Towards Medication Management in Smart Homes
Andrej Grgurić
, Saša Dešić
, Miran Mošmondor
and Mario Kušek
Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Krapinska 45, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Unska 3,10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Medication Management, Smart Home.
Abstract: Due to current demographic trends and ageing more and more people are living alone and need proper
support in their daily activities. We propose a model for smart home environment upon which we base our
solution described in this paper. Example solution aims to increase reassurance for people living alone by
providing them with the reminding and smart home functionalities encapsulated in terms of OSGi bundles.
Medication management and timely notifications combined with lighting and audio system control allow
elderly users to individually increase their autonomies while living alone.
According to Eurostat there is a trend of
demographic ageing within the EU. The share of
older people is drastically increasing from 2010
onwards because of a low fertility rate and rising life
expectancy. It is estimated that the ratio of working-
age people to those aged over 65 will drop from 4:1
in 2008 to less than 2:1 by 2060.
With the advancement of the technology and
higher penetration of broadband networking a vast
number of new possibilities in the area of intelligent
environments have emerged. On the one hand there
are new ways for collecting and storing data and on
the other hand there are new means for interpreting
and reasoning upon that data which, in addition to
the improvements in human-computer interaction,
greatly facilitates the advancement and development
of different inventive systems. Those systems further
enable development of context-aware applications
with new ways of adaptation, personalization and
customization that has never before been possible.
Users can now choose among ever increasing
number of different solutions which can ease their
everyday tasks and provide them with support they
need. However, current solutions still have many
limitations and thus are not well established.
Usage of proprietary, legacy and isolated
technologies hinders the advancement directed
towards reusability and interoperability and hence
also towards cost effectiveness and widespread
acceptance. Nevertheless, in the last years a lot has
been done in that sense, which can be seen also on
the example of initiatives such as Continua Health
Alliance, an open non-profit organization of more
than 230 technology and healthcare companies, or
Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA),
organization focused on delivering an
interoperability framework of design guidelines
based on open industry.
Today there are many ongoing research efforts
directed towards building intelligent home
environments such as Gator Tech smart house
(Gator Tech, 2012) or Aware Home (Aware Home,
2012). Projects like MPOWER (Mpower, 2006) and
PERSONA (Persona, 2007) aimed at developing
technological platforms to enhance independent
lives of elderly. Mentioned projects are also input
projects into the project universAAL (UNIVERsal
open platform and reference Specification for
Ambient Assisted Living) (universAAL, 2010) which
has an objective to integrate the current state-of-the-
art projects and solutions into new Ambient Assisted
Living (AAL) reference platform.
The above mentioned projects and initiatives,
together with many similar ones, aim at utilizing
different devices and systems in a way that they
reduce the need of manual work of the elderly and
provide them with assistance in their daily lives.
Solutions provided by those projects are all about
employing technology in order to offer elderly
people new means of help and support.
Numerous reports show that patient
noncompliance, also known as non-adherence, is a
Grguric A., Deši
c S., Mošmondor M. and Kušek M..
Towards Medication Management in Smart Homes.
DOI: 10.5220/0004238002280232
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 228-232
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
major medical problem. Noncompliance is typically
cited as occurring in from 50% to 75% of patients
(Wertheimer, 2003). This rate is even higher in
patients with chronic illnesses since their drug
regimes are often long term. The economic and
healthcare costs are thus even higher not to mention
that a number of people die every year because of
not taking the proper drug dosages at the right times.
Automation is certainly one of the key aspects
that drive research in Smart Homes and, thus, also in
AAL domain. Smart environments can be examined
from the perspectives of work, leisure, safety,
comfort and privacy. By developing medication
reminder system coupled with smart home control
we wanted to a) demonstrate new ways of reminding
in smart homes, b) utilise different OSGi
implementations for developing applications and c)
transfer existing non-OSGi MPOWER FSA
framework to OSGi.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows:
first an example scenario and proposed smart home
model are described in Section II. Section III
continues with the elaboration of concrete system
architecture and Section IV concludes the paper.
2.1 Requirements
We will use a following example to illustrate how
even a pretty simple system can provide the assisted
person with a good reminding and smart home
functionality. Consider a 72 year old woman Agnes
who lives alone, suffers from dementia and has a
difficulty to move around. She has to take several
medications at appropriate, often different, times. A
few times she unintentionally forgot to take her
medications because of which she had had medical
problem and decided try to prevent this from
happening again.
She knew that a plethora of different services is
available and can be ordered online. In consultation
with her son she decided on the most suitable
solution for her problem which offers timely
reminders and some smart home functionality. She
bought it and after technician installed everything in
her house she asked her son Steve to help her by
using the part of the solution meant to be used by a
caregiver. Steve took over the task of entering
scheduled medication intake times to the system so
Agnes could continue with her daily activities more
carefree then before. By knowing that she will be
reminded to take medication on time she felt
reassured and relieved. Moreover, she knew that she
doesn’t have to be concerned whether she will see or
hear the notification on her mobile since the alarm is
integrated into her house and she could hear the
sound and/or see the lights blinking no matter which
room she is in at that specific moment.
