parameters extraction. Currently, the probe
presented a good performance in acquiring signals
with a good bandwidth and signal- to-noise ratio in
human carotid arteries, allowing the application of
various algorithms that extract clinically relevant
Regarding the LVET values, we believe that is
actually possible to determine this parameter as the
time delay between the main onsets of each carotid
sounds, since the estimated values are generally
close to the expected for healthy subjects (Willems
et. al., 1970). This parameter will be the subject of a
further study, to evaluate the robustness of the
A novel and low-cost doubled headed probe
specifically designed to assess local PWV has been
developed and characterized in dedicated test setups.
The probe demonstrated good performance on
the dedicated test setups and results showed that its
signals are repeatable and crosstalk effect do not
interfere with its time resolution when the cross-
correlation algorithm for time delay estimation is
It is also possible to conclude favourably towards
the effectiveness of the AP in the measurement of
local PWV. The maximum amplitude and the cross
correlation algorithms exhibited the capability of
measuring higher PWV (≈ 14m/s) with an error less
than 10%, for the several separating distances (50
cm to 2 cm).
The natural follow-up of this work will be the
continuation of the assessment of local PWV and
other hemodynamic parameters in a significant
numbers of patients (normal and with different
pathologies), under medical control. The obtained
AP values must also be compared with the values
obtained with standard commercial systems.
Although studies to validate the clinical use of
AP are still required, this device seems to be a valid
alternative system, to local PWV stand-alone
The authors acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia for funding SFRH/BDE/15669/2007 and
PTDC/SAU-BEB/100650/2008, project developed
under the initiative of QREN, funding by
UE/FEDER, through COMPETE - Programa
Operacional Factores de Competitividade. The
authors also thank to the company ISA-Intelligent
Sensing Anywhere and the medical collaboration of
Instituto de Investigação e Formação
Cardiovascular, Clínica da Aveleira and Escola
Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra.
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