Compressing Multi-document Summaries through Sentence
Sara Botelho Silveira and Ant´onio Branco
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Edif´ıcio C6, Departamento de Inform´atica, Faculdade de Ciˆencias, Universidade de Lisboa,
Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Multi-document Summarization, Sentence Simplification, Sentence Compression.
Multi-document summarization aims at creating a single summary based on the information conveyed by a
collection of texts. After the candidate sentences have been identified and ordered, it is time to select which
will be included in the summary. In this paper, we propose an approach that uses sentence simplification, both
lexical and syntactic, to help improve the compression step in the summarization process. Simplification is
performed by removing specific sentential constructions conveying information that can be considered to be
less relevant to the general message of the summary. Thus, the rationale is that sentence simplification not
only removes expendable information, but also makes room for further relevant data in a summary.
The increased use of mobile devices brought concerns
about text compression, by providing less space for
the same amount of text. Compression must be ac-
curate and all the information displayed should be es-
sential. Multi-document text summarization seeks to
identify the most relevant information in a collection
of texts, complying with a compression rate that de-
termines the length of the summary.
Ensuring at the same time the compression rate
and the informativeness of the summary is not an easy
task. The most common solution allows the last sen-
tence to be cut in two in the number of words, where
the exact compression rate has been reached, com-
promising the fluency and grammaticality of the sum-
mary, and thus the quality of the final text. An alter-
native is the one where the last candidate sentence is
kept in full, surpassing the compression rate. None of
these solutions is optimal. Compromising the com-
pression rate by enhancing the quality of the text may
not introduce relevant information. Still, compromis-
ing the quality of the text can be troublesome for a
user wanting to make use of the summary.
Given this, our proposal is to use sentence simpli-
fication to compress the extracted sentences down to
their main content only, so that more information can
fit into the summary, producing a more informative
text. After the summarization process has determined
the most significant sentences, sentential structures,
that are less essential to figure in the summary’s short
space, can be removed.
The rationale behind using sentence simplification
in a summarization context is twofold. On the one
hand, it removes expendable information, generating
a simpler and easier to read text. On the other hand,
it allows the addition of more individual (simplified)
sentences to the summary, that otherwise have not
been included. Experiments made with human users
(Silveira and Branco, 2012b) have shown that simpli-
fication indeed helps to improve the summaries pro-
Note that, sentence simplification is also referred
in the literature as sentence compression. In this
work, the expression ”sentence simplification” is used
to define ”sentence compression”, in order to distin-
guish it from ”compression” itself. We name ”com-
pression” as the step that follows simplification in the
summarization process, where the sentences identi-
fied as the most relevant ones are selected, based on
a predefined compression rate, thus compressing the
initial set of sentences contained in the collection of
texts submitted as input.
At this point, consider the following list of sen-
tences that can be part of the summary:
Botelho Silveira S. and Branco A..
Compressing Multi-document Summaries through Sentence Simplification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004251201110119
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 111-119
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1. EU leaders signed a new treaty to control budgets
on Friday.
2. Only Britain and the Czech Republic opted out
of the pact, signed in Brussels at a summit of EU
3. UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who with the
Czechs refused to sign it, said his proposals for cut-
ting red tape and promoting business had been ig-
4. The countries signed up to a promise to anchor
in their constitutions – if possible – rules to stop their
public deficits and debt spiralling out of control in the
way that led to the eurozone crisis.
5. The treaty must now be ratified by the parliaments
of the signatory countries.
This list contains 105 words. However, a com-
pression rate of 80% of the original text states that the
summary must only contain 84 words. As the sum
of the words of the three first sentences (57 words)
does not meet the desired total number of words for
the summary, the fourth sentence is also added. Yet,
by adding the fourth sentence, the summary makes up
92 words, so the total number of words defined by
the compression rate has been surpassed in 9 words.
The first option would be to cut the last nine words
of the last sentence. That would produce an incorrect
There are particular constructions that can be re-
moved from these sentences making room for the in-
clusion of more relevant information. Appositions,
parenthetical phrases and relative clauses are exam-
ples of those constructions.
