0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Time (epochs)
Sleep stage
Figure 1: Sample hypnogram in the present study.
the distributions of the wake and sleep bout durations
(Chu-Shore et al., 2010). Sleep stage transitions are
additional indicators of the dynamics of human sleep.
For example, (Kishi et al., 2008) argues that dynamic
transition analysis of sleep stages is a useful tool for
elucidating human sleep regulation mechanisms.
Markov chains (Rabiner, 1989) have been used
to model the dynamics of sleep stage transitions.
A simple time-homogeneous Markov chain was the
first applied in the sleep domain (Zung et al., 1965).
However, Markov chains (and more generally, hid-
den Markov models) do not model sleep stage transi-
tions accurately, because these models force geomet-
rically distributed stage bout durations for all sleep
stages, contradicting known experimental observa-
tions (e.g., (Chu-Shore et al., 2010) and the present
paper). Semi-Markov chains, a variant of Markov
chains (Rabiner, 1989), are more suitable for describ-
ing sleep stage sequences as they do not assume an
exponential distribution of stage durations (Yang and
Hursch, 1973) and (Kim et al., 2009).
In the present paper, a semi-Markov chain of sleep
stages is considered as a model of human sleep dy-
namics. The hypnograms of 244 human patients are
used to construct a semi-Markov chain on three sleep
stages: wake stage, NREM stage (stage1, stage2, and
stage 3 combined), and REM stage (see section 2.1).
Both sleep stage transitions and the durations of con-
tinuous bouts in each stage are taken into account. To
compensate for the scarcity of bout durations in the
dataset, kernel density estimation is used to smooth
the data (see section 2.2.2). Exponential, power law,
and Weibull density functions are fit to the smoothed
stage bout duration data (see section 2.3). A new met-
ric for evaluating the goodness of fit is introduced and
used to select the best fit (see section 2.3.4). Thor-
ough experimentation identified the Weibull family of
density functions as the best fit for bout durations in
wake, NREM, and REM stages (see section 3.2). This
contrasts with previous reports that bout durations in
these sleep stages follow a simple exponential or a
power law distribution (Kishi et al., 2008).
The resulting semi-Markov chain is presented in
section 3.2. A comparison of this semi-Markov
chain’s equilibrium distribution and bout duration
probability density functions against those of a clas-
sical Markov chain shows the superiority of the
semi-Markov chain model in capturing the statistics
of sleep dynamics (see section 3.3). Furthermore,
hypnograms generated by this semi-Markov model
are more similar to a typical hypnogram in our pa-
tients’ dataset, than are the hypnograms generated by
a Markov chain model (see section 3.4).
2.1 Human Sleep Data
The dataset used in this paper consists of a total of 244
fully anonymized human polysomnographic record-
ings. They were extracted from polysomnographic
overnight sleep studies performed in the Sleep Clinic
at Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, Connecticut,
USA. This population consists of 122 males and 122
females, all suffering from sleep problems. The sub-
jects’ ages range from 20 to 85 and their mean value
is 47.9.
Each polysomnographic recording is split into 30-
second epochs and staged by lab technicians at the
Sleep Clinic. Staging of each 30-second epoch into
one of the sleep stages (wake, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3,
and REM) is done by analyzing EEG, EOG and EMG
recordings during the epoch. In this paper stages 1,
2, and 3 are grouped into a non-REM stage, abbrevi-
ated as NREM. This condenses the representation of
the sleep stages to three: Wake, NREM, and REM,
collectively denoted WNR throughout the paper.
2.2 Descriptive Data Features
In contrast with prior work based on sleep compo-
sition features alone (Khasawneh et al., 2011), this
paper directly uses human hypnogram recordings to
capture dynamical features of sleep. The durations
of continuous uninterrupted bouts in individual stages
are natural candidates for the representation of the
hypnogramrecordings. In order to overcome the spar-
sity of stage duration data, kernel density estimation
is applied to smooth these data.
2.2.1 Sleep Stage Bouts and Bout Durations
Sleep stage bouts and bout durations form the basis
of the data representation in this paper. A stage bout
is defined as a maximal uninterrupted segment of the