Session-independent EEG-based Workload Recognition
Felix Putze, Markus M
uller, Dominic Heger and Tanja Schultz
Institute of Anthropomatics, Cognitive Systems Lab, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
EEG, Workload Recognition, Session Independence, Adaptation, Feature Selection.
In this paper, we investigate the development of a session-independent EEG-based workload recognition sys-
tem with minimal calibration time. On a corpus of ten sessions with the same subject, we investigate three
different approaches: Accumulation of training data, an adaptive classifier (adaptive LDA) and feature se-
lection algorithm (based on Mutual Information) to improve generalizability of the classifier. In a detailed
evalution, we investigate how each approach performs under different conditions and show how we can use
those methods to improve classification accuracy by more than 22% and make transfer of models between
sessions more reliable.
It is known that mental overload has a negative im-
pact on driving performance and therefore seriously
affects safety in every day traffic (Lansdown et al.,
2004). Much of this load is induced by in-vehicle
systems designed to facilitate, support and entertain
the user while driving. Those systems could benefit
from a greater insight in the driver’s workload level
by reacting appropriately to his inner state. Previous
studies have shown that a user’s workload level can
be reliable recognized using electroencephalography
(EEG) signals (see for example (Heger et al., 2010),
(Jarvis et al., 2011), (Kothe and Makeig, 2011)).
Still, achieving session-independence for EEG-based
workload recognition systems is a challenge as a num-
ber of parameter may change from session to session:
the exact positioning of electrodes, the physical con-
dition of the user, environmental factors influencing
the recording, etc. The large number of influencing
variables makes it very difficult to design a calibra-
tion or normalization scheme. Goal of this work was
to provide session-independent workload recognition
capable of online recognition with minimal prepara-
tion time for the user. This implies that no global nor-
malization schemes are allowed or techniques which
require the recording of much labeled or even unla-
beled training data.
In literature on active BCIs and biosignal pro-
cessing, a number of methods for achieving session-
independence have been proposed: (Shenoy et al.,
2006) investigate how classifiers which are trained on
offline calibration data perform in online conditions.
They study the distributions of the features and the re-
sulting classification models, notice systematic differ-
ences between both conditions and show that very dif-
ferent sessions in training and testing data may result
in degraded recognition performance. They also note
that “the strongest source of non-stationarity stems
from the difference between calibration and feedback
sessions”, which leads us to concentrate on differ-
ences between sessions compared to negligible non-
stationarities within a session of a few minutes length.
Vidaurre et al. (Vidaurre et al., 2008) present an ap-
proach for unsupervised adaptation of an LDA clas-
sifier based on the assumption that non-stationarities
influence the statistics of all classes in the same way.
Their analysis on two BCI datasets indicates that there
is a small advantage for supervised adaptation but also
note “that adapting means with and without class-
labels was not found significantly different”.
To collect data for training and evaluation of a
session-independent workload classifier, we designed
and conducted an experiment. One subject (a male
student) recorded ten sessions over the course of sev-
eral months. During each session, he performed
a main task of operating a simple driving simula-
tor (Mattes, 2003) and several different secondary
tasks in parallel. The session was broken down in
stages; for each stage, the type of secondary task
Putze F., Mülller M., Heger D. and Schultz T..
Session-independent EEG-based Workload Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0004250703600363
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2013), pages 360-363
ISBN: 978-989-8565-36-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(if any) was kept constant. Driving stages with sec-
ondary task were labeled as high workload conditions
while driving stages without secondary task were la-
beled as low workload condition. There are three
different types of secondary tasks: A visual search
task in two different difficulty levels (Visual1 and Vi-
sual2), a math task with two difficulty levels (Divide1
and Divide2) and a game of Tic Tac Toe against the
computer (TTT). All secondary tasks were presented
on a monitor to the right of the subject and operated
by keyboard within easy reach. Each condition (driv-
ing only and driving with each of the secondary tasks)
was recorded twice for six minutes each. The order of
tasks was randomized between sessions to eliminate
order effects. During each task, EEG was recorded
using an Emotiv EPOC device. This wireless device
offers a fixed layout of 14 saline electrodes sampled at
128Hz. It can be fully set up in less than two minutes
by the user without help, which constitutes a benefit
for our aim of preparation-free workload recognition
compared to classic EEG caps. The user was told to
concentrate on the task but was not instructed other-
wise (e.g. on artifact avoidance) to record data under
realistic conditions. In total, we collected 10 sessions
with 60 minutes of EEG data each, resulting in a total
corpus of 600 minutes of usable data.
