Rule-based Hand Posture Recognition using Qualitative Finger
Configurations Acquired with the Kinect
Lieven Billiet
, Jose Oramas
, McElory Hoffmann
, Wannes Meert
and Laura Antanas
Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Hand Posture Recognition, 3D Data, Model-based Recognition, Rule-based Model.
Gesture recognition systems exhibit failures when faced with large hand posture vocabularies or relatively new
hand poses. One main reason is that 2D and 3D appearance-based approaches require significant amounts of
training data. We address this problem by introducing a new 2D model-based approach to recognize hand
postures. The model captures a high-level rule-based representation of the hand expressed in terms of finger
poses and their qualitative configuration. The available 3D information is used to first segment the hand.
We evaluate our approach on a Kinect dataset and report superior results while using less training data when
comparing to state-of-the-art 3D SURF descriptor.
A variety of consumer devices using gestures as
means of communication have been released in the
recent years (e.g., the Microsoft Kinect). A fac-
tor that negatively still influence the user experience
while using such gesture-based devices is the ges-
ture recognition accuracy. To become part of every-
day life, these systems need to have high accuracy
and to adapt quickly to large body vocabularies. In
this paper we focus on hand gestures and we intro-
duce a new model-based approach to hand posture
recognition. In contrast to purely appearance-based
techniques, which use no structural information about
the hands and thus, require a significant amount of
training data, our simple rule-based and user-defined
model can reliably recognize hand postures by esti-
mating few parameters from little training images.
A hand posture recognition system involves (1)
segmenting the hand and (2) extracting the hand
pose description, two challenging problems for which
many methods exist (Barczak and Dadgostar, 2005).
Similar to (Ren et al., 2011a; Ren et al., 2011b; Izadi
et al., 2011), in this work we use the Kinect and 3D
depth information to solve the first problem. How-
ever, differently from these, we do not rely on wrist
belts, external media or color-markers to assist the
hand segmentation step. Furthermore, we find the lo-
cation of the hand independently of its posture and
our approach is able to discriminate between the cases
when none, one or two hands are used for gestures.
We address the second problem by employing a
qualitative hand model. In contrast to well anchored
appearance-based techniques using either 2D (Li-
wicki and Everingham, 2009; Van den Bergh and
Van Gool, 2011; Pugeault and Bowden, 2011; Al-
tun and Albayrak, 2011) or 3D (Suryanarayan et al.,
2010; Darom and Keller, 2012; Knopp et al., 2010)
information, our approach is model-based and uses
the 2D image data to encode a rule-based hand
description. This has two main advantages over
purely appearance-based approaches: a lower com-
putational demand and any potential loss of discrim-
inative power due to limited amounts of training data
is countered by the use of structural information of
the hand. Our set of rules are based on finger poses
and properties and can robustly capture the hand pos-
ture configuration. Each rule uses finger poses such as
stretched or closed and qualitative relations between
them. Our model has only 9 degrees of freedom,
which makes it easily applicable in practice. This
is an important advantage compared to non-structural
methods, for which data acquisition is often a high
cost. Moreover, it offers an elegant alternative to
a more demanding full kinematic hand model (Erol
et al., 2007), which implies a more difficult recovery
of all its parameters from a single video stream.
Related work (Keskin et al., 2011) proposes hand
Billiet L., Oramas J., Hoffmann M., Meert W. and Antanas L. (2013).
Rule-based Hand Posture Recognition using Qualitative Finger Configurations Acquired with the Kinect.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 539-542
DOI: 10.5220/0004230805390542
Figure 1: Hand segmentation with additional refinement.
From left to right: body segmentation, original hand seg-
mentation, hand segmentation after refinement, palm and
wrist positions (black and yellow circles, respectively).
posture recognition approaches by fitting a 3D skele-
ton to the hand. Although semantically it follows the
same direction as our work, it is still a low-level rep-
resentation of the hand. Closely related are also the
approaches of (Mo and Neumann, 2006; Holt et al.,
2011; Ren et al., 2011a; Ren et al., 2011b). They
use depth cues to build a more qualitative representa-
tion of the hand model based on hand parts and their
configuration. Yet, different from these, we use depth
information only for hand segmentation and employ a
rule-based model to recognize hand postures.
