Figure 6: How to have the information of the Formants
and bandwidths using Praat.
This paper described the basic mechanism of human
speech production and the engineering models used
to develop a TTS system. The main objectives of the
blocks were explained. The acoustic module
methods were also referred and a special attention
was taken to the formant model because it was the
model used in this development.
A didactic acoustic module based in the Formant
model was developed for the purpose of
demonstration of the self Formant model. The
application fulfils its purpose and the synthesis
results with quality enough for understanding, once
only a single vowel or a sequence of vowels are
reproduced in this version. The application allows
the synthesis of any speech sound because the user
can select the vowel or the formant and bandwidth
parameters. The user can also experiment different
types of source excitation, from a sampled glottal
wave, to a synthetic glottal wave between sinusoidal,
triangular or rectangular wave formats.
An evolution of this version is under
development in the way of a speech synthesizer. At
this moment the acoustic module is build lacking the
complete development of the formant and
bandwidths of diphones database. This version will
allow the user to insert the phoneme sequences to be
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