The baseline system for session-dependent work-
load recognition is described in (Heger et al., 2010).
From each window of 2 seconds, it extracts 28 spec-
tral features in the range from 4 to 45 Hz for each
electrode. The window is shifted with an overlap of
1.5s over the data stream, resulting in one data-point
for each 0.5s. Before the spectral feature extraction,
we perform an automatic removal of eyeblink arti-
facts based on Independent Component Analysis as
described in (Jarvis et al., 2011) and a Canonical Cor-
relation Analysis (Clercq et al., 2006) to remove EMG
artifacts. Two classes of low and high workload are
discriminated by a binary classifier based on Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Results are smoothed
over 3 consecutive data-points to get a more reliable
workload estimate.
To achieve session independence for this baseline
system, we follow two main approaches:
Session Adaptation: One way to handle differ-
ences between trained models and testing data is to
actively adapt the classification model to the condi-
tions of the current session. (Vidaurre et al., 2008)
propose an unsupervised adaptation of joint statistics
for both classes. The update of the selected method
modifies the joint class mean µ(t) for a newly calcu-
lated feature vector x(t) as follows:
µ(t) = (1 UC)· µ(t 1)+UC · x(t) (1)
The joint mean is used to correct the bias in the
feature distribution of the testing session. In for-
mula 1, UC is the update coefficient that determines
the strength of the update. Tuning the update coef-
ficient to a correct level is a crucial aspect of this
method. The approach in (Vidaurre et al., 2008) was
designed to account for non-stationarities within one
session and therefore uses a continuous update for the
whole data stream. This seems non-optimal for adap-
tation between training sessions and testing sessions
(which we assume to be stable due to their length of
only a few minutes) for several reasons: First, a user
expects a working system after a calibration phase of
minimal duration. An update coefficient which is op-
timized to adapt the model to slow changes in the sig-
nal characteristics may result in too timid updates for
inter-session adaptation. Second, when the optimal
UC is estimated and evaluated on sessions of a fixed
length it may be a suboptimal choice for sessions of
very different duration. Therefore, we only perform
adaptation on the first feature vectors of a session and
keep the model constant after that. We call the num-
ber of features used for adaptation adaptation count
Robust Feature Accumulation: The quality of
session-independent recognition highly depends on
the quality and variety of the available training data.
A large training set can cover a wide range of possi-
ble feature distributions and account for variability in
the test set. Therefore, we can expect a more reliable
recognition with multiple training sessions than with a
limited training set. Of course, acquiring such a train-
ing set for each user is opposed to the goal of min-
imizing the effort of data collection, i.e. we have to
do a cost-benefit analysis of the addition of new train-
ing sessions and also have to find ways to extract reli-
able models already from smaller training sets. Each
recorded stage in a session is 6 minutes long, result-
ing in 1,440 training samples per session for train-
ing a quadratic covariance matrix of 392 dimensions
(14 channels with 28 features each), resulting in more
than 150,000 coefficients. This mismatch may result
in overfitted models which are tuned towards the spe-
cific conditions of the training data but which do not
generalize to other sessions. To mitigate this prob-
lem, we employ feature selection which tries to iden-
tify the most relevant features for a classification task.
We employ a wrapper approach based on Mutual In-
formation (MI) as described by (Ang et al., 2008).
They describe the Mutual Information based Best In-
dividual Feature (MIBIF) algorithm, a feature selec-
tion approach based on a high relevance criterion to
reduce the feature space dimensionality. It selects the
K features with the highest Mutual Information with
the ground truth. The selection of the feature count
K is of course critical for the performance. We will
investigate whether the optimal K is dependent on the
number of available training sessions or whether there
is a globally optimal K for the presented setting.
For evaluation, we extract and concatenate all stages
without secondary task of each session as low work-
load condition and extract and concatenate all data
for one fixed secondary task of each session as high
workload condition. Baseline performance for an all-
pair evaluation (i.e. each session is used as training
session for a model which is evaluated on all other
sessions) averaged over all tasks is 64.9%. How-
ever, with a minimum accuracy of 49.7% and a max-
imum accuracy of 80.9% there is considerable varia-
tion within the results. This indicates that there is a
mismatch between some pairs of training and testing
session which prevents session-independent recogni-
tion in the baseline setup. Mitigating the effect of
those mismatches is the main challenge of session-
independent workload recognition as it makes results
of each particular testing session unpredictable.
