An example application of this procedure for the
USPS data set is based on the k t-SNE projections as
specified in the last paragraph. An SVM with Gaus-
sian kernel is trained on a subset of the data which
is not used to train the subsequent kernel t-SNE or
Fisher kernel t-SNE, respectively. A classification ac-
curacy of 99% on the training set and 97% on the test
set arises. We use two different kernel t-SNE map-
pings to obtain a training set for the inverse mapping
: kernel t-SNE and Fisher kernel t-SNE, respec-
tively. The weights of the cost function has been cho-
sen as λ
= 0.1 and λ
= 10000, respectively. The re-
sulting visualization of the SVM classification is dis-
played in Fig. 5(top) if the procedure is based on ker-
nel t-SNE and Fig. 5(bottom) if the procedure is based
on Fisher kernel t-SNE.
Obviously, the visualization based on Fisher ker-
nel t-SNE displays much clearer class boundaries as
compared to a visualization which does not take the
class labeling into account. This visual impression is
mirrored by a quantitative comparison of the projec-
tions. For the kernel t-SNE mapping, the classifica-
tion induced in 2D as displayed in the map coincides
with the original classification with a 85% accuracy
only. If Fisher kernel t-SNE is used, the coincidence
increases to 92%.
We have reviewed discriminative dimensionality re-
duction, its link to the Fisher information matrix, and
we have discussed its difference to a direct classifica-
tion. Based on Fisher kernel t-SNE, two applications
have been proposed: a speed-up of dimensionality re-
duction on the one side and a visualization of a classi-
fier such as SVM on the other side. So far, the appli-
cations have been demonstrated using one benchmark
only, results for alternative benchmarks being similar.
Note that the proposed techniques are not restricted
to t-SNE, rather, similar techniques could be based on
top of popular alternatives such as LLE or Isomap.
Funding by DFG under grants number HA 2719/7-1,
HA 2719/4-1 and by the CITEC centre of excellence
are gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank
the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and
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