Savecare - EHR HIV/AIDS System
Development of a Prototype for Data Analisis and Collection
Nuno Rocha
, Carla Esteves
, Emanuel Catumbela
, Tiago Silva-Costa
and Alberto Freitas
CIDES – Department of Health Information and Decision Sciences, Porto, Portugal
CINTESIS – Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: EHR, Data Collection, HIV, AIDS, Health Indicators, Quality Assessment.
Abstract: Human immunodeficiency virus treatment demands constant monitorization and evaluation and tracing
tools are important weapons against this epidemic. SaveCare stands for System for HIV/AIDS Virtual
Evaluation. It is our goal to develop web-based tools which can motivate the HIV/AIDS patients’ data
collection adjusted to both Portugal and Angola. As a result is presented a prototype with a module for
HIV/AIDS patients personal and clinical data collection; a module for the performance and quality of
healthcare evaluation, that uses a set of indicators and has as output printable reports; and an additional
module for configuration purposes. Clinicians find the many features of the prototype very usefull, but
additional modules are in need.
Amongst the infectious diseases, human
immunodeficiency virus infection and the acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic
are severe worldwide health problem (Sorensen et
al., 2008), nowadays accounted as the main death
cause for the adult population and were accountable
for more than 20 million deaths in the past two
decades (Jazayeri et al., 2003).
HIV/AIDS treatment demands constant
motorization and evaluation (Sorensen et al., 2008).
In order to now thy enemy, evolution monitoring
tools for the infected patients, as well as epidemic
trace tools, are important weapons in the war against
this strong adversary that is the HIV virus epidemic.
In 2009 there were 42000 people living with
HIV/AIDS in Portugal and in 2010 the highest rates
of AIDS diagnosis in Europe, were also in Portugal
(ADVERTing, 2012).
A low prevalence of HIV cases in Angola, is due
to the armed conflict which limited the movement of
populations of the respective areas of residence.
The storage media expenses, such as paper and
film, per unit of information differ dramatically from
that of electronic storage media whereas all related
processes regarding data analysis can be simplified
with the use of electronic health records (EHR) in
addition to residual paper-based records.
Regarding the development of EHRs for HIV/AIDS
patient records, were cited three priorities (Nucita et
al., 2009, Kanter et al., 1997):
The research tools;
The health infrastructure and communication;
The clinical care of patients.
In Portugal, as from December 2012 the
hospitals should be submitted in the system
SI.VIDA in terms of notification, registration
information and documentation of outpatient
medication dispensing, including situations of post-
exposure prophylaxis, relating HIV/AIDS patients.
A tool that allows the registration of the
HIV/AIDS patient clinical data storage episode by
episode and to carry out along these episodes
evolution evaluation represents an optimization of
patient follow-up service.
This paper was based on a previous systematic
review on informatic systems for HIV/AIDS
motorization and a literature review on HIV/AIDS
indicators, and reflects the work behind the
development of a tool, called SaveCare – System for
HIV/AIDS Virtual Evaluation.
The objective is to develop a set of web-based
Rocha N., Esteves C., Catumbela E., Silva-Costa T. and Freitas A..
Savecare - EHR HIV/AIDS System - Development of a Prototype for Data Analisis and Collection.
DOI: 10.5220/0004247703700373
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 370-373
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tools, which can help and motivate the error proof,
practical, accurate, validated, automatic HIV/AIDS
patients’ data collection adjusted to both Portugal
and Angola, in order to better know the disease
In this prototype implementation, it is intended to
use Open Source technologies in both the database
and the prototype development, such as PHP,
HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as open source
packages like JQuery User Interface and others.
Since in Portugal, the framework is already working
with Oracle, the system should be prepared to work
with it as well.
This study is structured in three distinct phases:
requirements analysis, prototype development and
quality assessment by final users.
3.1 System Requirements Analysis
The requirements for the prototype were defined
according to the review made on other used IT
systems used in data analysis for HIV/AIDS patient
records. In addition to the typical basic
functionalities of any EHR registration and query
users, appointments registration and scheduling must
be included specific characteristics for the treatment
of patients with HIV/AIDS. Accordingly, this
prototype must be user friendly, safe and secure and
allow interoperability, modular development and
offline mode.
Figure 1: SaveCare simplified UseCase diagram.
The system is intended to be used upon patient
consultation and for posterior patient evaluation
consultation. Figure 1 represents the physician
usecase of the system.