Consider, for instance, the following expressions can-
didates for removal:
The parenthetical phrase: signed in Brussels at a
summit of EU leaders
The relative clause: who with the Czechs refused
to sign
The parenthetical phrase: if possible
These expressions sum a total of 18 words. The
last sentence that has not been added to the summary
sums a total of 13 words. So, if all these expres-
sions were removed from the sentences, we would
have been able to include in the summary the last sen-
tence. Otherwise that sentence would not be included
in the final text, despite being relevant to the overall
informativeness of the summary.
The summary, in which sentences have been sim-
plified, contains 84 words and is shown below:
EU leaders signed a new treaty to control budgets on
Only Britain and the Czech Republic opted out of the
UK Prime Minister David Cameron said his propos-
als for cutting red tape and promoting business had
been ignored.
The countries signed up to a promise to anchor in
their constitutions rules to stop their public deficits
and debt spiraling out of control in the way that led
to the eurozone crisis.
The treaty must now be ratified by the signatory
countries’ parliaments.
This way, it is possible to produce a comprehen-
sible and fluent summary, that contains the maximum
relevant information conveyed by the original collec-
tion of texts.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 re-
ports the related work; Section 3 overviews the sum-
marization process; Section 4 describes our empirical
approach to simplification; Section 5 details the ex-
periments that combine simplification with summa-
rization; and, finally, in Section 6, conclusions are
Text simplification is an Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP) task that aims at making a text shorter
and more readable by simplifying its sentences struc-
turally, while preserving as much as possible the
meaning of the original sentence. This task is com-
monly addressed in two ways: lexical and syntac-
tic simplification. Lexical simplification involves re-
placing infrequent words by their simpler more com-
mon and accessible synonyms. Syntactic simplifica-
tion, in turn, includes a linguistic analysis of the input
texts, that produces detailed tree-structure representa-
tions, over which transformations can be made (Feng,
Previous works (Chandrasekar et al. (1996) and
Jing (2000)) have focused on syntactic simplification,
targeting specific types of structures identified using
rules induced through an annotated aligned corpus of
complex and simplified texts.
Jing and McKeown (2000) used simplification in
a single-document summarizer, by performing opera-
tions, based on the analysis of human abstracts, that
remove inessential phrases from the sentences. Blair-
Goldensohn et al. (2004) remove appositives and
relative clauses in a preprocessing phase of a multi-
document summarization process. Another proposal
is the one of Conroy et al. (2005), that combine a sim-
plification method, that uses shallow parsing to detect
lexical cues that trigger phrase eliminations, with an
HMM sentence selection approach, to create multi-
document summaries.
Closer to our work is the work of Siddharthan et
al. (2004), in which sentence simplification is applied
together with summarization. However, they used
simplification to improve content selection, that is,
before extracting sentences to be summarized. Their
simplification system is based on syntactic simplifica-
tion performed using hand-crafted rules that specify
relations between simplified sentences.
Zajic et al. (2007) applied sentence compression
techniques to multi-document summarization, using
a parse-and-trim approach to generate headlines for
news stories. Constituents are removed iteratively
from the sentence parse tree, using rules that perform
lexical simplification by replacing temporal expres-
sions, preposed adjuncts, determiners, conjunctions,
modal verbs -, and syntactic simplification - by se-
lecting specific phenomena in the parse tree.
A different approach was used by Cohn and Lap-
ata (2009), that experimented a tree-to-tree transduc-
tion method for sentence compression. They trained a
model that uses a synchronous tree substitution gram-
mar, which allows local distortions of a tree topology,
used to capture structural mismatches between trees.
A word graph method, to create a single simpli-
fied sentence of a cluster of similar or related sen-
tences, was used by Filippova (2010). Considering all
the words in these related sentences, a directed word
graph is built by linking word A to word B through an
adjacency relation, in order to avoid redundancy. This
method was used to avoid redundancy in the sum-
maries produced.
Lloret (2011) proposed a text summarization sys-
tem that combines textual entailment techniques, to
detect and remove information, with term frequency
metrics used to identify the main topics in the collec-
tion of texts. In addition, a word graphmethod is used
to compress and fuse information, in order to produce
abstract summaries.
