data
view are generated by a few users only. Thus, the
applied k-NN anomaly detection reports one standard
user as anomalous in hour 22, with an anomaly score
of 0.93 for use case 2 and 0.92 for use case 12. Sim-
ilarly, our system reports one privileged user for both
use cases 2 and 12. He receives an anomaly score of
0.76 for hour 18 and 0.63 in hour 16. Please note that
the visualization of the data can only be performed
when having at most three dimensions which is not
the case for all of our defined data views. In this case,
the results are presented as tables to the security oper-
As a second exemplary result, we look at the num-
ber of different workstations per user. Figure 6 shows
the aggregated data for (a) standard users and (b) priv-
ileged users.
Our system detected the three anomalies A, B
and C within the standard users although especially
anomaly B contains a rather small absolute amount of
events as compared to the amount of normal events
of use case 17. Within the data view of privileged
users, one account could be identified as anomalous
in use cases 2 and 17 (D). Among others, the system
detected a “SAS Business Intelligence” account that
performed several transactions on multiple worksta-
tions and was previously incorrectly categorized as a
user account. Additionally, a legacy account that was
used to manage all Windows computers in a Novell
network was identified as an anomaly because it gen-
erated a high logon failure rate due to a mismatch be-
tween the Novell password and the account’s pass-
In this work we present an unsupervised anomaly de-
tection approach for extending SIEM appliances with
two main contributions: (1) The proposed system is
applicable in practice and extends already deployed
commercial systems with an anomaly detection en-
gine and (2) the usefulness of unsupervised anomaly
detection was evaluated qualitatively on real world
data in a large enterprise network. In contrast to semi-
supervised anomaly detection, which is already part
of commercial systems, our proposed unsupervised
system does not require any “anomaly-free” train-
ing phase and is to our knowledge the first proposed
approach combining unsupervised anomaly detection
and SIEM systems. Six different anomaly detection
algorithms have been evaluated and finally the global
k-NN approach was selected. The detected anomalies
in our field study were valuable to the security op-
erator center team: Besides misconfigurations some
interesting insights about the infrastructure have been
found. Those results have not been reported by the
traditional rule-based SIEM system.
This work is part of ADEWaS, a project of Deutsche
Telekom Laboratories supported by German Research
Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH and
T-Systems International, South Africa.
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