A Dynamic Whole-genome Database for Comparative Analyses,
Molecular Epidemiology and Phenotypic Summary
of Bacterial Pathogens
Chad R. Laing
, Eduardo Taboada
, Peter Kruczkiewicz
, James E. Thomas
and Victor P. J. Gannon
Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses, Public Health Agency of Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Genomics, Database, Molecular Epidemiology, Phenotype, Comparative Analyses.
Background. Recent outbreaks caused by bacterial contaminants in food, including sprouts by E. coli O104:H4
in Germany and processed meats by Listeria in Canada highlight the need for rapid and accurate character-
ization of bacterial pathogens. Current sequencing platforms have revolutionized the amount and quality
of data available to epidemiologists, public health officials and microbiologists, who now require power-
ful yet intuitive tools to make sense of the underlying biology in these large datasets. In this study, we
developed bioinformatics tools to: automate whole-genome analyses, make the data broadly accessible via
novel reporting functions, and provide a dynamic computational platform for genomic analyses online at
Methods. A PHP-based web front end and PostgreSQL database display the pre-computed data. Genomic
comparisons are performed using updates to our previously created pan-genomic software suite, Panseq
(http:://lfz.corefacility.ca/panseq/). New genomic sequences are analyzed and added to the database with-
out the need for recomputing previous analyses. Phylogenetic trees are created with MrBayes. Statistical
calculations are performed using R.
Results. A pathogen-specific genomic database encompassing all publicly available E. coli strains was created
as a proof of concept. Pre-computed comparisons for the hundreds of bacterial genomes including phylogeny,
presence/absence of virulence markers, group-specific biomarkers and geospatial information were generated.
Data reporting tools were created to summarize the complexity of the data and to provide biologically perti-
nent results including genotype, phenotype (eg. anti-microbial resistance), and geospatial information.
Discussion. The database provides rapid and accurate identification and characterization of E. coli. Output is
formatted specifically for end users describing virulence, phylogeny and group-specific markers. Uptake of
a global surveillance system with near real time analysis will provide an effective early warning system and
allow for a faster response to pathogen-related outbreaks.
Recent outbreaks caused by bacterial contaminants
in food, including sprouts by E. coli O104:H4 (Grad
et al., 2012) in Germany and processed meats by Lis-
teria monocytogenes in Canada (Gilmour et al., 2010)
highlight the need for rapid and accurate identifica-
tion and characterization of bacterial pathogens. Next
generation nucleic acid sequencing platforms have
revolutionized all areas of microbiology relevant to
food safety and public health. There has been a re-
lentless increase in the capacity, speed and portability
of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) systems cou-
pled with a steady decline in the cost of analysis,
which has caused the amount and quality of data
available to epidemiologists, public health officials
and microbiologists to increase to discipline trans-
forming levels.
We have already seen examples in epidemiology
where the sources of food and water borne disease
outbreaks such as the Vibrio cholerae outbreak in
Haiti and the aforementioned E. coli O104:H4 (Grad
et al., 2012) and Listeria (Gilmour et al., 2010) were
determined using whole-genome sequencing. Within
public health, identifying transmission routes within a
R. Laing C., Taboada E., Kruczkiewicz P., E. Thomas J. and P. J. Gannon V..
A Dynamic Whole-genome Database for Comparative Analyses, Molecular Epidemiology and Phenotypic Summary of Bacterial Pathogens.
DOI: 10.5220/0004239803040307
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2013), pages 304-307
ISBN: 978-989-8565-35-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
hospital was previously impossible for highly related
bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA), due to the inability of standard clin-
ical typing methods to discriminate among isolates.
Recently, WGS was used to prevent continued trans-
mission of MRSA within a neonatal intensive care
unit by identifying transmission events in a clinically
relevant time-frame (Kser et al., 2012). Many areas
of microbiology have moved to a comparative ge-
nomics paradigm, including creating molecular typ-
ing schemes for pathogens such as E. coli O157 and
Campylobacter jejuni (Laing et al., 2008; Taboada,
With the data available and studies showing how
powerful it can be if properly utilized, the only re-
maining hurdle is an easy-to-use system that allows
epidemiologists, public health officials and microbi-
ologists to access the data, tools for manipulating the
data, and reporting functions, which provide the bio-
logical meaning to end users.
