Classifying Heart Sounds
Approaches to the PASCAL Challenge
Elsa Ferreira Gomes
, Peter J. Bentley
, Miguel Coimbra
, Emanuel Pereira
and Yiqi Deng
GECAD - Knowledge Engineering Decision Support, Institute of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Dept. of Computer Science, UCL, London, U.K.
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Faculdade de Ci
encias da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Institute of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Classifying Heart Sounds, Segmentation, Feature Construction.
In this paper we describe a methodology for heart sound classification and results obtained at PASCAL Clas-
sifying Heart Sounds Challenge. The results of competing methodologies are shown. The approach has two
steps: segmentation and classification of heart sounds. We also describe the data collection procedure.
This paper describes the winning approach for the
PASCAL Classifying Heart Sounds Challenge. The
tasks proposed in this Challenge aim to identify car-
diac pathologies by analyzing the features of heart-
beat collected from digital stethoscope and from mo-
bile devices. The main components of heart sound
signal of a normal heart are the first heart sound, S1
(or lub), corresponding to the systolic period, and the
second heart sound, S2 (or dub), the diastolic period
(Gupta et al., 2007). This challenge is composed by
Challenge 1 (Heart Sound Segmentation) and Chal-
lenge 2 (Heart Sound Classification). Attempts to seg-
ment phonocardiographic (PCG) signals have been
reported in literature. The majority of them exploit
electrocardiogram (ECG) signals or/and carotid pulse
data. For example, Groch presented a solution where
the segmentation was based on the time domain char-
acteristics of the signal (Groch et al., 1992). Strunic
extracted signals on a certain band to reduce anoma-
lies and then set an amplitude threshold to pick out the
spikes and perform the segmentation (Strunic et al.,
2007). To achieve classification, Karraz extracted
the QRS complex from the signal as features and
used them in a Neural Network Classifier based on
a Bayesian framework (Karraz and Magenes, 2006).
Strunic integrated all the segmented heart cycles into
one average heart cycle and used it to train the Artifi-
cial Neural Network (ANN) to classify heartbeat into
categories. Kampouraki used Support Vector Machin-
es (SVMs) to classify ECG recordings. However,
real life data, with varying durations and background
noise, is very challenging (Kampouraki et al., 2009).
To cater to demands from such data, Liang chose
Chebyshev type I low-pass filter combined with Shan-
non energy to attenuate noise and make the findings
of low intensity sounds, namely heartbeats, easier
(Liang et al., 1997).
Dataset A comprises data crowd-sourced from the
general public via the iStethoscope Pro iPhone app
(Figure 1 - left). iStethoscope Pro is an iOS app
which enables members of the public to use their
iOS smart phone to listen to their hearts (Palm et al.,
2010). The app exploits the excellent audio capabili-
ties of today’s mass market devices, performing real-
time filtering and amplification, and enabling users to
view FFT spectrograms and email 8 seconds of au-
dio. The quality of the audio as assessed by the car-
diologists is as good as or better than commercially
available digital stethoscopes. Dataset B consists of
more than 200 auscultations gathered using the DigiS-
cope Collector system (Figure 1 - right) deployed in
the Maternal and Fetal Cardiology Unit of the Real
Hospital Portugu
es (RHP) in Recife, Brazil (Pereira
et al., 2011). Each auscultation consists of 6 to 10
seconds recorded for each of the four standard cardiac
auscultation spots in children, which resulted in a to-
F. Gomes E., J. Bentley P., Coimbra M., Pereira E. and Deng Y..
Classifying Heart Sounds - Approaches to the PASCAL Challenge.
DOI: 10.5220/0004234403370340
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 337-340
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tal of 656 audio files provided for the challenge. All
relevant patient and auscultation information was an-
notated by clinicians from RHP using the DigiScope
Collector system, including the presence of abnormal
sounds such as murmurs. Each individual heartbeat
was manually segmented.
Figure 1: iStethoscope and the DigiScope Collector system.
