Description and Evaluation of Algorithms for Ontology Matching
Mario Blanco-Alonso, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Martínez and Lorena Otero-Cerdeira
LIA2 Group - Computer Science Department, University of Vigo, Ourense, Spain
Didactic Framework, MaasMatch, CODI, LogMap, Ontology, Matching.
In this paper, we present a state of the art about Ontology Matching Algorithms and we propose a general
classification of them. A selection of three algorithms to work with a concrete platform is presented: CODI,
LogMap and MaasMatch.
In addition we propose a testbed divided in three groups of tests to evaluate the algorithms .
These algorithms were tested and evaluated to verify which was the most suitable for this problem.
The existence of computer systems that handle in-
formation and entities related to the real world has
caused a growing interest in techniques and processes
that can build connections among them. This shows
the need to identify and link the heterogeneous infor-
mation present in multiple resources. Since this re-
quirement was detected, several proposals appeared
to solve and facilitate, especially, the treatment of the
ambiguity on these relationships. This paper focuses
on semantic techniques since, in Ontology Matching
they are the most prominent among the available ones.
An ontology defines a vocabulary that describes a
domain of interest and a specification of the meaning
of terms used in the vocabulary (David et al., 2010).
Depending on both, the accuracy of the specification
and, its purpose and scope, the notion of ontology
ranges from, groups of terms and classifications, to
database schemas (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007).
There are different environments where Ontolo-
gies and Ontology Matching(alignment of terms) can
be used. Based on these ontologies, various systems
arose to align in such way that it was possible to gen-
erate relations in comparable domains.
We propose a specific case to apply Ontology
Matching, both in a theoretical and practical way, re-
lated to a didactic platform. This platform has two
main types of users, "Teacher" and "Student", who
create and use contents like: templates, tables, mod-
els, exercises, etc.
This platform is used in several schools that gen-
erate sets of terms that could refer to the same mean-
ing but with different names. Using the right tools
its possible to create labels to tag and identify con-
tents, users and units. Thus, to assume that system
is mapped and to make it easier to create groups un-
der some rules and conditions, we need to manually
tag the specific domain. In such way the system can
model the knowledge with a set of primitives called
In the context of this platform, the goal is to map
the semantic information to use it as a base to create
relations between the Ontologies that define the con-
cepts. Therefore its possible to get automatic inter-
connections that are discernible similarity relations.
For example, a teacher may create new content and,
to identify it, tag it using the label "subject" while
in another school, another teacher could define new
enhanced content about the same topic, but adding a
label "course" rather than "subject". Those two con-
cepts are related and, therefore, they should belong
to the same group. The alignment "subject-course"
does exactly that, it classifies a concept that should be
grouped using a relationship in an alignment.
This is why it seems mandatory that once the plat-
form is created with its own ontological representa-
tion, it will be possible to interconnect the knowledge,
even when its allocated in different geographic loca-
tions and managed by different people. As a restric-
tion to the algorithm that would align the ontologies,
it must also align the knowledge consistently keeping
a great degree of coherence.
With regard to Ontology Matching, it has achieved
a satisfactory level of success but still has challenges
at the operational and computational level which lead
Blanco-Alonso M., Rodríguez-Martínez F. and Otero-Cerdeira L..
Description and Evaluation of Algorithms for Ontology Matching.
DOI: 10.5220/0004253304920495
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 492-495
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to a very open research line.
In recent decades diverse solutions have been
proposed for Ontology Matching (Batini and
M.Lenzerini, 1986; Spaccapietra et al., 1992), several
recent surveys (Bellahsene et al., 2011; Shvaiko
and Euzenat, 2008; Sakarkar and Upadhye, 2010)
and some books have also been written (Euzenat
and Shvaiko, 2007; Bellahsene et al., 2011) on the
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In
Section 2 the basis of the platform are specified, in
section 3 a brief review of the best existing algorithms
based on Ontology Matching. Section 4 shows the
benchmarks and tests. And finally In section 5 there
is a conclusion about the general results and the be-
havior of each algorithm.
The main focus of this didactic platform IntellTec5.1
is to create a virtual environment for interactive e-
learning, promoting the development of a creative, au-
tonomous and independent pedagogy.