As an addition to the reminding functionality she
also acquired a service for turning the audio system
and light on and off. This device helped her avoid
getting up all the time which made her very happy
because of the problems with her painful knees.
From this example scenario we can see that
feeling of reassurance is invaluable for the end user.
We are witnesses that nowadays, people are
generally more willing to invest into home
automation devices. Quite a few manufacturers are
already addressing this area so numerous solutions
for controlling and programming of heating,
lighting, doors, windows and other electrical
appliances already exist on the market. The next step
is to see how they can be properly utilised in terms
of providing appropriate support for elderly. Rapid
miniaturization and development of sensors,
actuators and computing devices greatly facilitate
the advance of such solutions.
2.2 Proposed Model
When transferring technology explored in laboratory
conditions into domestic spaces a lot of practical
problems emerge. A relatively simple thing as
sensor colours can greatly affect the acceptance of
pervasive technology in the home. Many examples
show that a trade-off between the amount of
technology that can be installed and the level of
support and usefulness of the system has to be made.
Designers of the novel services have to take under
careful consideration social and privacy issues as
well as technical ones.
Sensing and responding technologies should
harmoniously be incorporated in physical
environments. With continuous progress in sensing,
novel activity recognition methods are also being
investigated. Sensors placed in houses or worn by
the users are constantly becoming smaller and more
advanced which definitely leads to Weiser’s
prophetic vision of the future of disappearing
technologies (Weiser, 1991). Apart from collecting
the data from the environment the opposite direction
also has to be covered and this is where actuators
come in by causing changes in environments.
We present a model for smart home on
1 that takes under consideration physical,
logical and interaction aspects by addressing sensing
and responding, smart home service functionalities
and interaction with the user.
Figure 1: Proposed smart home model.
Smart home services that offer support to the
inhabitants should maximise the utilization of
obtained data and infer as much as possible in order
to be able to provide both passive and active support
to intended user. However, not all services need to
be context-aware and collect data from the
environment nor they need to utilise actuators. The
amount of hardware or software used for particular
service depends solely on service developers and
their intentions, the extent of end user needs,
preferences, etc. Furthermore, the amount of
usefulness of the service cannot be easily measured
so it is up to end users themselves to decide if some
service is useful for them or not. Assistive
technologies can therefore come in many flavours
and can range from the simplest to the most
technically sophisticated. They can be designed in
countless ways considering (or not) things such as
social, technical, ethical, physical and physiological
factors. The most important thing is, however, that
they provide some means of assisting their end
users. Having in mind that people who benefit from
smart home services often have really specific set of
requirements services, and especially more advanced
ones, have to be personalisable in some way.
Collaboration with external service and
information sources (such as weather forecast) must
not be neglected and can, in some cases, prove to be
invaluable for the completeness of the service
offering. Reusability and different orchestration of
services however are not possible without the
common ground for interoperability so the
standardisation compliance aspects are especially
important in this segment.
Interaction with the end user has a pivotal role for
every system since it greatly affects the overall
impression and thus also acceptance of the system.
Often the interaction aspect is greatly
underestimated although there are many research
efforts and advances in the field of human-computer
interaction. With the advancement of the technology
more natural means of interaction (such as voice- or
gesture- based) become possible. Multimodal
interfaces offer many possibilities and much easier
interaction which is especially important when
dealing with the needs of elderly people who are,
more often than not, really not technically savvy.
2.3 Concrete Architecture
Proposed system architecture follows above model
which gives the basic understanding of the entities
of smart home environment and their relationships.
Developed system is built using the OSGi
technology which is an industry’s initiative for a
standardised open specification to deliver services in
different environments and to bring support for
modularity for software developed in Java.
OSGi platform consists of OSGi framework and
running components called bundles which are
basically JAR (Java archive) files with additional
manifest headers. OSGi facilitates componentization
and assures interoperability, two very important
aspects in the AAL domain.
Figure 2: System architecture.
Figure 2
shows basic system architecture. Interaction
of the components is illustrated in a way that it is
comparable to the proposed smart home model.
Medication management client (MM client) is
OSGi based Java Swing application used for setting
a reminder about certain medication for specific
assisted person. For this client a popular open source
OSGi platform developed by the Eclipse
organization called Equinox (Equinox, 2012) was
Apache CXF Distributed OSGi subproject
(Apache CXF, 2012), or cxf-dosgi in short, was used
for Medication management web service (MM WS)
component implementation. Cxf-dosgi implements
the Remote Services functionality using Web
Services. It enables service invocation in distributed
environment meaning that services running in other
JVMs can also be invoked. Feature we used for our
development was leveraging SOAP over HTTP and
exposing the Service over a WSDL contract. Using
this framework, one can develop and deploy web
services as OSGi bundles. Apache Tomcat was used
as a servlet container.