More recently, Wubben et al. (2012) investigated
the usage of a machine translation technique to per-
form sentence simplification. They created a method
for simplifying sentences by using Phrase Based Ma-
chine Translation, along with a re-ranking heuristic
based on dissimilarity. Then, they trained it on a
monolingual parallel corpus, and achieved state-of-
the-art results. Finally, Yoshikawa et al. (2012) pro-
posed new semantic constraints, to perform sentence
compression. These constraints are based on seman-
tic roles, in order to directly capture the relations be-
tween a predicate and its arguments.
The system used is an extractive multi-document
summarizer that receives a collection of texts in Por-
tuguese and produces highly informative summaries.
Summarization is performed by means of two
main phases executed in sequence: clustering by sim-
ilarity and clustering by keywords. Aiming to avoid
redundancy, sentences are clustered by similarity, and
only one sentence from each cluster is selected. Yet,
the keyword clustering phase seeks to identify the
most relevant content within the input texts. The key-
words of the input texts are retrieved and the sen-
tences that are successfully grouped to a keyword
cluster are selected to be used in the next step of
the process. Furthermore, each sentence has a score,
which is computed using the tf-idf (term frequency –
inverse document frequency) of each sentence word,
smoothed by the number of words in the sentence.
This score defines the relevance of each sentence and
it is thus used to order all the sentences. Afterwards,
the simplification process detailed in Section 4 is per-
formed, producing the final summary. A detailed de-
scription of this extractive summarization process can
be found in (Silveira and Branco, 2012a).
In this work, simplification is performedtogether with
Firstly, from the original input list of sentences, a
new list is created, by selecting one sentence at the
time, until the total number of words in the list sur-
passes the maximum number of words determined by
the compression rate.
Afterwards, sentences are simplified by remov-
ing the expendable information in view of the general
summarization purpose. There are a number of struc-
tures that can be seen as containing ”elaborative” in-
formation about the content already expressed. In this
work, five types of structures are targeted:
Appositions noun phrases that describe, detail
or modify their antecedent (also a noun phrase);
Adverbs or adverb phrases;
Parentheticals phrases that explain or qualify
other information being expressed;
Relative clauses clauses, introduced by a relative
pronoun, that modify a noun phrase.
After all these structures have been obtained, by
considering the sentence parse tree, they are removed
from the original sentence tree. The final step deter-
mines if the new simplified sentence can replace the
former sentence, based on a specific criteria that takes
into account the sentence score.
Due to the fact that simplification removes words
from the sentence, once simplification has been per-
formed, new sentences are added to the list of sen-
tences to achieve the maximum number of words of
the summary once again. Those newly added sen-
tences are then simplified. This process is repeated
while the list is changed or if the compression rate
has not been meet.
4.1 Structure Identification
In order to perform simplification, a parse tree is cre-
ated for each sentence, using a constituency parser for
Portuguese (Silva et al., 2010). The structures prone
to be removed are identified in the tree using Tregex
(Levy and Andrew, 2006), a utility for matching pat-
terns in trees. Tregex takes a parse tree and a regular
expression pattern. It, then, returns a subtree of the
initial tree which top node meets the pattern.
After identifying the subtrees representing each
structure, these subtrees are replaced by null trees in
the original sentence parse tree, removing its content
and generating a new tree without the identified struc-
ture. The two steps mentioned above are applied to
each of the candidate sentences that have been se-
lected to be a part of the summary.
Main Clause Selection. First, the main clause of
the sentence is identified. In this phase, other than
the next, the desired subtree is selected, ignoring the
other subtrees of the main tree. Consider the follow-
ing sentence and its parse tree:
No M´edio Oriente, apenas Israel saudou a operac¸ ˜ao.
In the Middle East, only Israel welcomed the operation.
(PP (PP (P Em_) (NP (ART o)
(N’ (N M
edio) (N Oriente)))) (PNT ,))
(S (NP (ADV apenas) (NP (N Israel)))
(VP (V saudou)
(NP (ART a) (N operac¸
(PNT .))
Apenas Israel saudou a operac¸ ˜ao.
Only Israel welcomed the operation.
The expression No M
edio Oriente is ignored,
since it is not part of the main clause (in bold). The
original sentence is replaced by the simplified one, in
which further simplification rules are applied.
