produced in human gait and running.
Parallel robots can generate dynamic forces in a
realistic and repeatable way. In this sense, realism is
improved compared to static calibration systems
(Hall et al., 1996) or dynamic systems using
mechanical devices, which do not represent real
efforts during clinical applications (Fairburn et al.,
2000); (Hsieh et al., 2011)
Moreover, the system allows programming any
kind of force in a wide range of amplitudes and
temporal patterns, which improves other manual
systems as described by other authors (Rabuffeti et
al., 2003); (Collins et al., 2009); (Cedraro et al.,
2009). The robot is able to apply cyclic repeatable
forces, allowing analyzing effects such as hysteresis
or potential drifts of the sensors.
We also propose a recalibration algorithm that
allows characterizing the sensitivity coefficients of
each sensor. The procedure is not based on a linear
recalibration matrix, but performs the calibration of
each sensor using a nonlinear model. This model
also includes a process for correcting the orientation
of the load cell used as a reference. The results
obtained show that this procedure offers better
results than some systems based on linear models.
In short, parallel robots are robust and versatile
devices able to generate dynamic load patterns
similar to the forces that appear in biomechanical
studies. Combined with a suitable calibration
algorithm, they can be very useful for dynamic
calibration of FP.
This work has been funded by the Spanish
Government and co-financed by EU FEDER funds
(Grants DPI2009-13830-C02-01, DPI2009-13830-
C02-02 and IMPIVA IMDEEA/2011/ 93).
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