materials. There are a number of candidates for
biocompatible and biopassive surfaces. For example,
organosilicone coatings are electrically insulating
and biopassive.
Poly(trivinyltrimethylcyclotrisiloxane) (PV
films have been deposited by using iCVD
(O’Shaughnessy et al., 2006); (Murthy et al., 2002).
has a highly crosslinked structure that makes
it insoluble in both polar and non-polar solvents.
This makes the structure also very stable. Another
possible monomer is Poly (tetrafluoroethylene)
(PTFE). It has been found that the rate of deposition
of PTFE films is dramatically increased with the
addition of perfluorooctane (PFOS) in the gaseous
mixture (Baxamusa et al., 2009). PTFE films can be
conformally coated. They are also hydrophobic and
biocompatible and are used in the medical device
industry and hence are expected to be a good
candidate material as a nanobattery packaging
The iCVD films can be deposited rapidly and the
technology is scalable. Hence, iCVD is a very
attractive technique for packaging of nanobatteries
and any other nanoscale medical devices.
In this work we report the fabrication of micro- and
nano-batteries using femtosecond laser machining.
Though the first batteries are array of n x n micro-
cells, laser machining is clearly a technology that
would allow the fabrication of a single nanobattery.
Though the field of nanobatteries is still in its
infancy, we have outlined methods that should lead
to the fabrication of an array of nanobatteries or
even a single nanobattery appropriately packaged in
biopassive and biocompatible coatings. This, then,
could be the first step to the development of power
sources for future nanodevices that can be directly
implanted in biological systems.
The authors would like to thank the National
Science Foundation and Missouri State University
for financial support.
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