In the first challenge we aim to produce a method for
determining the location of S1 and S2 sounds within
audio data, segmenting the Normal audio existing
files in Dataset A and Dataset B. The recorded signals
were first preprocessed before performing segmenta-
tion. The original signal was decimated, using the
decimate function of Matlab (MATLAB, 2010) with
factor 5. Then, a band-pass filter was applied. Con-
sidering the frequency components of S1 and S2 heart
sounds, the chosen filter was a fifth order Chebyshev
type I low pass filter with cutoff from 100 Hz to 882
Hz. Then, the signals were normalized to the abso-
lute maximum of the signal (Liang, 1997). After pre-
processing, we calculated the Shannon Envelope of
the normalized signal. Then, the Average Shannon
Energy is calculated in continuous 0.02 seconds win-
dows throughout the signal with 0.01 second overlap-
ping (Liang et al., 1997). After obtaining the normal-
ized average Shannon energy curve we identified the
peaks. For that, we adapted the open source func-
tion peakdet (Billauer, 2011), written in Matlab. This
function finds the local maxima (and minima) using
the strategy that a point is considered a maximum
peak if it has a locally maximal value, and was pre-
ceded (to the left) by a value lower than a given delta.
We have used two parameters of the function. The
first is the vector to examine, and the second is the
peak gap threshold (the delta). In our case, consid-
ering this delta on the y values was not enough. We
also had to control the distance between peaks on the
x-axis, because we know we cannot have two heart
sounds too close. Thus, we have changed the func-
tion so that a local maximum is considered a peak
if the distance to the nearest peak is greater than a
second threshold. Using this, we segmented almost
all heart sounds. However, we also need to distin-
guish between S1 and S2, making the correct corre-
spondence to each peak. Our current approach for
S1/S2 discrimination is still unsatisfactory. First, we
tried to perform the detection of S1 and S2 sounds
based on the fact that the distance from S2 to S1 is
longer than from S1 to S2, for normal heart rates (Ku-
mar et al., 2006). Bearing this in mind we tried to
pick each heart cycle and the corresponding systolic
interval. The duration of S1 to S2 segments, or the
distance between S1 and S2, was calculated and com-
pared for every segment (Gupta et al., 2007). The
longest interval between two sounds was considered
to correspond to the diastolic period and the sound at
the right side was assigned as S1 and the sound at the
left side was assigned as S2. Unfortunately, we find
that those intervals vary widely from file to file, in our
datasets. This happens because there are very differ-
ent kinds of heart sound data, for both datasets. In
Figure 2 we can see the result of our method for the
peak detection. In the 1st chart we have the original
signal. In the 2nd chart we have the decimated signal.
In the 3rd chart we have decimated signal filtered with
a Chebyshev filter. In the 4th chart we have the enve-
lope of the signal and peaks. In the 5th chart we have
the peaks over the original signal. For this part of the
challenge, the other two teams at the final, the Stan-
ford (Stanford, 2012) and UCL (Deng and Bentley,
2012) teams, used approaches based on wavelet de-
composition and spectrogram analysis. To reject the
extra peaks, the two teams used the intervals between
each adjacent peak (Bentley et al., 2011). The Stan-
ford team uses Shannon energy for the peaks find-
ing. They have used the open source function peak-
finder.m, written in Matlab (Yoder, 2009). The results
were evaluated on a provided validation set with the
correct locations of S1 and S2 sounds. This set con-
tained the segmentation for sounds of the normal cat-
egory from Dataset A and Dataset B. A test set for
final evaluation was also available. This set contained
hidden locations but provided the final evaluation re-
sults. The total error δ, is calculated by δ =
(Eq. 1).
T S1
| + |RS2
T S2
In this equation, δ
is the average distance of the
k-th sound clip in a dataset;N
is the total number of
S1 and S2 in the k-th sound clip; RS1
) indi-
cates the real location of S1(S2) of the i-th heatbeat
and T S1
(T S2
) indicates the calculated location of
S1(S2) of the i-th heatbeat. j is the total of all the
sound clips in the specific dataset. For Dataset B, we
obtained a total error of 72242.8 and the other teams
obtained 75569.8 (UCL) and 76444.4 (Stanford). For
Dataset A the error is higher for all the teams (Bentley
et al., 2011). However, in Dataset A Stanford was the
best, followed by UCL.
Figure 2: Peak detection on heart sound signal.
The task of Challenge 2 is to produce a method that
can classify the real heart audio into one of four
classes for Dataset A (Normal, Murmur, Extra Heart
Sound and Artifact) and three for Dataset B (Normal,
Murmur and Extra systole). This phase involves fea-
ture construction and selection and the goal of this
phase of the challenge is to label correctly the sounds
provided. After the pre-processing and segmentation
of the heart sound signal, some features were ex-
tracted. Currently, we are using six features. Four
of them were extracted from the distances between
S1 and S2 (peaks). Assuming that sS1 corresponds to
smaller segments and sS2 to the others, the first fea-
ture is the ratio of the standard deviation of sS1 over
the whole standard deviation. The second is similar
for sS2. The third and fourth features are the ratio of
the mean of sS1 (sS2 respectively) over total mean.