3.2 Indicators Definition
Initially, the authors just considered the indicators
proposed by the European AIDS Clinical Society
and the HHS Panel of the Office of AIDS Research
Advisory Council (OARAC). With the advance of
implementation this tool also collects data for
performance indicators.
Patient quality indicators – Indicators that
measure the disease spread in a set of patients. E.g.
Number of HIV-positive pregnant women who
received antiretroviral to reduce risk of mother-to-
Performance Quality Indicators – Indicators
that measure the healthcare quality provided. E.g.
Proportion of patients who had CD4 count measured
at least once during the last 6 months.
3.3 Forms Definition
In order to collect the required information for the
indicators calculation, improved forms were in need.
For this prototype, patient data was separated of
the episode data, so that some of the information
was kept static, whilst the non-static one is recorded
episode after episode. Thus, two types of forms were
created. The Patient Data forms (PD), record such
information as, date of birth, gender, race, the last
preformed AntiHIV 1 and 2 test dates, first
consultation date, last negative analysis date, first
positive analysis date and WHO’s and CDC
infection stage classification.
The Episode Data forms(ED), collect different
data, and group the episode by date. ED form collect
clinical data, such as weight, height, age at the time,
physical examination, laboratorial results, diagnoses
code according to the ICD 9-MC, and therapeutics
Managm ent
Figure 2: SaveCare module’s flow.
For each module in this structure, VCSaveCare
prototype, there is controlling layer (PHP),
responsible for communication functions; a
modeling layer (PHP inc files), responsible for data
modeling, and a viewing layer (HTML .tpl files),
responsible for data presentation.
4.1 Savecare Prototype Forms
The prototype consists of different forms for the data
collection, divided in 2 categories, patient data forms
and episode data forms.
Figure 3: Prototype printscreen – Patient Data.
For example in Figure 4, it is presented the
patient data form for administrative data collection.
Specific information relevant for HIV/AIDS must
be collected in this form.
4.2 Episode Schedulle
It was needed a module where the physician, could
evaluate the patient evolution on previous episodes
in order to improve profitability and productivity of
doctors themselves. To facilitate visualization of the
patient’s evolution by the physician, it shows up on
the screen of forms, a list (Figure 5) with a summary
of several patient episodes, chronologically sorted.
Figure 4: Table with last patient’s episodes.
This table presents information graphically
through the means of symbols. For example the pill
symbol, intended to illustrate the therapeutics under
taken by the patient.
4.3 Patient Condition Summary
It is also required a patient condition evaluation on a
glance, thus it was developed a summary table of the
patient condition in the present day (Figure 6).
Figure 5: Patient condition summary.
This summary presents such information, as patient,
age, therapeutics, next appointment date, and a set of
warnings relating various issues.
4.4 Savecare Prototype Indicators
As a Reporting Module, it was defined a module
where users can make and view preconfigured and
other type of reports, adjusted to their needs, based
on the proposed predefined indicators.
Figure 6: Indicator Table - Total of HIV/AIDS patients
with chest X-Ray exam preformed.
Figure 7: Benchmarking table – Total neutrophil count.
In addition, the lists allow the user to check the
occurrences of different values in a field, and sort
these values by name or total of occurrences.
The feedback obtained from final users so far,
reveals that this tool offers great advantages over the
others in use. As key attributes stand out, the fact
that it prevents errors that were common in other
applications such as different types of introduction
by each physician. A great feature on the reporting
module is how it presents the results with different
colorations, allowing simple and direct reading of
values more relevant.
This solution is prepared to two distinct
countries’ realities and it’s capable of being easily
used in due to its data model based largely minimal
data sets, common in large part of health care
systems worldwide, it is only necessary adjustment
for use in languages other than Portuguese. Being a
tool of indicators that can be easily fed by new data,
also allows an analysis in near real time the
evolution of the indicators, as the data is loaded into
the application.
5.1 Future Work
Temporarily it is intended to network install this
prototype in Portugal and Angola, to start as soon as
possible the data collection and detection of possible
bugs, as well as adjust the forms to its users.
As future work, to be carried further in the next year,
will be implemented the other indicators and define
other correlation sets. By implementing these
indicators is intended to compare the results from
the two countries where the system will be deployed.
Addition to these, is under study to implement other
indicators, namely in data quality, which will aim,
Additional modules are already under team’s
consideration. It is intended to develop the following
Laboratorial Module in which will be recorded
and documented all patient examinations;
Medication / therapy module, which may be
accompanied by the prescription of treatments to
patients including the prescription of antiretroviral
The authors would like to thank to the Department
of Health Information and Decision Sciences
(CIDES) in the Faculty of Medicine, University of
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