Although hand posture recognition is a popular
problem, recognition results presented in the litera-
ture are often based on self-gathered datasets which
are not available. Exceptions are the recently intro-
duced gesture recognition benchmarks (Guyon and
Athitsos, 2011; Guyon et al., 2012). However, they
mainly focus on hand motion or involve all body
parts. Differently, our current work focuses on the
hand posture recognition problem. Thus, we collected
a dataset to evaluate our rule-based approach and,
as a second contribution, we make this dataset pub-
licly available at http://people.cs.kuleuven.
laura.antanas/ We com-
pare experimentally against an appearance-based
model which employs the recently introduced 3D
SURF (Knopp et al., 2010) descriptor. We show that
starting from the same hand segmentations, our rule-
based system achieves better results than 3D SURF.
Our model-based approach demonstrates the advan-
tage of using rules in case of few training data over
more expensive 3D descriptors.
We use the Kinect and depth information to localize
and segment the hand by detecting the point closest
to the visual sensor and thresholding the depth im-
age from this point. This is similar to (Mo and Neu-
mann, 2006), however, we extend this work to deal
with none, one, or two hands.
Our procedure includes several steps performed
on the depth image: front-most body point detec-
Figure 2: Hand postures and visualization of their models.
tion, body segmentation by thresholding the depth,
hand segmentation by re-thresholding the depth and
finally, refined hand segmentation. The body depth
threshold is estimated as the median depth of the de-
tected objects area when an initial depth threshold
from the front-most body point is considered. As
potential hands have to obey certain size criteria, we
consider as hands (at most) two objects lying at least
cm before the body in the direction of the vi-
sual sensor. The thresholds were empirically estab-
lished based on training data. As our experiments on
new data show, the chosen thresholds allow for gener-
alization. Figure 1 illustrates the two segmentations.
Because hands may be extended quite far-away from
the body, which implies that part of the arm might
be considered as part of the hand, we include a seg-
mentation re-estimation step. We use the closeness to
the wrist and palm positions to successfully filter long
wrists and refine the segmentation of the palm.
To recognize hand postures we propose a model-
based approach which we represent using rules. It is
based on a fixed number of hand components. Each
component is a finger group with its associated finger
pose. Thus, each hand posture is a rule which cap-
tures the hand configuration. Because the rules are
user-defined, training involves only the estimation of
few parameters that are general finger properties and
hold across all hand postures. Our hand model is in-
spired by (Mo and Neumann, 2006), however, differ-
ently, we consider possible finger poses as stretched
or closed. Also the relations between the fingers can
be either joined or separated. Figure 2 shows possible
configurations of finger poses and relations between
them. The black dots are markers defining the global
position of the hand. Red lines represent stretched
fingers, while yellow ones closed fingers.
This model can be extended, yet even in this sim-
ple form, it is able to distinguish between 512 poses
without explicit training. Since the model needs only
9 degrees of freedom it is feasible to learn the param-
eters from a single video stream. Our representation
allows the introduction of a second hand, extra finger
orientations or even finger depth. This makes our ap-
Figure 3: Phases of finger groups extraction process. From
left to right: full contour, reduced contour, convexity analy-
sis, finger groups, alignment.
proach general enough with respect to posture types.
From Hand Contour to Finger Groups. Finger
groups are obtained from a convexity analysis of the
hand contour as illustrated in Figure 3. In a first step,
it is simplified to a polycontour. This removes many
random small convexity defects whilst remaining the
contour’s characteristic form. Next, groups of fingers
are found as parts of the contour, in-between subse-
quent convexity defects (marked as yellow circles).
We use the width to determine the number of fingers
in a group and empirically estimated thresholds on the
training data to make the distinction between group
sizes. Additionally, we impose that exactly 5 fingers
are found across the groups. A final step aligns the
bases of all fingers, except for the thumb, at the palm
level. We estimate each finger group pose according
to its length. Based on the lengths, we also determine
if fingers are stretched or closed. Joined or separated
fingers are decided based on the minimum of the dis-
tances of their joining point to the tips.
Rule-based Representation of the Hand Model.
