of DBP is narrower than that of SBP is assumed to
the main reason of this result.
Several additional works are planned to proceed
this project. More subjects should be employed to
demonstrate generality of this model. Experiments
will be performed to verify if this estimation is ap-
plicable to long-term monitoring. The data measured
in a few days from same subject can be collected for
this purpose.
The potential of portable BP monitoring system was
explored. Several experimental results showed PAT
which was measured non-intrusively had an obvious
correlation with both SBP and DBP. So it could be
used as parameter for the estimation of BP. Further
work with more subjects is needed to assert the ac-
curacy of prediction. People can monitor BP in daily
life easily with no limitations of time and space with
this portable system.
This work was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Ko-
rea government(MEST) (No. 2012010714).
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