that models the relationships between different basis
graphs, which represent the objects portrayed in the
final illustration. We have given detailed explanation
as to how to obtain a CLI from one of such hierar-
chical graphs, while at the same time preserving the
coherence of the CLI independently of the number of
graphs specified in the hierarchical graph structure.
Visual enhancements based on the hierarchy of the
CLI can also be achieved in our approach.
Our CLIs often seem to contain either too few or
too many features in them, due to the image-to-graph
conversion process employed in our approach being
based on edge detection techniques, which are prone
to subdetection and overdetection of edges. Although
our system allows users to modify the set of detected
edges prior to generating a graph, this is a particu-
larly daunting task for a large number of edges. The
amount of line thickness variation supported by our
system is also limited, resulting in visual artifacts ap-
pearing along the line as the thickness increases. This
could be alleviated to some extent by applying tech-
niques for avoiding and correcting folds in skeletal
strokes to our CLIs (Hsu et al., 1993; Asente, 2010).
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proach for generating CLI-based animations, as well
as to incorporate ideas from previous works (Bosch
and Herman, 2004; Kaplan and Bosch, 2005; Wong
and Takahashi, 2009) for producing illustrations that
portray both the contours and the shading of the im-
age. We also would like to explore ways to effectively
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the placement of text along the line (Surazhsky and
Elber, 2000; Maharik et al., 2011).
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