The hand model encodes the finger configuration that
characterizes a specific hand posture. A different rule
is associated to each hand posture category, such that
the model is represented by the set of rules for the en-
tire posture vocabulary. For example the third posture
in Figure 2 is modeled using the following rule:
if orient=vertical,thumb=0, f
=1, f
=1, f
=0, f
( f
, f
)=l,( f
, f
)=l,( f
, f
)=v,( f
then posture third,
where the two closed fingers f
, f
and the closed
thumb are expressed as ‘0’ and the stretched fingers
, f
, as ‘1’. Joined pairs of fingers ( f
, f
) are indi-
cated by l and the separated pair of fingers ( f
, f
by ‘v’. This rule, except the orientation encoded as
a separate rule test, is practically represented in our
system using the string structure ‘0l1v1l0l0’. As an-
other example, the rule for the second hand posture is
encoded as ‘0l1l1l0l0’. We overcome the restriction
in the original approach of (Mo and Neumann, 2006)
that the palm must always face the camera by includ-
ing a second global orientation. The global hand ori-
entation is treated separately and it extends the space
of possible configurations. This is encoded as an extra
test in our rule-based model.
Hand Posture Recognition. Starting from the de-
tected finger groups, we could learn the hand posture
models using, for example, decision trees (Breiman
et al., 1984). However, the goal of this work is to
show the advantages and benefits of a rule-based sys-
tem. Therefore, we assume a user-defined rule-based
model and we use it to recognize hand postures by
directly comparing the encoding of a newly extracted
posture s
from a test image with the rule encoding
of each posture s
in the vocabulary. We quantify the
quality of a match as the number of characters that
match. Because a finger configuration has nine char-
acters, the similarity is a score in the interval [0, 9],
given by the formula 9 dist
, s
); dist
is the
Hamming distance between the two strings.
The number of degrees of freedom makes our pro-
posed model a sparse representation when the number
of hand poses to be recognized is small with respect
to all possible encodings. As a result, we propose
also a nearest neighbor approximation, in which ev-
ery hand posture reference rule encoding is replaced
by its nearest neighbor encoding found in the training
data. As an alternative, the sparseness problem can be
solved by estimating the rules directly from the data,
such that only meaningful posture models are learned.
We evaluated our approach on a real-world dataset
which contains 8 different hand postures and was ob-
tained from a Kinect device. The postures are illus-
trated in Table 1. The dataset was collected from 8
different persons. A first subset was used for param-
eter estimation and validation, in both segmentation
and recognition steps; the remaining part is the test
data. The training and validation set contains 1100
frames, while the test set 400 frames for all postures.
Evaluation. We evaluate the recognition perfor-
mance of individual hand postures using the nearest
neighbor approximation. We report results in terms
of recall (R), precision (P) and accuracy (Acc). The
confusion matrix obtained is shown in Table 1. Per-
formance results are shown in Table 2.
As the confusion matrix shows, Posture 3 from
left to right is often confused with Posture 4, Posture
8 with Posture 7 and Posture 6 with Posture 7, re-
spectively. The false positive rate is explained by our
chosen model which does not consider depth informa-
tion. For example, Posture 3 (encoded ‘1v1v1l1l1’)
is confused with Posture 4 (encoded ‘0l0l0l0l0’) be-
cause of non-accurate finger length estimations. If
the fingers in Posture 3 are considered folded in-
stead of stretched, the encoding of Posture 3 becomes
Table 1: Confusion matrix for nearest neighbor approx.
90%10%0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
4% 96%0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
2% 4% 56%38%0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 6% 0% 94%0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 2% 0% 96%0% 2% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 70%30%0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 98%0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 42%2% 52%
Table 2: Performance results for nearest neighbor approx.
90% 96% 56% 94% 96% 70% 98% 52%
94% 83% 97% 71% 96% 61% 74% 100%
98% 97% 94% 95% 99% 91% 96% 94%
‘1v0v0l0l0’. This is, indeed, much closer to Posture
4. Also, the data used for training showed that esti-
mating folded vs. stretched fingers is not completely
possible using 2D information solely. This can be im-
proved by considering also depth information.
Comparison to Related Work. We compare
against recently introduced 3D SURF (Knopp et al.,
2010), which has not been investigated yet for hand
gesture recognition. Our aim is to show that, although
depth information is essential for robust hand seg-
mentation and may provide benefits for the posture
recognition on its own, 3D descriptors, in their cur-
rent state, do not pay-off for certain problems. We
show that using our approach we obtain better results
than using a more expensive 3D descriptor, which re-
quires both more data and computational time to train
a model. We consider a bag of words approach to-
gether with a multi-class SVM classifier, similarly
as in (Knopp et al., 2010). We obtain the follow-
ing results for 3D SURF: R = 64.5%, P = 71.0% and
Acc = 87.88%, as apposed to R = 81.5%, P = 84.5%
and Acc = 95.5% for our rule-based approach.
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