The main clause is obtained by applying the fol-
lowing pattern to the parse tree: [
S < (VP , NP)
The main clause
immediately dominates (
) a verb
that immediately follows (
) a noun phrase
. This pattern can retrieve several sentences
, con-
tained in a sentence. The main clause selected is the
one which is closer to the tree root node. Note that
this pattern does not retrieve, for instance, sentences
that are not in SVO structure. If the sentence is not in
this format, the whole original sentence is used. The
main clause is then used to identify the other struc-
Phrase Compression. In this stage, the main clause
obtained previously is used to identify the structures
to be removed. The subtrees of the structures are iden-
tified in the sentence parse tree. As was already men-
tioned, five types of structures are targeted: (i) apposi-
tions, (ii) adjectives, (iii) adverbs, (iv) parentheticals,
and (v) relative clauses. Examples of every of these
structures, and the patterns used are discussed below.
Appositions are noun phrases that describe, detail or
modify its antecedent (also a noun phrase). Consider
the following sentence:
Jos´e S´ocrates, primeiro-ministro, e Jaime Gama querem
cortar os sal´arios dos seus gabinetes.
Jos´e S´ocrates, the Prime Minister, and Jaime Gama want
to cut the salaries of their offices.
(S (S (S
(NP (NP (N’ (N Jos
e) (N S
(PNT ,)
(NP (N’ (ORD primeiro) (N ministro)))
(PNT ,)))
(CONJP (CONJ e) (NP (N’ (N Jaime) (N Gama)))))
(VP (V querem) (VP (V cortar)
(PP (P em_) (NP (ART os) (N’ (N sal
(PP (P de_) (NP (ART os)
(N’ (POSS seus) (N gabinetes))))))))))
(PNT .)))
Jos´e S´ocrates e Jaime Gama querem cortar os sal´arios
dos seus gabinetes.
Jos´e S´ocrates and Jaime Gama want to cut the salaries of
their offices.
Appositions are identified using two patterns, dif-
fering in the punctuation symbol used to enclose the
apposition, that can either be a comma or a dash.
The comma apposition pattern is: [
NP|AP <<, (PNT
< ,) <<- (PNT < ,)
]. An apposition subtree has a
noun phrase
or (
) an adjective phrase
as its
top node. Its leftmost (
) and rightmost (
) de-
scendant is a punctuation token
that immediately
dominates (
) a comma (or a dash).
Adjectives qualify nouns or noun phrases, thus being
structures prone to be removed. Consider the follow-
ing sentence:
O palco tem um pilar central, com 50 metros de altura.
The stage has a central pillar, 50 meters high.
(NP (ART O) (N palco))
(VP (V tem)
(NP (ART um) (N’ (N’ (N pilar)
(A central)
(PP (PNT ,) (PP (P com)
(NP (CARD 50) (N’ (N metros)
(PP (P de) (NP (N altura))))))))))
(PNT .))
O palco tem um pilar, com 50 metros de altura.
The stage has a pillar, 50 meters high.
Adjectives are identified using the pattern: [
A $,
]. The subtree top node is an adjective
, which is a
sister of a noun
and immediately follows it (
Adverbs or adverb phrases are considered differently
whether they appear in a noun or in a verb phrase, due
to the usage of the adverbs of negation, which precede
the verb. The adverbs appearing in a VP are handled
differently, to avoid removing negative adverbs and
modifying the meaning of the sentence. Consider the
following sentence:
Jos´e S´ocrates chegou um pouco atrasado ao debate.
Jos´e S´ocrates arrived a little late to the debate.
(NP (N’ (N Jos
e) (N S
(VP (VP (V chegou)
(ADVP (ART um) (ADV pouco))
(A atrasado)))
(PP (P a_) (NP (ART o) (N debate))))
(PNT .))
Jos´e S´ocrates chegou atrasado ao debate.
Jos´e S´ocrates arrived late to the debate.
The pattern for an adverb occurring in a VP
phrase is: [
]. The subtree top node
is an adverb
or (
) an adverb phrase
, which
must follow immediately (
) a verb (
) or a verb
phrase (
). Yet, when the adverb appears in a noun
phrase, the pattern is: [
]. The
subtree top node is an adverb
or (
) an adverb
that is a sister (
) of a noun
or (
) a
noun phrase
, occurring before or after it.