We are not limited to upload traditional materials to
the cloud, in fact we provide:
A domain to elaborate learning materials
Support tools
Data and knowledge sources
Self-assessment activities
Collaborative learning
To introduce and explain the platform mecha-
nisms, we have to distinguish between two potential
users: Teachers and Students. Teachers can manage
activities and the progress of every student. Therefore
with this specialized training and teaching it is easy
to empower the students’ motivation to become
specialized professionals taking advantage of the new
technologies and improving their own skills to draw
upon the e-learning capabilities and internet potential.
About the built-in management system that each
user has in IntellTec5.1:
Teacher. This kind of user has a set of tools to
develop its course topics, units, agenda and the
on-line activities to improve its new acquired
skills. They can evaluate students on-line, check
their specific and over-all progress, take care of
individuals, etc.
Each teacher can create and upload its own con-
tent, activities, exercises using the integrated tool
to create the content using templates, completely
editable and configurable. For those teachers
who don’t want to create new content, we have a
database with a recompilation of every template
and activity skeleton created by any teacher in
the world. The focus of this approach is to share
and grow the knowledge and good ideas, so any
student in any school is able to take advantage of
the best activities and applications.
Then a teacher can manage students, create
digital contents and new interactive, traditional
and auto-evaluable tasks.
Student. The whole system has the student as the
main target to improve the e-learning experience
and focusing on the motivation and inspiration to
create and use the digital advantages and the in-
ternet potential.
We encourage the exploration of the data kept in
our knowledge base with the interactive activi-
ties approach making a great enhancement to self-
taught learning and provoking a profile of student
who is eager to explore by himself.
The platform lets the student enjoy a collabora-
tive domain, the use of an easy but complete set
of tools to develop the digital skills to create, use
and explore digital content and internet by him-
The focus of this paper is to study a possible so-
lution to some side problems like knowledge repre-
sentation, knowledge interaction and grouping, sug-
gestion functionalities, intelligent sharing and an easy
way to show and use a vast source of specialized in-
Regarding the measure effectiveness of an Ontology
Matching algorithm, there are several ways to select
which one is better, depending on the type of tests,
data and complexity used to compare them. It will
change which algorithm is the better in every case.
There are evaluators and generic tests to evaluate and
compare algorithms and determine which one is the
best in each field or goal.
CODI(Huber et al., 2011), LogMap(Jiménez-Ruiz
et al., 2011) and MaasMatch(Schadd and Roos, 2011)
are algorithms that were designed to solve problems
similar to the didactic platform proposed in this re-
search paper. They are specialized to solve align-
ments prioritizing the logic and coherence in the re-
sulting ontologies.
3.1 CODI
Combinatorial Optimization for Data Integration
(CODI) leverages terminological structure for Ontol-
ogy matching. The current implementation produces
mappings between concepts, properties, and individu-
als. The system combines lexical similarity measures
with schema information to completely avoid inco-
herence and inconsistency during the alignment pro-
cess(Huber et al., 2011).
CODI is based on instance classification, so it is
grouped as an instance-based technique with the ad-
dition of the lexical similarity measures.
3.2 LogMap
LogMap was developed to be capable of computing
scalable and logic-based Ontologies. It’s able to take
advantage of diagnosis techniques, make alignments
and output mappings that don’t lead to logical incon-
sistencies when integrated with the input ontologies.
Therefore, the resulting alignments don’t have inco-
herences. The second focus of this algorithm is to
achieve a low runtime.
3.3 MaasMatch
MaasMatch is an Ontology Matching tool that focuses
on resolving terminological heterogeneities, such that
entities with the same meaning but differing names
and entities with the same name but different mean-
ings are identified as such and matched accordingly.
4.1 Benchmark Tracks
The goal of the benchmark data set is to provide a
stable and detailed picture of each algorithm. For that
purpose, algorithms are run on systematically gener-
ated test cases.
4.1.1 Bonus Tests
Anatomy. This test confronts the existing match-
ing technology with a specific type of ontologies
from the biomedical domain. In this domain,
many ontologies have been build covering dif-
ferent aspects of medical research. We focus on
fragmentsof two biomedical ontologies which de-
scribe the human anatomy and the anatomy of the
mouse(Shvaiko et al., 2011).