We have previously created a suite
of pan-genomic analysis tools, Panseq
(http://lfz.corefacility.ca/panseq/). In this study
we designed and implemented an online computa-
tional platform that pre-computes analyses among
thousands of bacterial genomes and efficiently
analyzes new sequences by computing relationships
within small strain clusters, allowing near real time
comparisons among genomic sequences. Smart
heuristic algorithms avoid the unnecessary re-
computation of previously run analyses. As a proof
of concept, a central genomics data repository with
all publicly available genomic sequences for E. coli
species was created. Additionally we implemented
pre-computed analyses; automated calculation and
real- time manipulation of phylogenies; the iden-
tification of genomic markers (presence/absence
of specific genomic regions, and single-nucleotide
polymorphisms); bio-statistical tools to find associ-
ations between group-specific genomic markers and
phenotypic metadata (e.g., geospatial distribution,
host, source); automated in silico genotyping (e.g.,
multi-locus sequence typing, antimicrobial resistance
and virulence markers via the MIST platform); and
reporting of interpreted data for use by microbial
ecologists, physiologists, clinical researchers and
2.1 Database Setup
A webserver programmed in PHP using the Smarty
template engine (http://smarty.incutio.com) allows
access to and displays the pre-computed anal-
yses stored in a PostgreSQL database v9.2.1
(http://www.postgresql.org/), which is highly scal-
able and fast (up to 350000 read queries per
second, supporting up to 64 computing cores).
The software is hosted on a linux CentOS server
with 16 CPUs and 64 GB of RAM. The ge-
ographical mapping uses the Google Maps API
(https://developers.google.com/maps/). All users may
perform analyses and download data; however, only
registered users may submit data for inclusion in the
database. An overview of the analysis platform is
shown in Figure 1.
2.2 Comparative Genomics
Bacterial comparisons including the presence / ab-
sence of virulence factors and antimicrobial resis-
tance genes, segmentation and alignment of whole-
genomes, and the determination of group-dominant
loci are performed using updates to our previously
created pan-genomic software suite, Panseq (Laing
et al., 2010; Laing et al., 2011). New genomic se-
quences are analyzed and added to the database with-
out the need for recomputing previous analyses.
2.3 Phylogeney
The fragmented and aligned genomes are generated
using the Panseq core / accessory module with the
following settings: minimumNovelRegionSize = 500,
fragmentationSize = 500, nucB = 200, nucC = 50,
nucD = 0.12, nucG = 100, nucL = 20, percentIden-
tityCutoff = 85, coreGenomeThreshold = 3. Phyloge-
netic trees are created using MrBayes (Ronquist and
Huelsenbeck, 2003). Phylogenetic tree manipulations
are performed in real time using The Newick Utilities
(Junier and Zdobnov, 2010).
2.4 In-silico Typing
In-silico genotyping will use the molecular in-silico
typing (MIST) package developed using C# and the
.NET framework v4, which uses Blast for sequence
comparisons and generates multi-locus sequence typ-
ing profiles, multi-locus variable number tandem re-
peat analysis profiles and molecular serotype designa-
tions. These typing results will automatically be pro-
vided when a sequence is uploaded to the database.
3.1 Strain Information
The computational genomics platform
( provides access to
a listing of all indexed strains, currently all E. coli,
with the capability of expanding to include all bacte-
rial pathogens of interest. Geographical information
for each strain is provided on a worldwide zoomable
map. Each strain also contains metadata for host,
source, date of isolation, geographical location,
serotype and genomic sequence data; missing infor-
mation is denoted as ‘unknown’. Additional metadata
tags can be added as the system grows.
3.2 Virulence and AMR
In addition to strain information, virulence and AMR
factors are also provided, with a description of the
function of the factor, its sequence and sequence
statistics, genome / plasmid location and a linked list
of all strains the factor is present in. To investigate the
presence of factors among database strains, a factor
or group of factors is selected among a user-defined
group of genomes. This can be achieved by using
the list interface or by highlighting groups of strains
via the map of the world interface. The resulting out-
put is a table of selected stains and the presence / ab-
sence of selected factors, which can be downloaded in
tab-delimited, HTML, or XML format. The selected
strains are also displayed geographically on the map
of the world with the option of highlighting via color
change, strains that contain factors of interest.