Parentheticals are phrases that explain or qualify
other information being expressed. Consider the fol-
lowing sentence:
O Parlamento aprovou, por ampla maioria, a proposta.
The Parliament approved by large majority the proposal.
(ART O) (N Parlamento))
(V’ (V aprovou)
(PNT ,)
(PP (P por)
(NP (N’ (A ampla) (N maioria))))
(PNT ,))
(ART a) (N proposta)))
(PNT .))
O Parlamento aprovou a proposta.
The Parliament approved the proposal.
Parentheticals are identified using several differ-
ent patterns depending on the punctuation symbol
(parenthesis, commas or dashes) that encloses the
phrase. The comma patterns is:
<<- (PNT < ,)
The subtree top node can be either a preposi-
tional phrase
, or (
) an adverb
, or an adverb
, or a conjunction
, or a conjunc-
tional phrase
. Its leftmost descendant (
) is
a punctuation token
that immediately dominates
) a comma. The same way, its rightmost descendant
) is a punctuation token, immediately dominating
a comma.
Relative clauses are clauses that modify a noun
phrase. They have the same structure as appositions,
differing in the top node. Consider the sentence:
O Parlamento aprovou a proposta, que reduz os venci-
mentos dos deputados.
The Parliament approved the proposal, which reduces
the salaries of deputies.
(NP (ART O) (N Parlamento))
(V aprovou) (NP (ART a) (N’ (N proposta)
(PNT ,)
(NP (REL que))
(VP (V reduz)
(NP (ART os) (N’ (N vencimentos)
(PP (P de_) (NP (ART os)
(N deputados)))))))))
(PNT .))
O Parlamento aprovou a proposta.
The Parliament approved the proposal.
The pattern is: [
CP <<, (PNT < ,) <<- (PNT
< ,)
]. The subtree top node is a complementizer
, which leftmost (
) and rightmost (
descendants are punctuation tokens
dominating (
) a comma.
4.2 Sentence Selection
After the structures have been removed from the sen-
tence, it is time to determine if this new simplified
sentence should replace the original one.
Hence, the sentence score is considered. In the
summarization algorithm, the sentence score defines
the sentence relevance to the complete collection of
sentences obtained from the input texts. This score
is computed using the tf-idf metric, which states that
the relevance of a term not only depends on its fre-
quency over the collection of texts, but also it depends
on the number of documentsin which the term occurs.
Equation 1 describes the computation of the sentence
t f id f
Hence, score
of the sentence S measures the rel-
evance of this sentence considering the collection of
sentences obtained from the input texts.
As words or expressions were removed from the
original sentence to create the new simplified sen-
tence, the score of this simplified sentence must be
computed, considering only the words that it now
contains. After having both sentence scores, the orig-
inal sentence score is compared with the one of its
simplified version. If the simplified sentence score is
higher than the one of the original sentence, the sim-
plified sentence replaces the former one in the sum-
This procedure ensures that simplification indeed
helps to improve the content of the summary, by in-
cluding only the simplified sentences that contribute
to maximize the informativeness of the final sum-
A prototype of the simplification approach detailed
above was developed and tested. In this experiment,
we used CSTNews (Aleixo and Pardo, 2008), an an-
notated corpus composed by texts in Portuguese. It
contains 50 sets of news texts from several domains,
for a total of 140 documents, 2,247 sentences, and
47,428 words. Each set contains, on average, three
documents that address the same subject. The texts
were retrieved from five Brazilian newspapers. In ad-
dition, for each set of texts, the corpus contains a man-
ually built summary the so-called ideal summary
that is used to assess the quality of the automatic sum-
maries. There are 50 ideal summaries, containing a
total of 6,859 words. Each ideal summary has on av-
erage 137 words, resulting in an average compression
rate of 85%.
5.1 Simplification Statistics
The simplification process handles several types of
syntactic structures that can be removed from a sen-
tence, by executing the simplification algorithm de-
tailed in Section 4. Occurrences of these construc-
tions in the complete corpus were detected and the
total number of words they contain was obtained.
Statistics of the targeted structures occurring in the
complete corpus are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Corpus targeted structures (totals).
