Figure 6: Control environment using the Electrostimulator defined in the configuration and session "protocol1".
the actuation of an electrostimulator, i.e. permits to
program stimulation protocols. Thus, creating a dy-
namic, flexible way of automate the actuation of stim-
Depending on the stakeholder the combination
Configuration-Control will change. Configuration
will be enabled, disabled or will have different levels
of restrictions. In the Control area different devices
and sessions will be programmed by default for a fast
approach by the user (setup the device then start/stop
the session). Ideally, the various envisioned users
should be consulted on whether they would be open
to use such a software package and, if so, under what
restrictions. Interviews or questionnaires will be suit-
able instruments for this. We hope this could be the
foundation for building a business model and further
develop ideas on how to penetrate the market.
We also provide a tool to generate dynamic con-
figurations, that are fast and simple to re-edited.
Therefore, if for example the configurations described
in this article are not optimized to configure a specific
electrostimulator we can easily optimized them.
With this powerful tool we provide a user-friendly
software solution with a multi-purpose platform for
sport, therapy and research.
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