3.3 Phylogeny
The phylogeny of all strains is pre-computed and can
be manipulated in real-time by the user (Figure 4).
By selecting strains of interest, only the phylogenetic
relationship among the selected strains will be dis-
played. Selected phylogenies can be displayed in cir-
cular or orthogonal format and downloaded as either
Newick or Nexus files.
3.4 Group Comparison
Identification of virulence and / or AMR factors, as
well as the presence / absence of genomic regions and
single-nucleotide polymorphisms that are statistically
dominant for a group can also be performed. The
user selects two groups via any of three interfaces:
the worldwide map interface; the list of strains inter-
face; or the phylogeny interface where nodes of the
tree can be selected. The identification of loci that dif-
fer statistically between the two groups is performed
using Fisher’s Exact test and displayed in tabular for-
mat ranked by p-value. Results can be downloaded
as a tab-delimited text file. When a comparison is
run, the results are saved in the database for future in-
stant recall, and computed by the server after the user
makes her selection.
3.5 Updating
Users who register an account may upload their
own sequence, which is processed and added to the
database under three data release modes: private,
which allows only the registered user to see the strain
in the database; private until a specified date, after
which point it becomes public and accessible by any-
one using the database; and public, which allows the
strain to be immediately accessible to all database
4.1 Benefit
The computational platform will provide geograph-
ical and temporal mapping capabilities for occur-
rence of specific pathogen genotypes at community,
national and international levels. It will also pro-
vide genotype-phenotype linkages with clinical and
epidemiological data such as outbreak associations,
likely sources of food and water contamination, and
disease progression and outcomes. An international
bacterial pathogen database will also lead to more
rapid and accurate identification and characterization
of food and waterborne bacterial pathogens, with an
emphasis on the most effective potential interven-
tions, treatments and procedures.
It will enable rapid recognition of pathogen-
related infections and outbreaks resulting in a faster
response, identification of risk groups and possible
pathogen sources, a decrease in the number of infec-
tions within the community and more effective food
recalls. An international pathogen database will allow
a more effective early warning system for remote ju-
risdictions and possibly lead to decreased infrastruc-
ture costs and reduced concern about food safety.
The bioinformatic tools that we have developed
make use of pre-computed genomic analyses that will
be able to accommodate continued influx of genomic
sequence data, requiring only new genomic data to be
analysed. The results of analyses using the database
allow end users to easily identify whether an isolate is
exceptionally virulent, or not usually associated with
human infection based on the presence / absence of
known virulence attributes and AMR genes, and ge-
nomic similarity to other known human pathogens.
4.2 Collaboration
Two similar efforts to construct genomic databases for
molecular epidemiology have recently been proposed
(Kupferschmidt, 2011; FDA, 2012). While strain
transport between countries can be difficult or impos-
sible, genomic sequence information can be transmit-
ted instantly, allowing rapid analyses and potentially
life-saving interventions. International agencies need
to be willing to share information between databases
or to collaborate in building a single, multi-national
database to fully realize the potential of comparative
genomics, and individual strains need to be analyzed
in the context of as many similar strains as possible to
put the data in the proper context.
We would like to thank the Canadian Food Inspection
Agency for allowing this research to be conducted
at the Animal Diseases Research Institute. This
work was supported by the Public Health Agency of
Canada and grants from the Natural Sciences and En-
gineering Research Council of Canada (www.nserc-
crsng.gc.ca) and Alberta Innovates Technology Fu-
tures (www.albertatechfutures.ca).
FDA (2012). Press announcements - FDA, UC davis,
agilent technologies and CDC to create pub-
licly available food pathogen genome database.
nouncements/ucm311661.htm. The U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), the University of Cal-
ifornia, Davis, Agilent Technologies Inc., and the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
announced today a collaboration to create a public
database of 100,000 foodborne pathogen genomes to
help speed identification of bacteria responsible for
foodborne outbreaks.
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