Phrase type Total Total words
Appositions 362 1,795
Parentheticals 639 3,272
Relative clauses 178 1,446
Adjectives 999 1,199
Adverbs 288 411
Total 2,466 8,123
Note that the numbers in this table were obtained
by running the simplification process over all the sen-
tences of the corpus. However, there can be more
structures in the sentences that are not considered.
The reasons are twofold: (i) while retrieving the main
clause in each sentence, adjunct expressions may be
ignored and (ii) structures can be included in other
structures. When obtaining, for instance, a relative
clause, inside it can be an adjective or an adverb that
will not be taken into account, since the major clause
is the one that will indeed be counted.
While retrieving the main clause, 1,200 sentences
were found, that include adjunct expressions, contain-
ing 12,481 words that can be removed. Considering
all the words in the structures – added to the number
of words removed when selecting the main clauses –,
we retrieve 44% of the words of all texts, a total of
20,694 words. Without considering the main clauses,
these structures make up 17% of all texts. Thus, there
is a profusion of material to work with.
Table 2 displays the number of structures found,
taking into account only the sentences that are con-
sidered when executing the simplification algorithm,
that is after applying the compression step.
A total of 15,983 words, from the 731 sentences,
Table 2: Simplification structures to be removed.
Phrase type Total Total words
Appositions 77 400
Parentheticals 145 811
Relative clauses 26 273
Adjectives 178 226
Adverbs 28 39
Total 454 1,749
were considered in this simplification process. In this
part of the corpora, the first compression step – main
clause selection modifies 197 sentences by remov-
ing 3,323 words. This corresponds to an initial com-
pression of 20%, that is, it makes room in the sum-
maries for an additional 158 sentences of average size
(21 words).
Additionally, with the removal of the words iden-
tified in the structures, the compression can be up to
11%. Adding the compression attained with the main
clauses selection (20%) to the one achieved by re-
moving the identified structures (11%), we are able
to compress the original texts down to 5,072 words.
Considering an average-sized sentence, this number
of words corresponds to, on average, 241 sentences
of novel information that can be included in the sum-
5.2 Comparative Results
For each set of the CSTNews corpora, two types
of summaries were created using our summariza-
tion system: simplified summaries and non-simplified
summaries. The simplified summaries are built by in-
cluding the simplification module in the summariza-
tion procedure, and the non-simplified summaries are
created without running that module. An example
of both a simplified (Figure 1) and a non-simplified
summary (Figure 2), for the same set of texts, is
presented. As a baseline,
(Pardo et al.,
2003), a single-document summarizer that also per-
forms multi-document summarization, the only avail-
able for Portuguese, was used.
In this experiment, we used a compression rate of
85%, since this is the average compression rate of the
ideal summaries, which means that the summary con-
tains 15% of the words contained in the set of texts to
be summarized.
Afterwards, ROUGE (Lin, 2004) was used to au-
tomatically compute precision, recall and F-measure
(an average of precision and recall that considers both
the same way) metrics. Four ROUGE metrics were
computed: ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, ROUGE-L, and
ROUGE-S. Although being the most common one,
ROUGE-1 cannot be very suitable to the task at stake,
since it requires consecutive matches between the
summaries being compared. Hence, we also com-
puted all the other three metrics. ROUGE-2 computes
2-gram co-occurrences, allowing some gaps between
the sentences. ROUGE-L identifies the common sub-
sequences between two sequences, not requiring con-
secutive matches. Finally, ROUGE-S computes any
pair of words in their sentence order, allowing for ar-
bitrary gaps. Results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: ROUGE metrics for the automatic summaries.
