The feedback obtained from final users so far,
reveals that this tool offers great advantages over the
others in use. As key attributes stand out, the fact
that it prevents errors that were common in other
applications such as different types of introduction
by each physician. A great feature on the reporting
module is how it presents the results with different
colorations, allowing simple and direct reading of
values more relevant.
This solution is prepared to two distinct
countries’ realities and it’s capable of being easily
used in due to its data model based largely minimal
data sets, common in large part of health care
systems worldwide, it is only necessary adjustment
for use in languages other than Portuguese. Being a
tool of indicators that can be easily fed by new data,
also allows an analysis in near real time the
evolution of the indicators, as the data is loaded into
the application.
5.1 Future Work
Temporarily it is intended to network install this
prototype in Portugal and Angola, to start as soon as
possible the data collection and detection of possible
bugs, as well as adjust the forms to its users.
As future work, to be carried further in the next year,
will be implemented the other indicators and define
other correlation sets. By implementing these
indicators is intended to compare the results from
the two countries where the system will be deployed.
Addition to these, is under study to implement other
indicators, namely in data quality, which will aim,
Additional modules are already under team’s
consideration. It is intended to develop the following
Laboratorial Module in which will be recorded
and documented all patient examinations;
Medication / therapy module, which may be
accompanied by the prescription of treatments to
patients including the prescription of antiretroviral
The authors would like to thank to the Department
of Health Information and Decision Sciences
(CIDES) in the Faculty of Medicine, University of
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