A Non-linear Finite Element Model for Assessment of Lumbar Spinal
Injury Due to Dynamic Loading
Alexander Tsouknidas
1, 2
, Savvas Savvakis
, Nikolaos Tsirelis
Antonios Lontos
and Nikolaos Michailidis
Mechanical Engineering Department, Fredereick University, Nicosia, Cyprus
Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering Department, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
BETA CAE Systems S.A., Thessaoniki, Greece
Keywords: Lumbar Spine, Non-linear FEA, Critical Stress Development.
Abstract: In this paper a highly detailed model of an adult lumbar spine (L1-L5) was recreated based on Computed
Tomography. Next to the viscoelastic deformation of the intervertebral discs, cortical and cancellous bone
anisotropy was considered, while seven types of ligaments were simulated either by solid or cable elements.
The dynamic behaviour of the spine segment was assessed through stress-strain curves, provoking a non-
linear response of all implicated tissues’ material properties. The model was subjected to dynamic loading
to determine abnormalities in the anatomy’s stress equilibrium that could provoke gait disturbances. Results
indicated the introduced methodology as an effective alternative to in vitro investigations, capable of
providing valuable insight on critical movements and loads of potential patients, as the model can be
employed to optimize therapeutic training or threshold kinematics of any given lumbar spine pathology.
The lumbar spine is arguably one of the most
important structural elements of our musculoskeletal
system and as such, dominates complaints received
by orthopaedics. Epidemiologic studies indicate that
lumbar spine pathologies in industrialized
environments have a life-time prevalence of about
70% (Waters et al., 1993), ranging from low back
pain to disc protrusion and spinal fractures, which
can occur during every day activities such as
Finite Element (FE) models of the lumbar spine
become increasingly popular during preoperative
preparation of complex surgeries, customized
implant design and recently optimization of non-
invasive therapeutic intervention. This can be
attributed to the capacity of FE to visualize stress
distributions over the entirety of the examined
anatomy and indicate critical regions.
Linear elastic 3D FE models of spine parts,
simulating their biomechanical response (Little et
al., 2010), (Wang et al., 2006) or investigate trauma
related surgical treatment (Ashish and Pramod,
2009), have been repeatedly introduced over the last
years. To describe however, the biomechanics of
spinal injury, non-linear properties should be
considered (Xiao et al., 2011); (Schmidt et al.,
Models are conventionally recovered though
Computed Tomography (CT) which is considered as
the golden standard in spine reconstruction (Klinder
et al, 2009) while intervertebral discs were reverse
engineered based on the scanned anatomical
characteristics (Tsouknidas et al., 2012). The
majority of available investigations consider the
remaining connective tissue (ligaments) as cable
elements, able of enduring only tension (Davidson-
Jebaseelan et al., 2010). Even at a non-linear state,
two node link elements are not capable of reflecting
biomechanical alterations of the tissue i.e.
degeneration or fracture. These are however highly
important, as deterioration of ligamentous properties
foster several spine pathogenesies due to increased
range of motion within a spinal unit. El-Rich et al.,
(2009) introduced a two vertebral spine model with
three- and four-nodal elements whereas three
dimensional solid elements were also considered in
studies with simplified geometrical characteristics
Tsouknidas A., Savvakis S., Tsirelis N., Lontos A. and Michailidis N..
A Non-linear Finite Element Model for Assessment of Lumbar Spinal Injury Due to Dynamic Loading.
DOI: 10.5220/0004236902920295
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2013), pages 292-295
ISBN: 978-989-8565-35-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and linear properties (Tsuang et al., 2008).
In this investigation, a bio-realistic model of an
entire lumbar spine with regard to non-linear
material properties and partially solid ligaments, is
introduced, in an effort to allow the quantification of
the effect of mobility and/or loading scenarios on the
occurring spine biomechanics.
During the reconstruction of the lumbar spine (L1-
L5) high resolution CT were the imaging modality
of choice due to their ability to demonstrate high
inherent image contrast between bone and soft
tissue. This enabled relatively unhindered
segmentation of the bone from soft tissue. In order
to achive the reconstruction of the desired bony
tissue, consecutive CT scan slices, were overlayed
(Tsouknidas et al., 2012); (Kobayashi et al., 2009).
Based on this concept, a patients lumbar spine was
scanned in its entirety from below the lower
boundaries of L1 to the upper limit of L5 ensuring
the full 3D representation of the examined area.
Data acquisition was in accordance to DICOM
(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)
and interpolation of the CT information ensured an
isotropic data set. Although this process did not
result in higher resolution of the reconstructed set of
vertebra, it lead to smoother representation allowing
the distinct removal of the remaining soft tissue in
close proximity to the bone.
