lems in classifying the non-normal heartbeats, for
Dataset B. In Dataset A, the normal class is one of the
most difficult (Table 1). However, we think we can
improve our method by improving the correct identifi-
cation of S1 and S2 in the segmentation and by finding
new features that take advantage of this identification.
In this paper, we present the methodology that won
the Classifying Heart Sounds PASCAL Challenge.
We proposed an algorithm for S1 and S2 heart sound
identification (without ECG reference). The segmen-
tation is accomplished by using the envelope of Shan-
non energy and an algorithm for peak detection. De-
spite of the good performance for the correct detec-
tion of S1 and S2 sounds in the signal, we need to
improve the criteria for identifying S1 and S2 (which
is which). After the segmentation, we used J48 and
MLP algorithms (using Weka) to train and classify the
computed features into Normal, Murmur or Extra sys-
tole for Dataset B and Normal, Murmur, Extra sound
and Artifact for Dataset A. We also compare results
obtained by the other two teams present at the final of
the competition with ours. Stanford obtained the best
results (for Dataset A) on Challenge 1 but did not pro-
vide an answer for Challenge 2. Our method, as well
as the method followed by the UCL team worked bet-
ter for Dataset B (the dataset with less noise) than for
Dataset A. We think these approaches and this com-
parative study provide a good basis for further anal-
ysis of the heart sound signals. In Challenge 2, our
approach with MLP had the highest total precision.
Nevertheless, the UCL team performed better in some
of the partial success measures.
We would like to acknowledge the financial sup-
port of Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e Tecnologia for
the DigiScope project with reference PTDC/EIA-
CCO/100844/2008. We also thank the PASCAL Net-
work of Excellence for supporting the Classifying
Heart Sounds Challenge and Workshop.
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