While MM client is mainly intended for formal
(meaning medical personnel) or informal (meaning
family members, friends, etc.) caregivers, mobile
based application is primarily meant to be used by
assisted person (AP). Mobile client application is
used for presenting medication notifications and
interpreting smart home controls. It is based on
Prosyst’s mBS Mobile OSGi platform for Android
(ProSyst, 2012) which is complemented by mBS
Mobile SDK which offers a number of Eclipse based
For interaction with actuators a Frame Sensor
Adapter (FSA) middleware from the project
MPOWER was used. FSA is used as a gateway
providing unified access to sensors and actuators
that use different data formats and different
communication channels. There are three levels of
abstraction in FSA:
Adapters are mediators between real devices
and Virtual Sensors. They possess knowledge how
to send a message via specific communication
protocol. For each protocol there is a special FSA
Virtual Sensors possess knowledge of how to
interpret specific messages coming from different
Frame offers interfaces to associate Virtual
Sensors and appropriate Adapters.
For the purpose of this work needed FSA
components were transferred to OSGi and necessary
adjustments, such as implementation of specific
Virtual Sensor, were made in order to be able to use
it within our system.
Caregiver or a family member enters medication
name and time when specific assisted person needs
to take prescribed medication. This data then
becomes available for the assisted person via web
Figure 3: MM client sends data to MM WS.
Figure 3 shows transfer of a list of patient and
medication related data between MM client and MM
WS. When the list is downloaded on the assisted
person's mobile phone it is immediately shown on
the screen while appropriate timers are set in the
Figure 4: Sequence diagram with focus on Mobile client.
Figure 4 shows communication flow when mobile
client requests medication data from MM WS, sets
alarm(s) and shows notification to the user.
When the alarm is triggered user receives a
notification on a mobile phone screen. If the
confirmation is not received for some time a stored
action is triggered and performed until user confirms
the notification. In our case user (AP) gets a visual
and an audio stimulus announcing that the time for
medication intake has come. By acting on more than
one sense probability that assisted person indeed
obtains the timely reminder drastically increases.
User interfaces for assisted person were made as
simple and easy to use as possible, without
displaying too much unnecessary information,
having in mind requirements of this specific target
2.4 Need for a Reference Platform
Different platforms, systems and solutions try to
address many problems in providing support to
elderly people living alone. The question we are now
facing is how to reconcile these solutions to get the
maximum result. Current research contributions
prove that scalable and manageable OSGi
technology is very valuable for smart home
universAAL platform addresses many of the
issues important also for smart homes. It terms of
runtime support it adds goal based interoperability
between different devices and services (it uses three
buses, namely Service Bus, Context Bus and a User
Interaction Bus where each is responsible for
handling specific calls and events between
distributed nodes). In terms of support for
developers it offers Developer Depot, a place where
different tutorials, explanations and examples can be
found. And lastly it offers uStore which, in short,
can be compared with Apple’s App Store but here
used for requesting, offering and obtainment of AAL
Services. By building on top of OSGi universAAL
runtime platform also benefits from all OSGi
underlying functionality. Additionally it adds
automatic discovery and seamless communication of
the nodes running universAAL middleware.
By using one common platform within smart
homes a lot of issues in terms of interoperability,
reusability, standardisation, cost reduction,
simplification, reduction of time-to-market cycle,
etc. can be resolved much quicker.
There is no doubt that a major shift has occurred in
the way technology is used today. Many advances in
science and technology allow developing services
that were formerly not possible.
Since elderly people often tend to forget their
medication intake schedules, reminders that
incorporate the smart home environment were
developed to help to alleviate these problems.
Implemented solution follows proposed smart home
model and shows that the usage of open standards
and frameworks, such as OSGi, can greatly facilitate
development of cheaper, simpler and more open
AAL applications and services. By using the
environment, instead just fixed screens, to attract
user’s attention a better outcome and medication
compliance can be achieved.
It is obvious that there is a lot of room for fully
integrated and pervasive solutions in smart homes.
However further research is needed to fully
understand the needs of the elderly and, moreover,
how different technologies and solutions can help
them to live independently in their homes.
Used FSA framework was initially developed under
the FP6 project MPOWER (#034707) funded by the
European Union and was made open source under
the MIT license. This work was partly supported by
the FP7 project universAAL (#
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Apache CXF Distributed OSGi,
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Medication Compliance Research: Still So Far to Go,
The Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and
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