After the representation of the surfaces the
resulting volumes were generated considering an
outer cortex for each vertebra corresponding to the
cortical bone with a thickness of 0.5mm. The
remaining volume of each vertebra was considered
as cancellous bone.
Due to the severely altering density and the
inhomogeneous tissue of the intervertebral discs,
these were reverse engineered based on the superior
and inferior surface of the connecting vertebral
bodies as described by Tsouknidas et al., (2011).
During the model set up, anterior logitudial
(ALL), posterior logitudial (PLL), intertransverse
ligmante (ITL) and supraspinous ligament (SSL)
were modelled by four uniform layers of hexahedral
elements 0.3mm in thickness each, in order to
encapture their viscoelastic response (Sharma et al.,
1995). The remaining connective tissue, flavum (FL)
and capsular (JC) were considered as two node
tension elements. The simulated geometry,
emphasizing on some of its critical structural
elements, is demonstrated in figure 1.
Figure 1: Meshed lumbar spine model and details of
critical structural elements.
The annulus ground substance of the intervertebral
discs, was meshed by hexahedral elements to
facilitate the implementation of collagen fibers
positioned crosswise within the tetrahedron
structure. The remaining model, nucleus pulposus
and vertebrae, composes of tetrahedral elements and
the unhindered connection at the models contact
areas (hexa - tetrahedral elements interface) was
ensured through the diametrical incision of two
triangles in every rectangle, maintaining the same
nodes throughout the intervertebral disc surface and
the vicinical vertebrae. The same approach was
employed for the solid ligaments (ALL, PLL, ITL
and SSL). These ligaments were modelled through
the stress strain curves illustrated in figure 2
accurate way.
Intrinsic properties were considered for the
remaining ligamentus tissue. Their Young’s module
and poisson ratio as well as the cross sectional area
of each cable element used within the model
originated from literature data (Shirazi-ald et al.,
1984); (Smit et al., 1997).
The annulus fibrosus was considered to exhibit a
incompressible fluid like behaviour in order to
enrapture its hyperelastic response. In order to do so,
the Mooney-Rivlin strain energy density function
was employed as describer by Xiao et al., (2011).
The mechanical properties of bony tissue were
described by the Johnson-Cook elasto-plastic
material law considering strain rate dependent
stress-strain curves.
Figure 2: Non-linear properties of solid ligamentus tissue.
To avoid element shear locking and hourglassing
phenomena during the numerical analysis of the
model, second order elements with reduced
integration were employed for all model entities.
Solid ligaments were modelled to comprise of four
layer each, to further supress the appearance of
artificial energy within the model.
Table 1: Mesh related data.
Material type
no. of
max size
min size
Cortical bone 87.521 1,78 mm 0,08 mm
Cancellous bone 712.361 3,04 mm 0,97 mm
Nucleus pulposus 317.251 2,27 mm 0,72 mm
Annulus 298.657 3,71 mm 1,87 mm
ALL 4260 1,92 mm 1,54 mm
PLL 2100 1,78 mm 1,52 mm
SSL 1420 1,83 mm 1,54 mm
1380 1,74 mm 1,53 mm
The mesh grid of the spine segment was
generated in ANSA by BETA CAE Systems in order
to ensure anatomic based meshing, leading to a
realistic and isotropic stress transition within the
entire model. Convergence studies were conducted
for every model entity individually, indicating the
optimum mesh density in terms of processing time,
with regard to the results accuracy, related
information are demonstrated in Table 1.
Employing the introduced model in for two mobility
scenarios, walking and running, facilitated the
determination of FSU’s biomechanical response to
external stimuli. Corresponding results are presented
in figure 3.
When interpreting these results, it is highly
important to consider that the same scale is used to
indicate stress development of both soft and bony
Figure 3: Stress development in the FSU during walking
and running.
Even though stress concentrations are apparent in
the vertebral bodies of both models, these are not
considered as critical as even the highest values
(25.14 and 42.36 respectively) lie below their
strength characteristics. In the running scenario
however, some critical regions can be observed
within intervertebral discs, both qualitative and
quantitative, indicating that health condition of
patients with spinal injuries could be affected
drastically based on everyday activities.
The introduced model facilitates the evaluation of
induced loads on the lumbar spine. Pathological
defects, trauma as well as therapy oriented
intervention can be assessed prior to the actual
practice on the patient. This model may also be a
valuable tool in preoperative evaluation of the
biomechanical response of the system to a function
specific implant.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Hellenic
General Secretariat for Research and Technology, as
this work was funded in the frame of the BioSpine
grant (#PE8 3227).
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