screen in figure 5. As shown in figure 5, we use two-
layer networks with 35 and 15 nodes respectively.
And the network has 6 inputs and 1 output. Through
the multiple trials of training and test, we select one
of the models with the minimum error rate. We
perform the investment simulation with the selected
prediction model on the screen in figure 7.
We generate the data as shown in table 1. The
price prediction model calculates the prediction
values for the stocks in the simulation data which are
the criteria for decision making of buying stocks.
Table 1: Data for model generation and investment
Period # of data
Training data 2009.4.1 ~ 2009.12.30 24,548
Validation data 2008.4.1 ~ 2008.5.30 5,440
Test data 2008.6.2 ~ 2008.8.29 5,235
Simulation data 2010.2.1 ~ 2010.3.16 2,312
We perform the simulation with changing the
elements of the trading policy. Table 2 shows the
values of the elements of the trading policy used in
the simulation. We have 108 results from the
simulation and some of them are presented in table 4.
Table 2: The values of the trading policy elements for
Elements Values
Holding period (days), H 1, 3, 5
Buying discount rate (%), B 0
Expected profit ratio (%), E 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Loss cut ratio (%), L -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7
Table 3: Some results of the investment simulation.
H, B, E, L
# of
# of
Total profit
1, 0, 2, -2 94 66 485,080
3, 0, 2, -2 116 50 1,158,701
3, 0, 5, -5 122 40 2,257,588
5, 0, 5, -5 142 22 3,765,845
We use 0.5 as the cut-off value of the prediction
value. We have 169 transactions (one transaction
includes both buying and selling) and assume that
one million won is used to buy each recommended
stock. During the simulation period (2010/2/1 ~
2010~3/16), KOSPI rises about 2.6% from 1606.44
to 1648.01. The first line in table 4 means the
followings: the holding period is one day, the BDR,
EPR, LCR are 0%, 2%, -2% respectively. Among
169 transactions we make profits 94 times and have
loss 66 times. We got profits as 485,080 Korean
Won. Table 3 shows that the results can be
considerably different according to the different
trading policies. As a result, we can say that the user
select the trading policy outperforming the average
market profits through the investment simulation.
In this paper, we propose the data mining tool which
provides the three functions: stock data management,
the stock price prediction model generation using
machine learning techniques and the investment
simulation. The prediction model recommends the
stocks to buy and the investment simulation suggests
the trading policy. Thus, the proposed tool can
support the short-term investors’ decision-making.
Users have only to get daily stock data from
KRX and update the existing stock database. Once
the prediction model is built and the proper trading
policy is established, users can perform the objective
decision-making based on the data rather than the
emotional judgements. Users have only to get the
recommended stocks through the application of the
today’s data to the prediction model under the
established trading policy.
Other machine learning techniques, such as the
support vector machines (SVM) and the genetic
algorithms, have studied for the stock price
prediction. We will expand the data mining tool for
including such techniques. More technical indicators
are required for more sophisticated prediction
models. We will consider the asset allocation
problem in the investment simulation, which will
present more definite results and be more helpful.
This research was financially supported by Hansung
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