spirometric measures to the expected value for a nor-
mal subject following the guideline provided by the
American Thoracic Society. It was performed as an
attempt to incorporate knowledge from health experts
to the dataset. Our results showed that, despite hav-
ing similar performance in terms of AUC, all classi-
fiers lose the capacity of reduce false negatives when
using the second set of variables.
Among the ANNs models analyzed, RBFNNs ob-
tained similar results in terms of classification power,
but better performance when looking at the classi-
fiers’ sensitivity, for both datasets. This measure tells
us that RBFNN classifiers are more likely to avoid
false negative diagnosis, i.e., cases when a COPD pa-
tient is diagnosed as normal, that may be dangerous.
Such results agree with that obtained by (Mehrabi
et al., 2009) and the performance measures obtained
in our work are slight better, even considering that
other feature set had been considered. The results
obtained with the application of ANN in the classi-
fication of diseases encourage the study of new ap-
plications of such models to help with problems of
biomedicine, pointing out the ANN as a powerful
technique to help with the understanding and diag-
nosing diseases.
In this work, ANNs were used only to identify the
presence or absence of COPD. As future work, it is
intended to apply ANN to classify the level of sever-
ity of the disease as well as to support decision on
treatment, according to this level.
This work was supported in part by the National
Council for Research and Development of Brazil. We
also thank Prof. Dr. Antonio Fernando Brunetto
(in Memoriam) by his collaboration as the expert in
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