Recall Precision F-measure
GistSumm 0.4216 0.4776 0.4425
Non-Simplified 0.5400 0.5199 0.5231
Simplified 0.5768 0.5101 0.5357
Recall Precision F-measure
GistSumm 0.2089 0.2393 0.2204
Non-Simplified 0.3031 0.2953 0.2948
Simplified 0.3535 0.3126 0.3283
Recall Precision F-measure
GistSumm 0.3832 0.4339 0.4017
Non-Simplified 0.5024 0.4836 0.4866
Simplified 0.5467 0.4832 0.5078
Recall Precision F-measure
GistSumm 0.1760 0.2239 0.1801
Non-Simplified 0.2822 0.2651 0.2594
Simplified 0.3171 0.2499 0.2683
Some conclusions can be drawn from these re-
sults. The complete summarization process has an
overall better performance than the baseline, since
it overcomes the baseline when considering all the
ROUGE values, and all the metrics considered (pre-
cision, recall and f-measure). Yet, note that the pre-
cision values of the simplified summaries are, in gen-
eral, lower than the ones of the non-simplified sum-
maries. On the contrary, recall values are, on average,
3 points higher.
On the one hand, the precision values are lower.
Intuitively, precision values should decrease, since
less in-sequence matches would be found in the sim-
plified summaries. These values are penalized since
structures within a sentence are removed, justifying
the higher precision values for non-simplified sum-
maries, when compared to the ones of the simplified
summaries, concerning most of the metrics in study.
On the other hand, the recall values obtained are
very encouraging. These values mean that there is a
The water level at the river Severn reached 10.4 meters at some point, nearly going over the defense barriers, which are
10.7 meters in height, according to the BBC on Monday, the 23rd.
The rain that’s been hitting the United Kingdom has covered roads and millions of people are without electricity and
water due to the worst flood the country has seen in the last 60 years.
The worst floods in the last 60 years in the United Kigdom have left thousands of Birtish people homeless.
The United Kingdom’s two largest rivers are threatning to overflow this Monday.
Figure 1: Example of a simplified summary (translated from Portuguese) – in its original version, this summary contains 93
The torrential rain that hit the United Kingdom has covered roads and thousands of people are without electricity and
drinking water due to the worst flood the country has seen in 60 years, according to the BBC television network on
Monday, the 23rd.
The United Kingdom’s largest rivers, the Severn and the Thames, are threatening to overflow this Monday, further
aggravating the situation on the central and southern areas of Britain, which have been punished by floods since last
Figure 2: Example of a non-simplified summary (translated from Portuguese) – in its original version, this summary contains
82 words.
huge density of words that are both in the simplified
summaries and in the ideal summaries. So, retrieving
the most relevant information in a sentence by dis-
carding the less relevant data ensures that the sum-
mary indeed contains the most important conveyed.
This is a direct result of the simplification process,
since new information is being added to the summary,
after sentence simplification has been carried out.
Finally, the f-measure values of the simplified
summaries are higher than both the GistSumm ones,
and the non-simplified ones, when considering all
ROUGE metrics, reflecting the better summaries pro-
duced when the simplification process is applied.
Note that, ROUGE metrics, other than ROUGE-1, al-
low for gaps between the sentences, reflecting better
results when considering such transformations as the
ones performed by the simplification process. The
differences between all the precision values are very
slightly and do not influence the final f-measure re-
sults, which are clearly influenced by the great recall
In conclusion, despite removing information from
the sentences, the summarization process combined
with the simplification approach presented produces
highly informative summaries. The combination of
these two procedures seeks to create summaries con-
taining not only the most relevant information present
in the input texts, but also as much of this information
as possible. Moreover, we can conclude that the type
of structures that our simplification process removes
are indeed additional information to the overall com-
prehension of the sentence, and their removal makes
room in the summary for more novel information.
Thus, our compressing strategy produces high re-
call summaries. At the same time, the simplified sum-
maries contain the most relevant information, regard-
ing the ideal summaries, achieving our goal of includ-
ing as much information as possible in each summary.
This paper presents an approach that performs syntac-
tic simplification. The rules that make up this simpli-
fication approach are fully detailed.
The approach that combines summarization with
simplification has proved to be effective, when the
complete procedure was evaluated. However, the ap-
proach presented modifies the sentences in such a way
that currently available automatic metrics are not fair
enough when evaluating summaries containing sim-
plified sentences. Thus, a human evaluation is needed
to assess the effective gain of simplification.
Even though, recall results are very promising and
indicate that simplification allows for the inclusion
of further sentences containing relevant information.
Despite the precision values are lower than expected,
they do not impact on the final f-measure results,
which state that the combination between summariza-
tion followed by simplification can produce highly in-
formative summaries.
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