Table 1: Anatomy results.
Anatomy CODI LogMap MaasMatch
Precision 0.965 0.948 0.995
Recall 0.825 0.846 0.287
score 0.879 0.894 0.445
Conference. The main features are that the on-
tologies were developed independently and based
on different resources using different terminolo-
gies and points of view, and most ontologies
were equipped with OWL DL axioms of various
kinds opening a way to use semantic matchers.
In addition, we tested the runtime of the algo-
rithms(Shvaiko et al., 2011).
In this paper, an evaluation, classification and selec-
tion of Ontology Matching algorithms is proposed.
The main pre-condition to select the algorithms for
this study is that they must be able to generate coher-
ent alignments (without disjointness), which is only
achieved by three of the studied algorithms(over 40).
This work was made to distinguishing relevant algo-
rithms applicable to a real project with some restric-
tions and real life issues. The proposed algorithms
to face the problem were CODI, LogMap and Maas-
The experimental results of this paper show that
there are algorithms that yield great success with
the proposed restrictions and seem to be promising.
Based on the results, CODI seems like it is the best
one of them with a very good F-measure, coherent
alignments and capable of aligning large ontologies.
LogMap could be selected if it didn’t yield inco-
herent alignments since its runtime is the best. Test-
ing and using these algorithms gave a good expertise
of what is done and what should be enhanced.
MaasMatch is an average algorithm: it has bet-
ter runtime than CODI, but worse than LogMap. It
has a good F-measure, but worse than CODI and
LogMap. It can handle large ontologies as the other
two. MaasMatch has more incoherences than CODI
and LogMap, therefore this algorithm is excluded
since it was outperformed in every test.
Based on the research made and results evaluated,
we have concluded that we have to use LogMap ap-
proach and CODI approach to implement three ways
to handle the issues detected in the didactic platform.
First, we will use LogMap as a real-time suggestion
tool for the teacher users, then they can type down or
Table 2: Conference results.
Conference Prec Rec F
-Meas F
-Meas F
CODI 0.74 0.57 0.7 0.64 0.6
LogMap 0.85 0.5 0.75 0.63 0.54
MaasMatch 0.83 0.42 0.69 0.56 0.47
Table 3: Average size of alignments, number of incoherent alignments, and average degree of incoherence.
Coherence Size Inc. Alignments Degree of Inc. Reasoning problems
CODI 9.5 0/91 0% 0
LogMap 8 8/91 2% 0
MaasMatch 7.5 21/91 4% 0
select a set of proposed tags to use in the new or mod-
ified content. Second, we will use CODI as a lazy
alignment tool server side, this way we make align-
ments and Ontology enrichment with only our data
base information, therefore we reach a coherent set of
knowledge. Third, with the database knowledgeprop-
erly tagged, grouped, and with its own representation
(as ontologies) we will assign or suggest tags, con-
tent and activities by LogMap in real time when it’s
necessary, therefore we finally set up a mixed strat-
egy with CODI and LogMap advantages. After this
test is done, the next step will be to mix our schema,
tags, ontologies and generated taxonomies with a set
of taxonomies made of every verb and name of inter-
est in our case, it’s like a WordNet but specialized and
limited within our target field of interest.
About the algorithms tested, there is still a lot of work
to do. Firstly, in the sense of runtime-coherence we
need to look for a good method to reduce the runtime
like LogMap does, but preventing the coherence loss
like it’s done by CODI. This is a great challenge and
a key step to really using Ontology Matching in real
Secondly, almost every algorithm depends on mapped
knowledge, only a few does auto-mapping, and those
who do it they have a very low confidence on the gen-
erated data. With machine learning technologies this
can be improved by creating more useful and reliable
ontologies. Thirdly, to improve precision-recall ratios
and to improve capabilities to face new problems and
These three challenges are the main and permanent
lines of improvement in every algorithm that has been
made, so they can’t be removed from the scope.
This work is part of the project "TSI-090500-2011-36
- Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio", and
was also supported by Sandra Castro, Noelia Gil and
J.M. Castro from Intellectia Bank S.A.
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