influences the accuracy significantly. While 9 train-
ing examples is used, the recognition rate is 72.7%. If
we use only 3 training examples the recognition rate
is only 21.3%.
In the last two experiments we employed the con-
fidence measure to post-process the recognition re-
sults. We compared the results when 7 training ex-
amples and 3 examples are used. The results show
that using confidence measure is very beneficial for
AFR under real-world conditions.
It is obvious that the AFR methods are nowadays
capable to recognize faces perfectly under the condi-
tion: the acquisition of the face images must be con-
trolled. If this condition is not accomplished, the task
is much more difficult. Therefore the perspectives of
the further work on recognition of real-world data lay
more in the detection step than in the recognition it-
self. Further increase of image quality will ensure
much better accuracy of the recognition. Using higher
quality images and utilising the confidence measure
will help to create a reliable recognition system.
This work has been partly supported by the UWB
grant SGS-2010-028 Advanced Computer and Infor-
mation Systems and by the European Regional De-
velopment Fund (ERDF), project NTIS - New Tech-
nologies for Information Society, European Centre of
Excellence, CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0090. We also would
like to thank Czech New Agency (
CTK) for support
and for providing the photographic data.
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