assume, this is explained by the scenario assumptions
in combination with the customer orders. For exam-
ple, if the max. velocity of trucks is set to 60 km/h,
it is not possible to pick up premium services with a
distance of more than 60 km at 8am, if the trucks start
the transporting process at 7am.
We developed a dispatching system matching the re-
quirements of forwarding agencies in groupage traf-
fic. To face the dynamics of consecutively incoming
orders and the high complexity of logistic processes,
we implemented a reactive and proactive multiagent
system. The agents link the planning and schedul-
ing processes directly with their actions. Therefore,
changes of the environment can be considered dur-
ing runtime and induce a reactive behavior. We fo-
cused on the planning and decision making processes
of the agents and developed an efficient TSP solver
that is crucial for negotiation with service customers
agents. The optimal branch-and-bound TSP solver is
time and space efficient: it checks resource, time, and
premium service constraints in O(1) time and space
per generated node. Moreover, after the allocation of
) words at initialization time for the stack
contents and other structures (including copies of the
distance matrix) no additional memory is allocated
during the search. The performance was proven on ar-
tificial graphs with test sets from benchmarks (Dumas
et al., 1995) as well as in simulated real world scenar-
ios of an entire week by computing more than 56,000
TSPs including time windows, capacities, handling
times, and priorities.
In further investigations, we will evaluate the mul-
tiagent system on multiple computer and enable par-
allel decision making. As a result, trucks have suf-
ficient computational power to continue negotiating
with other trucks and improve the allocations consec-
utively. Applying the contract-net protocol in com-
bination with the optimal TSP solver, the negotia-
tions will converge in a global optimum (Shoham and
Leyton-Brown, 2009, p. 27).
The presented research was partially funded by the
German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Col-
laborative Research Centre 637 ”Autonomous Coop-
erating Logistic Processes: A Paradigm Shift and its
Limitations” (SFB 637) at the University of Bremen,
Germany. We thank the Bremen office of Hellmann
Worldwide Logistics & Co. KG for great cooperation.
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