The fifth feature, Rmedian, is the ratio of the median
of the (three) largest segments in the sample over to-
tal mean. The sixth feature, R2, is the r square of the
array of the sorted segments of the sample (a measure
of linearity). After obtaining the features we used two
different methods from the Weka data mining suite
(Witten and Frank, 2005): J48, which generates deci-
sion trees, and MLP, the Multi Layer Perceptron.
In Challenge 2, we assess our classification ap-
proach using three metrics (per dataset) calculated
from the tp (true positives), fp (false positives), tn
(true negaties) and fn (false negatives) values. The
metrics are precision per class, the Youden’s Index,
the F-score (only for Dataset A) and the Discriminant
Power (only for Dataset B). Precision gives us the
positive predictive value (the proportion of samples
that belong in category c that are correctly placed in
category c). Youden’s Index has been used to com-
pare diagnostic abilities of two tests, by evaluating
the algorithm’s ability to avoid failure. In Dataset
A, Youden’s Index is evaluated for Artifact category.
In Dataset B the Youden’s Index is calculated for
the problematic heartbeats. In Table 1 and Table
2, we present the results for Dataset A and Dataset
B, obtained by our approach after applying the J48
and MLP methods. We also present the results ob-
tained by the UCL team. They focus on the num-
ber of heartbeats and features of systole and diastole
period, namely on the length of the peak sequence
before extra-peak-rejection, the length of finally se-
lected peak sequence after rejection, mean of the sys-
tole and diastole period, the standard deviation of di-
astole period and systolic period. As in Challenge
1, a test set was provided where we could test our
method’s effectiveness on the unlabelled set.
Table 1: Challenge 2 evaluation for Dataset A.
Precision of Normal 0.25 0.35 0.46
Precision of Murmur 0.47 0.67 0.31
Precision of Extra sound 0.27 0.18 0.11
Precision of Artifact 0.71 0.92 0.58
Artifact Sensitivity 0.63 0.69 0.44
Artifact Specificity 0.39 0.44 0.44
Youden Index of Artifact 0.01 0.13 -0.09
F-Score 0.20 0.20 0.14
Total Precision 1.71 2.12 1.47
Table 2: Challenge 2 evaluation for Dataset B.
Precision of Normal 0.72 0.70 0.77
Precision of Murmur 0.32 0.30 0.37
Precision of Extrasystole 0.33 0.67 0.17
Heart problem Sensivity 0.22 0.19 0.51
Heart problem Specificity 0.82 0.84 0.59
Youden Index of Artifact 0.04 0.02 0.1
Discriminant Power 0.05 0.04 0.09
Total Precision 1.37 1.67 1.31
As we can see in Table 2, our method has prob-
lems in classifying the non-normal heartbeats, for
Dataset B. In Dataset A, the normal class is one of the
most difficult (Table 1). However, we think we can
improve our method by improving the correct identifi-
cation of S1 and S2 in the segmentation and by finding
new features that take advantage of this identification.
In this paper, we present the methodology that won
the Classifying Heart Sounds PASCAL Challenge.
We proposed an algorithm for S1 and S2 heart sound
identification (without ECG reference). The segmen-
tation is accomplished by using the envelope of Shan-
non energy and an algorithm for peak detection. De-
spite of the good performance for the correct detec-
tion of S1 and S2 sounds in the signal, we need to
improve the criteria for identifying S1 and S2 (which
is which). After the segmentation, we used J48 and
MLP algorithms (using Weka) to train and classify the
computed features into Normal, Murmur or Extra sys-
tole for Dataset B and Normal, Murmur, Extra sound
and Artifact for Dataset A. We also compare results
obtained by the other two teams present at the final of
the competition with ours. Stanford obtained the best
results (for Dataset A) on Challenge 1 but did not pro-
vide an answer for Challenge 2. Our method, as well
as the method followed by the UCL team worked bet-
ter for Dataset B (the dataset with less noise) than for
Dataset A. We think these approaches and this com-
parative study provide a good basis for further anal-
ysis of the heart sound signals. In Challenge 2, our
approach with MLP had the highest total precision.
Nevertheless, the UCL team performed better in some
of the partial success measures.
We would like to acknowledge the financial sup-
port of Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e Tecnologia for
the DigiScope project with reference PTDC/EIA-
CCO/100844/2008. We also thank the PASCAL Net-
work of Excellence for supporting the Classifying
Heart Sounds Challenge and Workshop.
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