In this study we have laid the basics of a new EMG-
based speech recognition technology, based on elec-
trode arrays instead of single electrodes. We have
presented two basic recognition setups and evaluated
their potential on data sets of different sizes. The
unexpected inconsistency with respect to the optimal
stacking width led us to the introduction of a PCA
preprocessing step before the LDA matrix is com-
puted, which gives us consistent relative Word Error
Rate improvements of 10% to 18%, even for small
training data sets of only 40 sentences.
As a first application of the new array technology,
we have shown that Independent Component Analy-
sis (ICA) typically improves our recognition results.
We also have observed that our method of applying
ICA does not yet always yield satisfactory results: In
one of our setups, we actually observed slightly worse
results than without ICA.
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