objects from the AIM@Shape database. As a result of
this, our method is directly comparable to other meth-
ods. Moreover, since the medical 3-D object database
is already evaluated based on skeletons by using their
geometrical features, we are able to compare these re-
sults against whose of our method. Finally, we are go-
ing to combine both, the topological and geometrical
information. Related to this, we will extend our refer-
ence set (GT) as well and we are going to investigate
other possibilities of 3-D object representation. Fur-
ther research plans consider also other skeletonization
algorithms, features and feature sets as well as other
input data structures (e.g. point clouds, meshes). The
latter point is quite interesting considering the steadily
increasing amount of, e.g., Kinect devices and the
number of research based on such a device. Besides
this, we plan to improve all of our tests in terms of
invariance power and noise sensitivity.
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dation (DFG) as part of the Research Training Group
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