We first evaluate the effect of adaptation. For this
purpose, we do an all-pair evaluation on seven out of
the ten sessions to determine optimal values for the
adaptation coefficient UC. We do this analysis sep-
aratedly for all tasks to study potential differences.
Figure 1 shows the estimated optimal values for UC
for different sizes AC of the adaptation window. As
expected, we see a linear dependency between both
values (both scales are logarithmic). While all tasks
share the same trend for UC, there are considerable
differences between the optimal values and we there-
fore continue analysis with task-specific values for
UC. Some outliers, e.g. for the Divide2 task and
AC = 32, also indicate that estimating the free param-
eters of the adaptation is a delicate process sensible to
the distribution of training data.
To investigate the benefit of using the estimated
UC on unseen data, we perform again an all-pair eval-
uation on the three sessions that were held out with
UC fixed to the previously determined value. For
AC = 64, averaged over all tasks, we achieve a relative
improvement in recognition accuracy of 8%. Recog-
nition accuracy does not improve in all cases: For
26% of all instances of the cross-validation, perfor-
mance degrades slightly by 3.5% relative on average.
This may be the case due to unrepresentative data
within the adaptation window or due to a violation of
4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
Optimal adaptation coefficient
Size of adaptation window (frames)
Figure 1: Optimal update coefficients for different sizes of
the update window calculated for all secondary tasks.
the assumption that both classes differ similarly be-
tween training and test session. The main benefit of
adaptation is not the overall improvement of recog-
nition accuracy but the mitigation of extreme mis-
matches between training and testing data. The mini-
mum recognition accuracy across all pairs in the hold-
out set increases from 51% to 63% when activating
adaptation and the standard deviation is reduced from
8.4% to 5.6%. The size AC of the adaptation window
does not have significant impact on recognition ac-
curacy. While performance improves monotonically
with higher AC, it only increases by 3% relative when
going from AC = 4 to AC = 512.
To quantify the effect of additional training ma-
terial, we performed leave-one-session-out cross-
validation. In each iteration, we fixed one session as
testing session and trained the classification model re-
peatedly on a growing training set which was gener-
ated by iteratively adding sessions in chronological
order. This analysis was repeated for all secondary
tasks. Figure 2 shows the recognition accuracy av-
eraged over all tasks for different sizes of the train-
ing set. We see that overall, adding more sessions
increases accuracy by more than 22% relative. The
graph also indicates that accuracy may also not be sat-
urated with a training set of nine sessions, i.e. adding
more material may further increase the performance.
In more than 89% of all instances in which a ses-
sion was added to a training set this actually increased
the resulting recognition accuracy on the fixed test-
ing session. An analysis of the cases in which per-
formance degrades shows that those instances corre-
spond to pairs of sessions which also already perform
with below-average accuracy in the baseline evalu-
ation (one potentially problematic session alone ac-
counts for more than 30% of those instances).
Contributing to the pronounced performance in-
crease due to a larger number of training sessions
may be caused by the fact that more training data
allows a more robust estimation of a classification
model of large dimensionality. A reduction of the fea-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Recognition Accuracy
Number of training sessions
Figure 2: Average recognition performance depending on
the number of available training sessions.
4 8 16 32 64 128 256
Recognition Accuracy
Number of selected features
Figure 3: Average classification accuracy in dependency of
numbers of selected features for different numbers of train-
ing sessions.
ture space would potentially help models trained from
fewer training instances to perform better in compar-
ison to models trained with more data. We there-
fore estimate classification performance when apply-
ing feature selection as described in section 2 for
values of K = 4, 8, 16, . . . , 256. Figure 3 shows that
for a smaller number of available training sessions
a smaller number of selected features yields optimal
performance while the large training corpora can only
be optimally exploited if more features remain. How-
ever, there is an effect of diminishing returns as the
average difference between the best recognition accu-
racy and the one achieved with K = 32 is below 1%.
Figure 4 presents recognition accuracy for differ-
ent sizes of the training set using the individual op-
timal values for K. It shows that employing feature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Recognition Accuracy
Number of training sessions
Figure 4: Average recognition performance depending on
the number of available training sessions when using feature
selection indeed decreases the difference in perfor-
mance between small and large training sets, while
the general tendency of additional training data con-
tributing to higher accuracy remains stable.
To summarize, we saw that unsupervised adap-
tation improved recognition accuracy and helped to
make the recognition more predictable by improving
accuracy especially in cases of mismatched training
and testing sessions. If additional training material
can be provided, accumulation of training data com-
bined with feature selection can improve recognition
accuracy substantially.
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